Chapter 4

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Back at the base, I sat in my cell with my head in my hands.
"I's my fault they caught him..." I thought looking at the spot where he usually sat.
A few seconds later Zemo arrived.
-Excuse me Baron, I know I have disappointed you...-
-No, do not worry. You were very good at fighting. We had not taken into consideration that he could have been in company.- he said giving me a pat on the shoulder -We will be able to take him back. Don't worry, okay?- he smiled at me.
-Okay, thank you very much, Baron.- I said looking up.
-I know you're very upset by what happened, drink this.- he said, handing me a cup of steaming liquid.
-Thank you...- I whispered, I blew on the drink, then brought it to my lips and drank it, feeling the hot liquid go down my stomach, warming me from the inside.
-Get some rest. For anything call me.- I nodded at him and he walked out of my cell.
I spent the next few hours sitting gazing at the wall in front of me.
By now I had memorized every little detail of it.
I didn't even dare imagine what they were doing to him at that moment.
"I thought I was ready for a mission, but I was wrong. I'm sorry Bucky..." I thought trying to hold back the tears.
I leaned my head against the wall and felt a tear fall.
Bucky was the closest thing to a friend I ever had.
He had helped me a lot in those days and because of me now who knows where he was.
I laid down on my side, hoping to fall asleep as soon as possible.
After a while I fell asleep.
But it wasn't a peaceful sleep, he was instead plagued with guilt.

Steve's pov
Natasha and I headed back to the tower, where the other Avengers were waiting for us.
We all sat down in the main hall, waiting for news from Fury.
-You told us he was dead.- the woman next to me told me.
-I thought so too, Nat. I saw him fall with my own eyes from that damned train.- I said running a hand through my hair and sighing.
-Don't worry, as soon as he wakes up he will explain everything to us.- she smiled to encourage me.
Bruce came in and handed me a cup of hot tea, I thanked him and took a sip, looking out the window of the tower
-What do you think?- Natasha asked.
-What makes you say that I'm thinking of something?- I asked back.
-Always look out the window when you are thoughtful.-'s that little girl who was with Bucky.- I answered and in my mind the images of the girl appeared.
The way she moved, the way she kicked and punched.
But especially her face.
There was something about her that didn't seem right, but I didn't understand why.
-What struck you about her?- asked Tony sitting on the sofa.
-When she dropped the mask I saw that she was quite young, she must have been sixteen or seventeen years old and she fought too well to be so young.- I said placing the cup on the table.
We heard the elevator doors open and Fury entered.
-News?- Nat asked, looking at him.
-He is about to wake up. Come.- he said.
We all got on the elevator.
We went quickly to S.H.I.E.L.D. and went downstairs.
-Captain Rogers, don't let your emotions overwhelm you, okay? He will be connected to a lie detector, if he tells a lie there will be a beep.- said a guard, I nodded and made me enter a room alone.
I went in and closed the door behind me.
He looked up.
-Steve? Is it really you?- he asked.
-Yes. Bucky, is it really you?- I asked.
-Yes, it's me James Bucky Barnes.- he answered and I listened for a moment waiting for a beep, but it didn't.
He was telling the truth.
-I saw you fall off that train...- I said looking at him.
-When I fell I destroyed my arm and they gave me this metal arm. Some of the Hydra found me and brainwashed me.- still no beeps -I didn't want to attack you but I had to, sorry...wait...where is y/n?- he asked looking around.
-Who is y/n?- I asked.
-The girl with me.-
-When they gave you the sedative she ran away.- I explained.
-No, no, no.- he said, closing his eyes.
-What happens?- I asked.
-If she returned to the base alone it will be hell for her.- he said -She is the only girl there and they treat her very badly. She is forced to take a shower when everyone does. They whistle behind her. We have to go get her.- he said in a worried tone.
-We can make a deal.- Fury said entering, followed by Natasha -We help you with your friend and you help us infiltrate the Hydra base.- he proposed.
-That is fine. I know some passwords and some access codes.- Bucky said.
-Can we trust him, Steve?- Nat asked me.
-Yes. Yes we can.- I said smiling to my old friend.
Fury released him and he hugged me.
-I missed you, Steve.-
-You too, Buck.-
-When do you think you're going?- asked the redhead.
-Now? - Bucky proposed.
-And let's go.- I said nodding.
-I'm sorry for before.- I heard my old friend turn to Natasha.
-It's fine.- she said.
Quickly we put on the suits and Bucky pointed to the place where the Hydra base was.
We entered through the roof, without making any noise, and noticed that everyone was asleep.
-The data room is this way.- Bucky said, pointing to a door.
-Well, first the data then the girl.- Natasha said as she entered.
-Let's hurry.- he said anxiously.
After a couple of minutes of fiddling with the computer, Nat found the data of all the soldiers in there.
-Soldier Girl? Is that her?- she asked.
-Mhmh.- Bucky nodded.
-I'm copying everything, so we will send other agents tomorrow.- she said inserting a USB stick.
-Yes, okay. But let's move before they find us.- I said checking that there was no one around -Which side is the girl on?- I asked.
-This way.- Bucky said as Natasha and I followed him through various corridors.
Everything was run down and in poor condition.
I didn't dare imagine what it must have been like to live in that place for years.

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