Chapter 27 A

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-B...Bucky?- I asked feeling my eyes fill with tears -No, you are not real. You are dead. You're an illusion.- I said staring at him.
It was not possible.
He was dead.
I felt my heart grow heavy.
All the wounds that had healed over the course of those five years had opened in less than a second.
-I'm not an illusion. It's really me, doll.- he said approaching and hugging me.
When he felt his touch I knew it was that he was really there with me and was not the fruit of my mind.'s really're here...- I said hugging him and crying.
-I left you when you were seventeen and now you are twenty-two but you are always beautiful.- he said, stroking my cheek.
-But if you came back, did the others come back too?- I asked smiling.
-Yes, I think they all gathered at the tower.- he said.
-Mom!- I heard George scream and come to me.
-George wait.- Peter also came following George -Bucky, hello. Then it worked.- he said smiling.
-Hello sir. I am George. Are you a friend of my mom?- he asked looking at him.
-Mom?- Bucky repeated looking at the baby, then at me.
-Peter, can you take the little one inside?- I asked.
-Yes, immediately. Come champion let's go play.- Peter said convincing him.
-Yes, are we going to play with the puppets?- asked the little one disappearing into the house with Peter.
-Bucky...I...- I said looking at him.
-No, that's ok. It's been five years...- he said.
-Buck, no...- I tried to speak.
-No, wait let me finish. It is right that you have moved on. I'm glad you made a life with Peter. For a moment I thought you were waiting for me. I was an idiot.- he said looking down.
-Buck. The little one is called George Joseph and he is five years old.- I said smiling at him.
-George Joseph?- he asked it mine?- He asked widening his eyes.
-Yes, Bucky. I never stopped loving you.- I said hugging him.
-When did you find out?- he asked.
-A few weeks after the Blip.- I said.
-I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I missed you so much.- he said.
-I've missed you too, Buck.- I said smiling.
-I love you...- he whispered and then kissed me.
-I love you too.- I said after returning the kiss -Come, I'm gonna introduce you to George.- I said taking him by the hand.
-Are you sure?- he ask hesitant -Does he know anything about me?-
-No, he doesn't know anything. He only knows that his father disappeared after the Blip.- I said pulling him inside -Peter! George! Come here.- I called them.
-Here we are.- they said as they arrived.
-George I want to introduce you to a very important person. Do you know who he is?- I asked.
-It looks like Sergeant Bucky Bears plush.- he said observing him.
-Do you still have those stuffed animals?- he asked smiling.
-Yes, of course.- I smiled and then move my gaze back to George -Well it's him and he's your dad too.- I said smiling.
George looked at him and Bucky knelt down to reach his height.
-Hello little boy.- he said ruffling his hair.
-Why didn't you come earlier?- He asked staring at him.
-Well you see I was blipped. But I promise you that now that I'm back I want to make up for time with both you and mom. Okay?- he smiled at him.
-That is fine. But if you make mum suffer you will see it with me.- he said seriously.
-Calm down, little one, I don't want to make her suffer.- he smiled and hugged him.
-Come on, let's go to the tower. I want to greet the others.- I said agitated.
-Shall we go to Morgan's?- George asked and I nodded.
-Who is Morgan?- Bucky asked.
-Tony and Pepper's daughter.- Peter said.
We got into the car and went to the tower.
I ran inside to find everyone sitting on the sofa.
-Sam! Wanda! Vision!- I ran to meet them and then hugged them.
-Wow, I remembered you younger.- said Sam.
-You are twenty-two now. Have we missed anything in these years?- asked Wanda.
-My pregnancy and Pepper's and birth.- I said smiling.
-Pregnancy?- she asked surprised.
-Yup. Meet George Joseph.-
-Hello.- he said moving his hand.
-Do you have a son?- she asked surprised.
-Oh yes.- I nodded.
-And Bucky? Haven't you thought of him?- asked Sam, surprised.
-It's actually Bucky's.- I admitted. Vision asked.
-In the morning that you all know, that Sam screamed and laughed.- I said remembering.
-Oh. It must have been hard to raise him alone.- She said.
-I was never really alone. But it was worth it.- I smiled looking at the baby.
-Grandpa Steve!- George shouted running away to dad and hugging him.
-Dad you could at least tell me what mission it was. You could not have made it.- I said seriously.
-Yes, but we're all here, so it's okay.- he smiled.
-Where are Clint, Nat and Tony?- I asked.
-We are here.- they said as they entered.
I saw Tony attached to an IV.
-What happened?- I asked seeing him.
-Nothing just...the snap.- he said with a weak smile -I'm almost died but at least I saved the world.- he said with his usual smile.
-We are all here, it doesn't seem real.- I said sitting on the sofa.
-Mom are they friends of yours and Grandpa Steve's?- George asked.
-Yes, baby.- I smiled.
Bucky sat down next to me and took my hand.
-What do you say if we go home and tell me about the last five years?- he asked smiling at me.
-Yes, okay.- I smiled.
-You can leave George here, so he plays with Morgan.- that at that moment she arrived and they started to play -Tonight we could eat here all together.- proposed dad.
-Okay, it seems like a nice idea.- I smiled and Bucky and I went out.
When we got home we sat on the sofa and I began to tell him from the Blip until that morning.
-And then they call me from school and say "Your son moved the slide with one hand." and I "he is the nephew of Steve Rogers, what did you expect? He is always a super soldier."- I said laughing.
-For real? Oh my god.- he burst out laughing too.
-Then he made some expressions the same as yours and...I thought you were. It was as if you had never left me completely.- I said looking at him.
-Hey, now I'm here and I'm not going to leave.- he said approaching me and leaving me a quick kiss -It makes me strange to see you like this, but I think I'll get used to it soon.- he said smiling at me.
I smiled at him and hugged him.

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