Chapter 24 B

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That night the team called me and Pepper, we were both very happy to be able to talk to them.
They told us many interesting things about Wakanda and also the fool that Bruce had made, bowing to King T'Challa.
After dinner I decided to try making a video call to Bucky.
-Hey doll.- he said smiling at me.
-Buck hey. Can you talk?- I asked.
-Yes, of course. How are you?- he asked.
-I'm pretty well. Bucky Bears keeps me company. You?-
-Now that I'm talking to you, I'm better.-
-Your arm is different or am I wrong?- I asked.
-Well, yes. It is in Vibranium. The same material as Steve's shield.- he said showing it to me better.
-It's beautiful, Buck. But who created it?- I asked.
-Shuri, T'Challa's sister. That girl is a genius, seriously.- he said.
-Ah, I'm glad...- I said looking down.
-Are you jealous, by any chance?- he asked me, I didn't answer -y/n, answer me.- he said in a sweet voice.
-A little bit, Bucky. I'm afraid of losing you...- I said.
-Hey listen to me. We went through Hydra together, we were there for each other. I hurt you but you still stayed by my side. You must never doubt my feelings for you. I love you and don't forget it, ok?-
-Mhmh...okay, Buck, I love you too.- I smiled at him -Wait a minute.- I said walking away, put on his sweatshirt then went back to the phone -Here I am.-
-It fits huge.- he said, laughing.
-And that's ok.- I said poking my tongue out, then he heard a knock -Who is it?-
-Hey Buck, are you okay?- I heard dad's voice.
-Yes Steve, I'm talking to y/n.-
-Hello dad.- I yelled.
-Hey, everything's alright, yeah?- he asked.
-Yes, yes. Everything is fine. But I miss you.-
-Me too, little one. See you in three, four days, ok?-
-Yes...- I said yawning -I think I'll go to sleep.- I said.
-Good night doll.-
-Good night little one.-
-Good night. Say hello to the others too.- I said and then quit and went to sleep.
Two days passed in which we often talked with others, through messages and calls.
On the third day dad texted to me that they were going on a mission and couldn't answer the phone.
That afternoon Pepper and I decided to watch a movie to distract ourselves.
Suddenly I didn't feel very well.
-y/n, are you okay?- she asked seeing my expression.
-Pepper…I...I don't feel so good...- I said, starting to breath heavily.
I tried to get up but I collapsed to the ground.
-Hey, hey everything is ok. Quiet.- she said approaching me.
-I...I...- I looked at my hands and saw I was disappearing -Am I...dying?- I asked her.'ll be fine, calm down.- she said, trying to keep a calm voice, but I could hear the fear in her tone.
-Tell dad...and Bucky that...I love them...-
Suddenly I didn't see anything anymore.

Steve's pov
I saw Thanos disappear into a portal, after taking Vision's Mind stone, and immediately after snapping his fingers.
"We lost..." I thought kneeling on the ground.
When I saw some disappear my thoughts went to y/n.
-We lost.- Bucky said as he came close to me.
We checked who was still alive and noticed it was me, Bucky, Natasha, Bruce, Tony, Thor and Clint.
-I lost the kid...- Tony whispered, referring to Peter.
-Wanda is missing too.- Clint said.
-I don't even see Sam...- Bucky said looking around.
Once we had all the survivors gathered, we boarded the jet and Tony got a call.
-Is Pepper...- whispered -Hello, love?- He replied, then widened his eyes and looked from me to Bucky -No, it's not We're coming back. I love you too.- then he closed the call, then looked down.
-Tony, what's going on?- I asked confused -No, wait...don't tell me.- I said understanding what had happened to y/n.
-I'm sorry, Steve...- he said.
I felt my heart grow heavy with the idea that she was gone.
I tightened the tag around my neck and remembered the day Bucky and I had given her hers.
-I don't understand, what happened?- Bucky asked.
-y/n...- Tony just said.
-What happened to her? Is she okay?- Bucky asked looking at me and Tony, then the rest of the team, I looked down -No,'re kidding right? She's fine and waiting for us, right? Right?- he asked, raising his voice.
-Bucky, calm down. Let's go to rest. We will soon be at the villa.- I took him and took him to his room on the jet.
He sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands.
-She's...she's gone...we couldn't do anything...- he said in a broken voice.
-Bucky, we could not do anything against a titan from space.- I said placing a hand on his shoulder.
-The day before the departure she asked me if I wanted children...I answered yes and that I would call them George Joseph and Sarah Winifred...- he said looking up a little and I saw that she had reddened eyes.
-You'd be a fantastic father.- I said trying not to cry.
-You were an amazing father for her, she always said.- he smiled at me sadly.
-Try to rest for a while, in a couple of hours we will arrive at the villa.- I said going out.
I went to my cabin and lay down on the bed.
I thought about the fact that she wouldn't jump on me as soon as she saw me, I wouldn't see her smile when Bucky complimented her.
I felt my eyes tingle, but I forced myself not to cry.
Arriving at the villa, Pepper immediately ran into Tony's arms and Bucky looked away.
-I'm sorry...before disappearing she said that she loved you, Steve and Bucky.- Pepper said.
-Thank you Pepper...- I said.
-Yes...thanks...- Bucky said before entering.

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