Chapter 25 B

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Steve's pov
5 years later.
I was talking to Nat when we saw Scott on the security camera.
-But how...?- Natasha said, looking at him.
-It's Scott Lang...but he was missing.- I said looking at him -Wait, I'll open it and I'm going to see how he got here.- I said letting him in.
-Captain America. What a pleasure to see you again.- he said entering the meeting room.
-But where were you in these five years?- Bucky asked, after explaining to him what had happened five years earlier with Thanos' snap.
-In the quantum realm.- he replied eating.
-It must have been awful to be stuck there for five years.
-That's the fun thing. For me it was only five hours.- he said -We can use the quantum realm to go back in time.- Scott proposed.
-Are you saying we could save everyone?- Bucky asked.
-Technically yes.- he said.
-Steve, we can take her back. She can come back here.- Bucky said smiling at me.
-Yeah. Let's go to visit an old friend, what do you say?- I said to the three, who nodded.
We got in the car and headed for Tony's house.
I stopped the car in front of the house and got out.
I knocked on the door and Tony opened it.
-Hi.- he said simply.
-Hello Tony.- he reply.
We explained the situation to him and at that moment Pepper arrived with a little girl.
-Hello daddy.- said the little girl running into his arms.
-Hey, sorry I didn't know you were there too.- Pepper said seeing us.
-No problem, don't worry.- we smiled at her, then the two disappeared into the kitchen.
-So Tony, what do you think? Will you help us?- I asked.
-This whole thing is based on a movie, you know, yeah?- he asked with a sigh.
-Yes, but it worked.- Scott said.
-You came out of the quantum realm by chance. So my answer is no.- he said standing up.
-Tony, I know you're afraid of losing your daughter, I understand, I really do, but I lost mine and I want her back.- I reminded him.
-We can get everyone back. Peter too.- Nat said.
-Daddy! Mommy wants to talk to you.- Morgan said, arriving and taking his father by the hand.
-Yes, I'm coming, honey. It was a pleasure to see you, but now I have to go.- he said and then entered.
-What do we do?- Nat asked, as we got back into the car.
-Let's try to reform the Avengers.- I said closing the door.
Back at the tower we managed to contact Clint, Bruce and Thor, along with whom the Guardians of the Galaxy arrived.
A few days later Tony came knocking on the tower.
-Tony.- I said greeting him.
-Captain. I brought a little thing.- he said handing me something round.
I opened it and I saw the shield Howard Stark had built seventy years earlier.
-Thank you Tony, thank you very much.- I said turning it over in my hands -We'll all bring them back.-
-Let's try not to die trying, okay?- he said.
-Of course.- I said smiling at him.
Over the next few days we made a plan as to where the infinity gems were and how to get them.

y/n's pov
Suddenly I found myself standing with an orange portal in front.
I looked around and went inside.
I saw a lot of people ready to fight.
-Avengers!- I heard the voice of dad -Assemble!-
Suddenly everyone rushed into a purple colossus and its alien henchmen.
One of the purple aliens approached me threateningly.
One of the Dora Milaje, whom Bucky had told me about, passed me a spear, seeing me in trouble, and I began to hit the enemies.
Halfway through the fight I hurt my leg and I started limping, but I still managed to fight, flanked by Okoye and Shuri, with whom we covered each other's backs.
I glimpsed some of the Avengers going against Thanos to try and kill him.
I saw Wanda go after the titan, while the others distracted him and mentally controlled him with her magic.
Thanos, under Wanda's control, snapped his fingers and then became dust himself.
Everyone sat on the ground to rest after the battle.
I started looking around, looking for Dad, Bucky, or someone else I know.
When I saw them I ran to meet him.
-Dad!- I yelled, throwing myself on him, hugging him.
-Hi sweetie. I missed you so much.- he said holding me close, as if he were afraid that I could disappear again and I could hear his voice break.
-How long has it been?- I asked observing them and noticing that everyone had aged a little.
-Five years, doll. Five years.- I heard Bucky's voice behind me.
I just turned around and saw him.
-Have...have you been waiting for me?- I asked feeling my eyes shining -For...for five years?-
-Obviously. No one will ever replace you.- he said opening his arms.
-I love you.- I said smiling, I threw my arms around his neck and then kissed him passionately, I felt his grip on my hips.
-I love you too.- he said moving a lock in front of my face -It was five years that I was hoping to hear you say it.-
-It's good to see you, Mini Cap.- I heard Thor's voice, seeing him quite fat.
-What happened to you?- I asked observing.
-Have you seen Bruce?- he asked and I turned to see a green beast with glasses.
-What the hell happened, Bruce?- I asked him.
-I combined brains and muscles.- he said with a smile.
-Here is my little warrior.- I saw Nat coming towards us and I hugged her.
-Hello Nat.- I smiled at her.
-Your father in recent years had grown a beard.- she said pulling out her cell phone and showing me the photos.
-Nat. Did she just come back and tell her this?- dad asked.
-What do you want me to tell her? How bad have we been? Oh hell no.- she said.
Soon after we decided to return to the tower.

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