Chapter 12

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y/n's pov
I opened my eyes and I looked around, not knowing where I was.
It was an empty, windowless, single-door room with a marble floor and dark walls.
Suddenly she had a flash and she knew where I was.
At that thought I blanched.
"He's in a cell, don't worry. It can't be him." I tried to calm down and convince myself that it couldn't be him.
But I knew that Zemo was the author of all that.
I looked down at where I was sitting and saw that I was in a chair.
My wrists and ankles were tied to the armrests and legs of the chair, with very tight leather straps.
"How long have I fainted?" I wondered trying to free myself.
All attempts were in vain.
The straps were too tight.
-Fuck...- I whispered looking around looking for something to free me with, but the room was empty, apart from me and the chair.
Suddenly I heard footsteps and my heart began to speed up.
I saw the handle drop and the door, creaking, opened, revealing the figure of Zemo.
-Oh, you woke up. Well, well.- he said observing me -My best creation is with me again.-
-Why am I here?- I asked, holding his gaze.
-I created you. I raised you. I taught you. It's like you are my daughter.-
-Steve is my father. Not you.- I said looking at him badly.
-Steve hasn't been there for sixteen years. While I have, have you forgotten?- he said.
-You've been killing me with training since I was little. Does it seem right to you to be called "my father"? Not to me.- I said scornfully -Why did you tell me I didn't have a family? I trusted you...- I said looking at my tied wrists, I tried to take time to think of a plan to escape from there.
-We can conquer the world. You and I. Together. I can get you anything you want. Anything.- he said moving a lock of my hair behind my ear, which caused me a feeling mixed between disgust and fear.
-Why should I?- I asked looking up.
-Do you really think they will come to save you? They only kept you with them because they fear you. They are afraid of you, they don't really love you.- he said with a grin.
"That's not true. Don't think about it. They care about you." I thought feeling my eyes shining.
-It's not true...- I whispered more to myself than to him.
-Instead yes. Do you really think Winter Soldier, or Bucky call it whatever you want, cares about you? I asked him to protect you. It was an order.- he said, laughing slightly -I can help you use your true strength. I will help you use your true potential.-
-What makes you think that I will join you?- I asked, looking at the door, I seemed to have seen some movement, but then I concentrated again on the figure of him.
-Well, if you won't be with me, you won't even be with the Avengers.- he said and I saw him leave the room, only to return a few seconds later with a transparent tank in which there was an oily liquid with a very light yellow color.
He uncorked it and a sharp smell came to my nostrils.
"Gasoline?" I thought confused, not understanding what he wanted to do.
By the time he realized it was too late and he was already spilling the liquid all around me.
-No, wait!- I said getting scared and I started to move, hoping that the straps would be released by magic.
-You were very clear. You don't want to team up with me, then you won't team up with anyone.- he said emptying half the tank on me.
My hair and clothes were soaked in gasoline.
I moved my wrists and ankles in vain, hoping I could free myself.
Zemo pulled a lighter out of his pocket and threw it on the ground and walked out, closing the door behind him.
In a short time the flames rose and began to burn everything around me.
I heard the alarm but I doubted that anyone could have heard it, he who knows where I was at that moment.
I began to cough and feel my lungs burning from the smoke I was breathing.
In my head there were images of dad, Bucky and all the Avengers.
I would never see them again.
At that thought, my eyes began to water, both from my despair and from the smoke.
I thought about dad.
When he discovered I was his daughter, he immediately welcomed me without thinking twice, even though I had been raised by enemies.
I thought of Natasha.
When we worked out together, I took it out because she always ended up distracting me, in order to win, and then to make up for it she helped me improve with makeup.
I thought of Peter.
When we saw movies and TV series together, freaking out for our favorite characters, and the other Avengers hated us because we punctually ended up fighting over some disagreement because we had different ships.
I thought of Thor.
When I was down he always knew how to make me laugh and get my mood back, telling me about Asgard, also promising me that one day he would take me there.
I thought of Clint.
When he tried to make me use the bow, but I always failed by missing the target and risking hitting someone.
I thought of Bruce.
Every time I had to check he would try to calm me down, as I was terrified of all his equipment.
I thought of Tony.
When we ate cheeseburgers together secretly from dad because he didn't want me to eat them every day and the latter's lectures when he found us.
Finally, I thought of Bucky.
When he told me about his adventures with his dad, a nostalgic smile formed on his face that conveyed all of his love for him for his bygone era.
My head was spinning, I suddenly felt heavy eyes and I let them close.
Just before closing them completely, I felt several pinches in my legs.

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