Chapter 2

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It was a couple of days since Zemo had named Winter Soldier as my "bodyguard".
Luckily the guards and the other soldiers had stopped whistling and making jokes after the Winter Soldier had beaten a couple of them for bothering me.
Zemo had ordered the guards to bring us lunch and dinner every day to my cell, and we were so grateful to him for that.
Although we didn't talk much among ourselves, the silence that was there was not embarrassing, quite the contrary.
On the third day I still didn't know his name and I decided to ask him.
-Hey, Winter Soldier...- I drew his attention.
-Yes?- he asked without looking at me.
-We've known each other for three days but I don't know your name.- I said.
-Oh...I think it's Bucky.- he said, looking at the floor.
-Can I call you that?- I asked.
-Sure.- he smiled -Your name, instead?- he asked, looking up and looking into my eyes.
-I...I don't have one...from what I remember I've always been here...- I said.
-Oh...- I saw him concentrate for a moment then he spoke -What about y/n? I think it suits you.-
-y/n?- I repeated -Mh? Yes I like it. Thanks Bucky.- I said smiling.
-Not a problem, y/n.- he replied.
A new guard stopped in front of the cell.
-Ex...excuse me...- he said stammering, evidently frightened by the Winter Soldier.
-Yes?- Bucky asked, turning to look at him.
-It''s time for...for the shower.- he said handing us four towels -This are send by... by Baron Zemo.-
-We are coming.- Bucky said standing up and taking two towels, as the guard went away, I snorted and sat -Hey, are you okay?- asked the man.
-Do I have to?- I asked, looking down.
-Is something wrong?- he asked, lowering himself next to me.
-It is that...their...their gaze while I wash...makes me uncomfortable...- I said bringing my legs to my chest -I feel humiliated...a toy...- I said trying to hold back the tears.
-It will be fine. I'm there and they won't even look at you. I swear to you.- he said smiling at me.
-Promised?- I asked, looking up and meeting his beautiful blue eyes.
-Promise.- he repeated, wiping a tear that had fallen on my cheek with his thumb.
I took a deep breath, got up and picked up the towels.
Head down, I followed Bucky into the locker room before the showers.
-Usually there are more people...- I whispered to the boy, looking around me.
-Probably they saw us coming and understood that it is better not to make me angry.- he said placing the tablecloths on a shabby bench, further away from the others.
-Yes, it probably is.- I supported him, I was a little calmer than before, but still very anxious.
I did as Bucky had done and, with my back to him, I began to take off my shirt, and then place it next to the tablecloths, the same thing I did with the pants, and I was only in underwear.
I heard a surprised whisper come from the lips of the man behind me.
"He must have seen the scars." I thought and half a second later I felt his finger travel a little way, in the middle of my shoulder blades "Please don't ask questions...please don't ask questions..." I thought biting my lower lip.
-How did you get these?- his voice reached my ears very clearly.
-Can we...can we talk about it later...please?- I asked clenching my fist.
-Okay.- he said -Would you...want a hand unbuckle it?- he asked and I, immediately realizing that he was referring to the bra, blushed a lot.
-I...uh...yes...- I said, swallowing the saliva that had formed in my mouth and looked down.
I felt his metal hand brush my back and immediately shivered at the touch of him.
When the two ends were unhooked, he heard footsteps and realized they had turned.
I quickly slipped off my briefs, praying he wouldn't turn.
-Are you ready?- he asked, still without turning around.
-Yes...- I said in a whisper, took the towels and, trying to cover the sensitive parts, we went into the showers.
I looked over the back of the Winter Soldier, who was standing in front of me and I couldn't help but think he was really bighe was.
I could only imagine the sculpted abs.
I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my mind and concentrated on getting out of that living hell as soon as possible.
The steam came in contact with my face, making me jump.
The sound of water hitting the ground filled my ears.
-All right?- asked the boy in front of me, stopping under a shower, far enough away from the others.
-Yes.- I said, trying to keep my eyes up, to avoid looking at him too much.
-Go a little further, so I can stand in front of you to shield you.- he said, stopping.
-Thank you very much Bucky, really are a gentleman, anyone else would have taken advantage of it, but not you. Thank you so much.- I said opening the jet of hot water and enjoying that momentary heat.
-You're welcome.- he replied as I soaped my hair.
From time to time I would hear their stares on my back and then some pretty loud snorts and snarls, from Bucky and mentally I thank him.
I rinsed my body by removing the last residue of soap.
-Bucky, I would have finished...- I said, gathering my wet hair in one of the two tablecloths.
-Perfect, me too.- he said and I saw him, from his back, tie a tablecloth around his pelvis.
I took the second tablecloth and encircled my body, but unfortunately it was too short.
-Fuck...- I whispered trying to pull it down a bit.
But if I covered it up, the above was revealed.
-Can I turn around? What's the problem?- he asked, hearing my curse.
-The tablecloth is too short and doesn't cover me enough and the other one is on my head to dry my hair.- I explained.
-Wait just a second.- he said, took his other tablecloth, turned around, keeping his eyes up, and surrounded my hips with it, covering me -Better?-
-Yes...yes, thank you very much.- I said blushing both at the touch of him and at the sight of all those muscles.
-Come on, let's go.- he said and we got out of the showers.
Returning to the locker room and quickly we changed, obviously with our backs to us, then we walked towards my cell.

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