Chapter 16

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Returning to the tower we entered and went into the hall.
All the blinds were down and the lights out.
-What happens?- I asked confused.
-I don't know.- Bucky said. -Try turning on the light.- he said.
I felt the wall until I found the switch.
I clicked it and turned on the lights.
-Happy birthday!- they all shouted and coming towards me hugging me.
-But what is it for?- I smiled looking around.
I saw the whole room decorated with balloons, various snacks, saucers and colored glasses.
-For your birthday, little one.- dad said smiling at me.
-Thank you very much.- I felt my eyes moisten.
-No, don't cry. Your mascara is dripping.- Nat said, making us laugh.
-Here is the birthday girl. Happy birthday.- Peter said hugging me.
-Thank you Pete.- I said in return.
-We are here too.- MJ and Ned said.
-Hey, hi.- I said hugging them.
-It's already seventeen.- dad said placing a hand on my shoulder -I would have liked to see you grow up.- he said sadly.
-You are here now, that's the important thing.- I smiled and hugged him -I love you, you know that right?-
-Yup. I love you too.- he said returning.
-Okay, now no more honeyed things. We have to have fun.- Tony said.
-Do you want to go and open the presents?- asked dad.
-Do I I have gifts?- I asked, widening my eyes.
-Of course.- he said looking at a table on which there were packages.
I walked over to the table, followed by Peter, MJ and Ned, as the adults sat down on the sofa but glanced at us.
I started taking them.
Natasha had given me some makeup brushes.
Tony had given me a digital watch that Jarvis was connected to.
Thor had given me a book of Norse myths from the Asgard royal library.
Bruce and Clint had given me the whole Harry Potter saga.
Peter, MJ and Ned had given me a leather bracelet that all four of us had the same.
-Thank you all.- I said hugging them.
-Wait a minute.- Bucky said. -Your father and I have something to give you.- They got up and handed me a package.
-Thank you very much.- I said opening it.
It was a long necklace with a military dog tag, like the ones dad and Bucky had, only it had my name and date of birth engraved on it.
-Since that you were so impressed, we thought of having it made to measure.- explained dad.
-We hope you like it.- Bucky said.
I put it on quickly then I sling to hug them.
-It's beautiful.- I said turning the tag in my hands.
-I would propose a toast to the birthday girl.- Nat said taking a glass of vodka.
-To Mini Cap.- Thor said raising his mug of beer.
-To Mini Cap.- they all repeated while having a drink.
-To me.- I said laughing and then drinking.
The rest of the afternoon passed quietly.
Around half past five MJ's father came to pick her up, while Peter and Ned had to walk home.
-It's near here, we can walk, Mr. Stark.- Peter said.
-I'll take you, I want to take a walk.- I said getting up.
-But then you should go back alone.- dad said.
-If you want I'll go, Steve.- Bucky said -You've organized everything and you'll be tired, the others have drunk a lot, while alcohol has no effect on me.-
-Isn't that a problem for you?- asked dad.
-No, no problem, don't worry.- he said smiling.
-Thank you so much Buck, you're the best.- Dad said.
-Peter! Ned! Come on.- I said shouting to the two who were playing on the Playstation.
-Do we really have to?- Peter asked coming to us.
-Yes, May is waiting for you.- I said passing them the jackets.
After saying goodbye we left the tower and I noticed that the sun was already setting.
We took Ned home, then Peter.
-Come on, come on for a moment. So May can say happy birthday.- Peter insisted.
-Okay, but just a moment.- I said and, followed by Bucky, we entered.
-Hey Aunt May, I'm home.- Peter yelled.
-Hey Peter dear. y/n, Bucky what a pleasure.- she said seeing us -And happy birthday.- she said hugging me.
-Thanks May.- I said returning the hug.
-Can I offer you something?- She asked.
-No, thank you very much. We really have to go. It will be another time.-
-That is fine. Say hello to Mr. Stark and Happy.- He said.
-I will do it. See you soon.- I said going out.
-See you soon.- she said.
Bucky and I made our way to the tower.
-It's getting dark.- I said looking at the deserted road in front of us, the only movement present was that of some car that, every now and then, passed.
-What's up? Are you afraid of being attacking? Did you forget you were a super soldier?- he asked.
-Certainly not. It's that I'm cold.- I said rubbing my hands on her and down her arms, to warm up a little.
Bucky walked over to me and put his arm around me, pulling me towards him.
I blushed a lot at that gesture.
-Is it better?- he asked.
-Yes...a little, thank you.- I said trying not to stammer -Thanks also for the gift, I really appreciated it.- and without thinking I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
-Nothing really.- he said smiling -You know what? -
-No, tell me.-
-As much as I hate Zemo, I have to thank him for putting you on a mission with me, otherwise I wouldn't have known you.- he said.
-Yes, I must agree with you, too bad that the last time I saw him he almost burned me alive.- I said remembering that day.
-Well yeah.- he said, chuckling.
-Can I ask you a favor anyway?- I asked.
-Of course, just ask.-
-My teacher wants us to do a homework on World War II...- I said.
-So what?- he asked.
-Well, you and dad have lived through it.- I said in an obvious tone.
-And let me guess, you want help.- He asked.
-If you really insist.- I said, making him laugh.
-Okay, okay.- he said.
We went back to the tower and, all together, we watched a movie while eating popcorn on the sofa.

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