Chapter 11

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Steve's pov
-They should already be here.- I said walking back and forth around the room.
-Calm Steve. They will have met some of their friends and they will have started talking.- Nat said, trying to calm me down.
-The Captain here is right. It's been half an hour already.- said Tony, frantically tapping his finger on the table -I have a locator on Parker's cell phone, I'll check it now.- he said and a bright dot appeared on the screen about halfway between the school and the tower.
-He isn't moving.- I said observing him.
-I'm going to check.- Tony said wearing the armor.
-I'm coming with you.- I said, moving my gaze to him.
-No, Cap. You will only alarm the citizens and then I can fly, it will take less time.- he said and then went out and we watched him fly away.
-It'll be fine, Steve. She is a strong girl.- Bucky said pointing to the sofa with his eyes, as if to invite me to sit down.
-I know, I know.- I nodded and I sat down.
A few seconds later Tony's voice came out of the speakers on the screen.
-Guys, here's a problem.- he said.
-What is, Tony?- I asked worried getting up.
-I'll show you.- he said and then what he saw appeared on the screen.
There was Peter unconscious on the ground, and next to him two backpacks.
-y/n? Where is she?- I asked not seeing her on the screen.
-She is not there. No sign. There is only her backpack.- Tony said looking around.
-Come back to the tower with the kid, as soon as he wakes up he will tell us what happened.- Nat said, trying to keep a calm tone.
-Okay. We're coming.- he said and then closed the connection.
-It's my fault.- I said looking at the black screen -If I had gone to get them nothing would have happened.-
-Steve it's not your fault. You were tired. We were all tired.- Bucky said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
-And if...- Bruce said -No, no... but...- he whispered to himself.
-What is it, Bruce?- Nat asked the man.
-What if this morning's attack was just a diversion to catch them when they were weaker?- he asked looking at the mission file.
-We were so stupid.- Nat said sitting down and putting his head in her hands.
-Do you you think it's Hydra?- Thor asked.
At that name I froze in place.
They couldn't have taken it again.
She couldn't have gone back to that lousy place.
I didn't want to think it was a plausible option either.
I had failed to protect her, I felt really bad for not having foreseen such a thing.
At that moment Stark arrived with Peter, still unconscious and with some bruises, in his arms.
He put him down on his sofa.
-Steve...- I heard Bucky's voice, I turned to look at him -Zemo won't hurt her. He needs her.- he tried to reassure me.
-It's not Zemo I'm afraid of, Bucky, but everyone else in there.- I said and then sighed.
-S.H.I.E.L.D. captured them all, even Zemo should be in a cell.- Nat informed me.
-Call Fury and tell him to check.- I said sitting down, I saw her disappear for a couple of minutes.
-Yes, you were right. Zemo is not in his cell.- Nat said returning from the call with Fury.
-The only thing we can do now is wait for him to wake up to see what to do.- Bruce said.
-He took her because of me...- Bucky said getting up -I think he wants both of us, plus he saw that when we were still under his control we had gotten quite close.- he said running a hand through his hair.
-Don't worry, Bucky. I will not leave my daughter with him.- I said looking at him -We will bring her back here.-
After a couple of hours Peter woke up.
-Where...what...?- he asked opening his eyes and looking around confused.
-Slow down, spider boy. We found you on the ground unconscious. Do you remember what happened?- asked Tony as he approached.
-We were returning to the tower when they attacked us...but where is y/n?- he asked, looking at me, I didn't answer and looked down -Did they...took her?- he asked, opening his eyes wide and I nodded, he lowered his gaze -It's my fault. I should have protected her.-
-No Peter, it's everyone's fault. We should have been more careful.- Nat said consoling him.
-Cap I'm sorry...I tried to fight...- he said looking at me.
-I know, Peter, I know.- I said putting a hand on his shoulder and smiling at him to calm him down.
-Do you remember if those who attacked you had a red symbol in the shape of a skull with six tentacles?- Bucky asked the boy.
-Uhm...- he thought about it for a moment -I think so. Yes, I'm pretty sure.- he said sitting up.
-I'm going to talk to Fury.- I said getting up and going to the door.
-Wait for me, I'm coming with you.- I heard Bucky's voice behind me and I took the elevator.
-You know they want you, right? And that you won't be able to come with us, yes?- I said as we went to S.H.I.E.L.D.
-I know, but I still want to help. I can help you find your way through a headset, I just need to see where you are.- he proposed.
-I really appreciate Bucky, thanks.- I said hugging him -Can I tell you something?-
-Sure, tell me, punk.-
-I'm afraid...afraid of not seeing her again.- I whispered.
-Don't even think that, Steve, we'll take her home.- he said seriously.
-I failed to protect her.- I said trying not to cry.
-I promised her that no one would harm her anymore. I have failed too.- he said.
We went to S.H.I.E.L.D. and after talking to Fury, to explain the situation to him, the three of us went back to the tower, so that we had a plan.
After spending several hours putting together an at least decent plan, we succeeded.
-In summary, Bucky will stay here and guide us through a headset. Hulk, Thor, Clint and Tony will deal with the enemies outside the base first, then the inside ones. Natasha and I will enter the base and look for y/n and Zemo. Is everything clear?- I said explaining the plan last time.
-And me?- Peter asked.
-You will stay here. You will be useful later, when she comes back you will have to make her feel better. You can watch TV series or movies.- I said.
-It will be done, Captain.- he said smiling.
-So let's go.- I said as we left the tower.
"Don't worry, we are coming to save you."

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