Chapter 13

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Steve's pov
Natasha and I entered the base, leaving the Hulk, Clint, Thor, and Tony out to deal with the few men Zemo had managed to muster.
-Bucky, right or left?- I asked looking at the fork in front of me.
-Right.- I heard the voice in the earpiece.
-Right, okay.- I answered and, followed by Nat, I went to the right.
-Captain, Romanoff, the area outside is clean.- Tony said through the headset.
-Perfect.- Nat said -Do a quick check, if you don't find anyone else you can start going back to the Quinjet and getting the Hulk back to Bruce.-
-Already done. If there is any problem call us.- we heard Bruce's voice.
At that moment an alarm went off.
-What...?- I asked looking around.
-This...this is the fire alarm.- Nat said looking at me.
-No, fuck, no.- I said -Bucky, where does the alarm come from?- I asked panicked.
-Turn left, fourth room. Why what's happening?- he asked trying not to sound worried.
-There is a room that is burning. We are going there.- Nat replied.
-Do you think...that in there?- he asked, looking for the right words.
-I don't know...- I just said.
Nat and I ran and found ourselves in front of that door.
It was closed but you could see the flames from outside, which were also quite high.
I broke down the door with the shield, without thinking twice, regardless of the fact that I could burn.
I heard Natasha's screams behind me, but I ignored her.
When I saw her, unconscious on the chair, my heart lightened a little.
I bent down and quickly untied the straps noticing, with regret, that he had burns that looked quite severe.
I began to cough, but I forced myself to resist.
As soon as I freed her, I loaded her on my shoulder and, using the shield not to burn me, we left that room.
-What happens here?- I heard Tony's voice.
I ignored it and put her on the floor, put two fingers on her neck to see if there was a heartbeat.
When I felt the veins throbbing under my fingers I breathed a sigh of relief.
-She's still alive.- I said looking at her.
-Are you okay?- I heard Bucky's voice through the earpiece -Is she okay?'
-She's alive, Buck, but she's passed out.- I said.
-Zemo, where is he?- Clint asked.
-I don't know.- Nat said, looking around.
-We searched the whole area and didn't find him.- Thor said.
-I think he ran away.- I said, cursing myself for not being quicker to act.
-Let's go back to the tower. Then we'll take care of him. For now let's think about her, let's go to the laboratory so I can cure those burns before they get worse.- Bruce said.
-Yes, let's go.- I said, I leaned over her and took her in my arms.
We boarded the Quinjet, towards the Avengers tower.
All the way I hadn't taken my eyes off her, as if at any second someone could take her away from me again.
-Steve, are you alright?- Clint asked me.
-I lived sixteen years without her being fine, but now that she is here with me I cannot imagine my life without her. Weird, isn't it?- I asked looking up.
-Yes, I understand how you feel. That's what I thought too when my first daughter was born. And no, it's not strange.- he said smiling and placing a hand on my shoulder.
-We are almost there.- Thor's voice said, as he approached us -She still hasn't woken up?- he asked, looking at her.
-Not yet. But she'll be fine, right Bruce?- I asked getting up and starting to pick her up.
-Of course.- said Dr. Banner.
The Quinjet landed and the doors opened.
I got off the jet, and Bucky and Peter immediately came to meet us.
They looked at her and looked down.
They obviously felt responsible for what had happened to her.
-It's not anyone's fault.- Nat said looking at the two -Do not blame yourself. She doesn't want to, alright?- she smiled.
The two smiled back and only nodded, throwing the girl in my arms one last look.
-Let's go to the lab. Come Steve.- Bruce said to me, I followed him without saying anything.
We went into the tower, went down to his laboratory, laid her on the bed and watched Bruce carefully treat his burns, then do some general checks and finally attach a drip to her right arm.
-Alright?- I asked while he was all intent on looking at the papers.
-Yes, she is always a super soldier, she is strong.- he said checking the water level of the IV.
-How come that?- I asked, pointing to the metal rod.
-We don't know when he'll wake up. It is to prevent her from becoming too dehydrated. It's just a precaution.- he explained to me, I just nodded -I'm going to eat, can I get you something?- he asked me, I shook my head -Ok I'll see later.- he said and then went out, closing the door, leaving me alone with her.
I sat in the chair next to the cot she was lying on.
I took her hand and stroked its back with my thumb.
My gaze fell on her wrist.
She was flushed and the mark left by her straps was clearly visible.
"I failed to protect you...I'm sorry..."
I moved a lock that was in front of her face and I left a kiss on her forehead, I left the laboratory and I went to my room.
I opened the closet and took the first clothes I found, then I went to take a shower as my muscles were all tense.
I went to the bathroom and she turned on the water, letting it run.
I took off my clothes and threw them on the floor.
When I looked in the mirror I noticed half a face full of soot, given by the fire from before.
I walked into the shower and as the hot water hit my skin, I felt my muscles relax.
After half an hour I went out.
Quickly I dried up and got dressed.
I went back to the laboratory and sat back in her chair and took her hand, as if to make her feel my presence.
Without realizing it, I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

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