Chapter 10

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y/n's pov
Six months had passed since I had moved to the tower with my father, Bucky and the other Avengers.
We got along well and I finally felt good, I felt protected and loved.
-y/n it's time to get up.- Jarvis's metallic voice woke me up.
-Good morning to you too, Jarvis.- I said opening my eyes and seeing the time on the phone.
"7:05 am. I have all the time I want." I thought getting up, yawning, went to the bathroom to wash my face and brushed my teeth.
I went back to the bedroom and opened the wardrobe.
"Ok...let's see what to wear today." I thought looking at all the clothes.
After careful consideration I opted for a short lilac sweatshirt, a pair of high-waisted jeans and the Vans.
I glanced at the toiletry bag in the bathroom and cursed the day Nat gave it to me.
I put on a little mascara, took my backpack and went down to the room.
-Good morning little one.- dad said as soon as he saw me.
-Good morning.- I approached and hugged him from behind.
In those months we had created a good relationship with my father, even though we hadn't seen each other for sixteen years.
I went into the kitchen and greeted the rest of the team, then sat down to breakfast.
-Good morning everyone.- Peter said as he came and sat down next to me.
Every now and then, when Aunt May let him, Peter stayed to sleep in the tower and we spent the nights watching movies and TV series, a world he had introduced me to.
Peter was my best friend, I considered him almost like a brother.
-Morning Peter.- we all said.
-Who is taking us to school today?- I asked after finishing eating the brioche.
-I can accompany...- dad tried to say, but at that moment he sounded the alarm -As not mentioned. Bucky, can you accompany them?- he asked turning to his friend.
-Yes, no problem Steve. Ready guys?- he asked me and Peter, who nodded, took our backpacks, greeted everyone and went out.
We got into the car, Peter sat in the back seat, while I sat in the front.
Bucky turned the key, started the car, and we headed out onto the street.
I turned to Peter with a knowing look and he nodded, understanding what I wanted to do.
I picked up the phone and opened Spotify.
I looked for the song and started it.
-"There lived a certain man in Russia long ago. He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow. Most people looked at him with terror and with fear. But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear."- me and Peter started singing Rasputin out loud as Bucky shook his head trying not to laugh.
-You know I hate you when you do this, right?- he asked turning around for a moment to look at us.
-But it's your song, Buck. It's you, literally.- I said smiling -And then we both know very well that you don't hate us.- I said looking at him.
I still hadn't gotten used to his new haircut.
He had cut them short, much shorter than he had when we met.
But they looked good on him, they made him younger and more charming.
In these six months I realized that I just couldn't see Bucky as simply "dad's best friend" even though, honestly, I tried, thinking how embarrassing it would be to tell my dad I have a crush on a friend of his, who was also one hundred and three years old.
For heaven's sake, he wore them perfectly, but they were still eighty-seven years apart.
Since I had known him, from the first moment, something inside me had clicked, even if I had tried to ignore it.
Every time he gave me a smile or, even simply, a look I felt my heart speed up and my cheeks flush.
But I had decided to keep this little crush for me, without telling anyone.
But over time I realized that it wasn't just a crush, but that I had fallen in love with James Bucky Barnes, my father's best friend.
-Well yes, you're right.- he said stopping the car -I could never hate you.- he said smiling.
-I know, Buck, I know.- I hugged him quickly -Good fight, see you later.-
-Good school.-  he smiled at me.
-See you later Bucky.- Peter greeted him.
-See you later, spider boy.- he greeted him and we got out of the car.
We waved goodbye to Bucky as they entered, then went to our friends.
-MJ, Ned good morning.- we greeted them going to meet him.
-Peter, y/n good morning.- the two returned.
Peter and Ned talked about the Death Star Lego they were going to build, while MJ and I talked about a book we had both read.
As we walked through the corridors some eyes were on me.
Of course everyone knew I was Captain America's daughter, but no one knew who my mother was or where I had been locked up for sixteen years.
-In the end I was shocked, I did not expect it.- I said putting the books in the cabinet.
-Me too. I think the best part is the ending.- she replied taking two books.
-I agree.- I said taking the necessary and closing the cabinet.
-Are you girls ready?- asked the two boys.
-Yes let's go.- we said and walked towards the classroom of the first lesson.
After class hours, after saying goodbye to Ned and MJ, Peter and I went to the gate, to wait for someone to pick us up.
At that moment I received a message.
Captain Dad ♡
We're on our way back from a mission now, aren't you and Peter walking home?
We are very tired.

Okay, no problem.
I'll see you soon.

Perfect little one, see you soon.
I love you ♡

I love you too ♡

I put down the phone.
-Who was it?- Peter asked.
-Dad. They are returning from the mission and are tired. We have to walk.- I said and saw that he was going to fight back -No Pete, no SpiderMan suit, last time I was going to throw up.-
-Okay, okay.- he gave up and we set off.
About halfway I got the feeling they were following us.
Without having time to warn Peter, I saw gunmen coming towards us.
I didn't understand who they were.
Peter and I tried to fight them but he almost immediately felt a pinch in my arm and when I saw a tranquilizer, I passed out and fell to the ground.

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