Chapter 7

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Steve's pov
After shopping we went back to the tower.
-Why don't you go and arrange them in the closet in your room?- I asked her placing a hand on her shoulder.
-Yes I'm going. See you later. And thank you.- she smiled and disappeared down the stairs.
-Buck, you and I have to talk.- I said noticing that there was no one.
He nodded in confusion and we sat down on the sofa.
-What do you want to talk about Steve?- he asked.
-Did you know it was my daughter?-
-No. I can swear to you. When they brainwash me then I don't remember anything. If all goes well, I only have flashes. If I had known I would have come and I would have told you immediately.- he replied.
-I believe you, I believe you.- I said looking at the floor -Last night when we went to get her, she asked you some questions. She asked you what you noticed in the shower. Can you give me some explanations?-
-We had known each other for a couple of days and Zemo had entrusted me to guard her, since they didn't treat her well at all. The day of the shower arrived and those few who were there stared at her after a few nasty looks and some threats stopped. When she had to undress, I was turned from behind, even while she was washing. After she told me she was done, I heard her complain and I asked her about her problem, and she said the tablecloth was too short and I gave her mine. I did not see anything, I assure you.- he explained the situation to me.
-I trust you. Thank you for protecting her, even if you didn't know she was my daughter.- I said smiling at him.
-Not at all Steve.- he said as he looked at the nameplate.
-I'm going to talk to Clint. I need advice from father to father.- I said getting up -Don't do anything stupid until I get back.-
-How can I? You bring all the stupid with you.- he said smiling.
-Do you still remember it?-
-Of course.- he said.
I gave him one last look and I left the room.
-Hey Jarvis, where is Clint?- I asked.
-Mr Barton is training in the gym on the west side.- answered the voice.
-Thank you very much.- I walked to the gym and found Clint training with the bow.
-Hey Steve.- said the man shooting the arrow and hitting the target.
-Hey Clint, am I disturbing you?-
-No, not at all, tell me everything.- he said putting the arrows in the quiver and loading it on his shoulder.
-I wanted to ask you for know from father to father.- I said approaching.
-Oh well. My oldest daughter is thirteen, y/n is sixteen. It's a little different. However I can advise you to stay close to her, make her understand that you are there and support her unconditionally, I know that in your time it was different.- she said.
-What do you mean by supporting her?- I asked as we walked.
-Well, you know if she came out. don't know...trans or bisexual. Do you understand?-
-Oh yes, I understand. That is fine. I don't see the problem. Even if I am from another era it does not mean that I am a bigot.- I said, giggling.
-I know I know. Then well don't get jealous when she starts dating guys. Oh and for when she has her period bring her chocolate, various sweets and be sure to always have pads ready.- he said quietly.
-What?- I asked, stopping abruptly.
-What is it?- he asked, confused.
-The...period?- I repeated.
-Mhmh.- he nodded -Do you know what it is, don't you?-
-Yes, yes. But...well...let's just say that in my day there was no talk of having periods. Especially to his own father.-
-But she doesn't have a mother, so it's your turn.- he said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
-Natasha could not help her?- I asked.
-No. She can not. Do you remember that she told us that she sterilized her? So they removed her ovaries and uterus.- he reminded me.
-Oh yes, you're right.- I said feeling stupid for having forgotten it.
At that moment Clint's phone rang.
-It's Laura. I have to answer. I hope I was helpful. See you later.-
-More than helpful. Thanks. See you later.- I greeted him and he left the gym.
I decided to go back to the tower.
I started off thinking about what Clint had told me.
As I walked I remembered that we had a kid on the team who was the same age as y/n.
I picked up the phone and, after a few tries, managed to call Peter.
-Hello Captain. How can I help you?-
-Hey Peter, do you have a moment?-
-Of course. Tell me everything.-
-I want to try to be a good father to y/n and since you are the same age as her I wanted to ask you some questions. Is it ok for you?-
-Yes, c'mon, ask.-
-What do you think y/n would like?-
-Ehm...I think she would like to go to school, to feel like a normal girl, as much as possible, and maybe you could buy her a cell phone. But the most important thing in my opinion is to make her feel that you are there. Then the rest will come by itself. You will see Cap, you will be a fantastic father.-
-Thank you so much Peter.-
-When you want, Cap.-
-In the afternoon there are training sessions.-
-I remembered that.-
-For real?-
-See you later, kid.-
-See you later, Captain.-
I closed the call and went to get the motorcycle, put on the helmet and went to buy her a phone.
As soon as I got back to the tower, after about an hour, I called Fury to get me some papers so I could enroll her in school.
I went into the tower and into the living room I found Thor relaxing on the sofa and Tony assembling something with a screwdriver and a piece of armor.
-Hey Capsicle. Where have you been?- asked Tony.
-First I talked to Clint, then to Peter, finally I went to buy something.- I said showing the blue package I was holding in my hands.
-What is it?- Nat asked as he entered.
-It's a gift for y/n. Could you call her?- I asked.
-I'm going.- she said disappearing from our sight.
At that moment Bucky entered.
-The tower is huge. I got lost.- he admitted scratching the base of his neck, embarrassed.
-Just ask Jarvis.-.Tony said, looking up.
Bucky was about to answer when Nat and y/n arrived.

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