Chapter 8

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y/n's pov
I was arranging the clothes in the closet when I heard a knock.
-Come in.- I said looking at the door.
I wasn't used to all this privacy yet.
-Hey, your dad is back. He wants to talk to you.- Nat said entering. I in trouble?- I asked scared.
-Oh no. Don't worry.- she said raising her hand, I instinctively closed my eyes, expecting a slap, but a few seconds later I felt her hand resting on my shoulder -Hey, did you really think I wanted to hit you?- she asked in a sweet tone, for then hug me.
-No, no...I... I'm sorry...- I said, returning her hug.
-Here nobody will hurt you. Come, let's go down that Steve is waiting for us.- she smiled at me and we went to the others -We are here.- Nat announced.
-Hey little one, this is for you, I hope you like it.- she said handing me a box covered by a blue card -Consider it a gift of apology for not being present.- she said smiling sadly.
-You did not have to. Really.- I smiled at him and hugged him -Thank you...for everything.-
I sat down on the sofa, opened the package and found a black cell phone that looked like the one Zemo had, so I assumed I was one of the last ones out.
-Wow Steve, the latest model released. I didn't make you so technical.- Clint teased him.
-The guy who worked there recommended it to me.- he explained -He said it was the best and I trusted him.-
-Ehm...I don't want to bother you but...uhm how does it turn on and what does it do?- I asked, embarrassed.
-Yes, you are undoubtedly Steve's daughter.- Tony said, looking at us.
Natasha sat down next to me and, very patiently, began to explain to me how a cell phone works, also adding their numbers, in case something happened and I had to warn them.
-Can I ask you a question?- Bruce asked me, I nodded -If you were born and raised in the Hydra base who taught you to read and write?-
-Oh, I hadn't thought about it but he's right.- dad said.
-Baron Zemo may be a villain, but to me he has always been a very calm and kind man. He taught me to read, to write, but also the basics of mathematics, history, geography and English.- I said as some memories resurfaced.
-Would it be okay for you if you enrolled in school?- dad asked me -Maybe in Peter's classes, so you won't be alone. What do you say?- he proposed.
-Can I? Really?- I asked with a surprised expression on my face.
-Sure little one.- he said smiling at me.
I got up and went to hug him.
-But we need documents and you don't have them, Rogers.- Tony reminded him.
-Oh...- I said looking down, feeling a wave of sadness.
-That's why I called Fury first. He'll let me have them in a couple of hours.- he said stroking my hair, while a smile formed on my face.
-Thank you.- I smiled and sat down trying to figure out what to do with the phone.
-When Peter arrives and he shows her what he can do with it, I'm sure she won't be off again.- Clint said.
I saw Natasha approach dad and whisper something in his ear.
-Little one, have you finished arranging your clothes yet?- dad asked me.
-No, you're right. Excuse me. I'll go immediately.- I said climbing the stairs.
I set out so that I could see them, but they didn't see me.
-Tell me Nat, what's going on?- asked dad.
-When I went to call her before, I raised my hand a little, to rest it on her shoulder, and she flinched. She was expecting a slap...- she said with a sigh -I just wanted to tell you to be careful with the gestures you make when she's around, ok?- she asks in a sweet tone.
-Yes, thanks for saying that.- said dad.
At that moment he heard the elevator open and I saw a black man enter.
Not wanting to spy on them anymore, I went to my room and went to the closet to finish arranging the clothes.
When he finished putting the closet in place, I decided to take a shower.
I went into the bathroom, he opened the cabinet and took out a couple of tablecloths.
I turned on the water and let it run.
I undressed myself, leaving my clothes on the floor and I went into the shower.
As soon as the hot jet came in contact with my back a satisfied sigh escaped my lips.
I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth, but almost immediately all the eyes of the Hydra soldiers came to mind, then he opened his eyes and I remembered there was no one else.
Sighing, I began to lather my hair.
I rinsed one last time and covered myself with the tablecloth.
I opened the cabinet, took the hair dryer and dried my hair.
I came out of the bathroom, opened the closet, quickly put on underwear, then a gray sweatshirt with Captain America's shield, which reached above the knee.
"Maybe it's a bit too big...oh well what does it matter?" I thought looking in the mirror and laying down on the bed.
A few seconds later he heard a knock on the door.
-Come in.- I said turning sideways towards the door.
-Hey, what are you wearing?- dad asked looking at me.
-A sweatshirt. I'm finished taking a shower.- I said sitting cross-legged.
-If you come below I'll introduce you to a person and then we could have lunch. We were thinking of going to Mcdonald's.-
-Mcdo...what?- I asked, confused.
-I have to show you a lot of things. Usually it is young people who teach the elderly, but this is not our case apparently.- he said with a chuckle.
-You will have to teach me several things.- I said nodding.
-Put on a shirt, a pair of pants and get off, okay?-
-Okay.- I smiled at him and he went out, closing the door.
I went to the closet and put on a pastel yellow shirt, high-waisted jeans and Vans.
"I think it's fine, right?" I asked myself, looking at myself in the mirror.
After having convinced myself I went down to the hall.
-Here she is.- Natasha announced smiling.
-Hey, sorry if I made you wait.- I said embarrassed.
-You don't worry. y/n this is Sam Wilson, a friend and colleague of ours. Sam, this is y/n, my daughter.- dad said introducing me to the black man I had glimpsed earlier.
-Nice to meet you.- I said, extending my hand.
-My pleasure.- he smiled.
-I want cheeseburgers, I don't know about you.- Tony said getting up from the couch.
-Cheeseburger? What are they?- I asked, getting a glare from the man, which provoked a general laugh.
-You come and eat with us immediately, period. Avengers, let's go.- he said, calling the elevator and going down to the ground floor.
-Come, let's go with the motorcycle.- said dad.

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