Chapter 24 A

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That night the team called me and Pepper, we were both very happy to be able to talk to them.
They told us many interesting things about Wakanda and also the fool that Bruce had made, bowing to King T'Challa.
After dinner I decided to try making a video call to Bucky.
-Hey doll.- he said smiling at me.
-Buck hey. Can you talk?- I asked.
-Yes, of course. How are you?- he asked.
-I'm pretty well. Bucky Bears keeps me company. You?-
-Now that I'm talking to you, I'm better.-
-Your arm is different or am I wrong?- I asked.
-Well, yes. It is in Vibranium. The same material as Steve's shield.- he said showing it to me better.
-It's beautiful, Buck. But who created it?- I asked.
-Shuri, T'Challa's sister. That girl is a genius, seriously.- he said.
-Ah, I'm glad...- I said looking down.
-Are you jealous, by any chance?- he asked me, I didn't answer -y/n, answer me.- he said in a sweet voice.
-A little bit, Bucky. I'm afraid of losing you...- I said.
-Hey listen to me. We went through Hydra together, we were there for each other. I hurt you but you still stayed by my side. You must never doubt my feelings for you. I love you and don't forget it, ok?-
-Mhmh...okay, Buck, I love you too.- I smiled at him -Wait a minute.- I said walking away, put on his sweatshirt then went back to the phone -Here I am.-
-It fits huge.- he said, laughing.
-And that's ok.- I said poking my tongue out, then he heard a knock -Who is it?-
-Hey Buck, are you okay?- I heard dad's voice.
-Yes Steve, I'm talking to y/n.-
-Hello dad.- I yelled.
-Hey, everything's alright, yeah?- he asked.
-Yes, yes. Everything is fine. But I miss you.-
-Me too, little one. See you in three, four days, ok?-
-Yes...- I said yawning -I think I'll go to sleep.- I said.
-Good night doll.-
-Good night little one.-
-Good night. Say hello to the others too.- I said and then quit and went to sleep.
Two days passed in which we often talked with others, through messages and calls.
On the third day Dad texted to me that they were going on a mission and couldn't answer the phone.
To distract ourselves, Pepper and I decided to go out for a walk around the center and maybe do some shopping.
-Look how cute that dress.- Pepper said pointing to a window -It would look great. Do you want to try it?- she asked me.
-Yes, why not?- I said and we entered the shop.
Suddenly some of the people began to disappear.
I looked at Pepper, we were both terrified.
We ran out of the shop and I saw lots of people looking around scared.
My thoughts immediately went to the team.
I picked up the phone and sent a message.

Are you guys ok?
Pepper and are safe although we're very worried.
What happened?
Let me know as soon as possible.

-Let's go back to the villa, come on.- she said, calling Happy who, fortunately, answered.
We went back to the villa and I often checked the phone, to see if they had answered.
-Do you think they're okay?- I asked, clutching the plushies.
-Don't worry, I'm sure they're fine.- she smiled to reassure me.
We had dinner then I took a shower and I stayed up until 2 am hoping they would answer me.
But I ended up falling asleep on the couch, with the two stuffed animals and Bucky's sweatshirt.
-Hey, little one...wake up...- I heard someone calling me.
With some effort I opened my eyes and I saw some of the team members.
As soon as I focused on my father's figure, I flung myself to hug him.
-You're're here...- I said crying with joy -I...I feared the worst.- I said smiling.
-Me too, little one, me too.- he said hugging me, as if he were afraid I might disappear at any moment.
When I focused on the others I saw only Natasha, Clint, Thor, Tony, Bruce and Peter.
-Where are Wanda, Vision, Sam and Bucky? Do they want to play some kind of joke on me?- I asked, looking around smiling, happy to see Bucky after three days.
Everyone looked down. see...sit down. I have to tell you something.- said dad.
-You're scaring me .- I said worried.
-See we went to Wakanda to defeat Thanos. He had a glove on and by snapping his fingers he halved the population of the universe...and some did not survive…- then he looked down.
-Are you...are you telling me that...?- I said, trying to formulate a meaningful sentence that I suddenly seemed unable to do.
-Yes...only we survived...- he said looking down.
-No it is not true. It's all a stupid joke organized by Sam.- I said trying to smile -Because this is a joke right?- I asked looking at them, everyone was looking down.
I burst into tears, dad hugged me and I hid my face in the crook of his neck.
I felt my heart break.
Bucky was gone and I hadn't even said goodbye one last time.
-You're not alone, don't worry.- dad said as he hugged me.
-Why him? Why not me?- I asked, feeling the anger burning inside.
-He would like to see you smile, not see you like this.- he said, wiping my tears.
-I know...I'll try...- I whispered.
-Before disappearing he told me to tell you that he loves you very much.- he said stroking my hair.
-I'm going to my room...- I said getting up from the sofa and went to my room.
As soon as I closed the door behind me, I let myself slide to the ground, until I sat on the floor.
I brought my legs against my chest, clutching the stuffed animal.
I cried silently, trying not to let others overhear me.
I didn't want to worry them, they already had enough to think about.
Gathering the last strength I had left, I got up and lay down on the bed.
Crying I fell asleep.
A few weeks passed and he began to understand how to live with pain.
One morning I woke up, unwillingly, got up and went to the kitchen.
I sat down in silence and ate breakfast.
-Morning little one.- dad said, smiling weakly at me.
-Morning.- I said.
I got up, to sit on the sofa, but I felt like throwing up, so I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the toilet.
As I put it back I heard footsteps, then someone held my hair.
-Are you okay?- he heard dad's voice.
-Yes...- I said, leaning against the wall.
A few days went by and I continued to feel bad, but I didn't understand why.
-Hey y/n.- she said sitting next to me.
-Hey Nat.-
-Can I ask you a question?- she asked and I just nodded -When was the last time you had your period?-
-I...well...- I thought about it and she gave me a pregnancy test.

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