Chapter 26 B

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-Doll! Come here. Steve wants to talk to you.- I heard Bucky's voice.
-I'm coming Buck, I'm coming.- I said going down quickly -What happened?- I asked seeing him seriously.
Dad was sitting in the armchair in a strange red and white jumpsuit.
-Honey, we need to talk.- he said seriously, without looking at me.
I sat down, confused, next to Bucky.
-What happened? Do you have another mission?- I asked.
-Yes, but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about.- he said looking at me.
-That's okay. Tell me everything.- I smiled to encourage him.
-To defeat Thanos we needed the Infinity stones. Tony and I took the blue one, the Tesseract in the 40s. And it was right at the base where I trained. While we were looking for it I saw Peggy, my old flame...- he said looking down -Seeing her awakened in me all the feelings that over the years I had tried to hide, to forget, and I had also succeeded quite well. Unfortunately I could not talk to her, because I would have messed up the future.- he explained.
-Ok. But what do I have to do with it?- I asked confused.
-Now I have to bring it back and...I'll stay there.- he said running a hand through his hair.
-W...what?- I looked at him in shock.
-You understood well. I will go to the past and stay there. This is not my time, honey. I'll be fine, you have to understand me.- he said getting up.
-You'll be fine, but me?- I asked, getting up feeling my eyes shining -You haven't thought of me? Or Bucky? Or the Avengers? Don't you think I'll be not fine without my father?-
-There will be Bucky, Natasha, Tony, Bruce, Sam, Clint, Thor, Peter and many more. You will not be alone.-
-Doll, calm down...- Bucky whispered placing his hand on mine.
-No Bucky. I don't calm down! Do you really prefer a woman you kissed once to your own daughter? Really?- I asked, now crying.
-Honey, I... - he said, approaching and trying to hug me.
-No! Stay away from me.- I stepped aside abruptly -You know what? Go! Go back to Peggy. Go back to your stupid era.- I said screaming.
-My little one, I...- he whispered, looking down.
-I don't want to see you anymore, Steve!- I said running away to my room.
-Hey, wait!- I heard his voice but I closed the door, slamming it behind me.
I sat on the bed and quickly wiped away my tears, even though they kept coming out.
My gaze fell on the two puppets of Bucky and Steve.
I took the Captain America puppet and threw it on the ground.
-I hate you...- I whispered crying and then covered my face with my hands.
A little later I heard a knock.
-It's me. Can I come in?- I heard Bucky's voice.
-Mhmh...- I groaned and I heard the handle drop.
-Hey...- he came over and knelt in front of me -You know I can't stand to see you cry.- he said wiping my tears with his thumb.
-I hate him...- I whispered, bringing my arms around his neck and resting my face on his shoulder.
-We both know this is a lie.- He said, stroking my back.
-How can he even think of choosing her?- I asked, continuing to cry.
-If you had to choose between me and him, who would you choose?- he asked.'s not the same...- I whispered.
-In reality yes, think about it, doll. Ok?- he said -You wouldn't know and you won't be able to choose between me and him, and that's okay.- he stroked my hair.
-I know he misses his time, but he's settled in now. Can't he bring her here?- I asked in a broken voice.
-He had thought about it, but it would have messed up the whole timeline. So no, doll. At least try to be happy for him.- he smiled.
-I'm trying, but I can't find any reason to be happy...- I said then I heard a knock.
-Hey y/n, can I come in?- I heard Nat's voice.
-It's open.- I said without detaching myself from Bucky.
-Oh, I see that you have company.- she smiled sadly -Steve wants to greet us all. And he would like you two to be there. In five minutes he will leave, so you have time to decide.- she said and then smiled at me and left.
-What do you say? Come on, doll.- Bucky said standing up and holding my hand.
-Okay.- I nodded and took his hand.
We walked outside and I saw a round base, a keyboard, some screens, lots of buttons and other things too technological, I heard Bruce check some data and values, while he talked to Natasha.
-Here we are.- Bucky said, stopping a few steps away from the others.
-Hey Buck. Hey little one.- dad said coming down from the round base.
-Hey dad...- I tried to hold back the tears but it failed and I burst into tears.
-No, honey...- he whispered and then hugged me while he stroked my hair.
-I would like to tell you...not to go...but I won't...- I said between sobs -So go.- I said returning the hug.
-Thank you, my little one. I love you.- he said, giving me a kiss on the forehead.
-I love you too, dad.- I smiled.
-Ok Steve. One minute left.- Natasha said.
-Okay, Nat.- dad said and shortly after we broke away and went back to the base.
-You already know how it works.- Bruce said -If you want to come back once you can for the next ten minutes, which for us will be ten seconds. Okay?-
-I understand, Bruce.- said dad and then, clicked a button and put on the helmet.
-Ten...nine...- I felt tears in my eyes and my throat sting Bucky's hand squeezed mine and gave me a smile -Six...five...-I burst into tears and hid my face on Bucky's chest -Four...three...- I felt Bucky hug me while he kissed my temple!- I heard a noise and when I turned to see, I saw that the base was empty.
I buried my face in the crook of Bucky's neck again, bursting into a liberating cry.
-Come...let's go inside.- he whispered to me, holding me close.
-Wait a second...what's going on?- Bruce asked checking the screens.
-I do not know. Wait look there.- Nat said pointing to the base.
It lit up and a figure appeared in the middle.
When he took off his helmet I saw it was Dad.
-Surprise.- he said opening his arms and I threw myself on him.
-What...what are you doing here?- I asked between sobs.
-I realized I was doing a mistake when I set foot at the training base. I touched the tag around my neck and suddenly realized I made the wrong choice. Will you ever forgive me?-
-Of course.- I smiled and dried my tears.
-I had time to pick up some of my things and even some clothes for you.- he said, handing me an envelope with some 40s clothes that I loved.

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