Chapter 14

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y/n's pov
When I woke up I found it hard to open my eyes because of the light, but after blinking several times she was able to focus on where I was.
"Am I in Bruce's lab?" I asked myself while looking around.
When I looked down and saw dad sleeping holding my hand.
Involuntarily I smiled.
"I knew you wouldn't abandon me." I thought looking at him.
At that moment the door opened and Peter and Bucky entered.
They were about to scream but I put my index finger on my lips, and then pointed to the sleeping dad.
They approached quite quietly and Peter hugged me, when he broke away it was Bucky's turn.
-How are you?- Peter whispered.
-I'm quite fine.- I smiled to reassure them.
-I'm going to call Bruce, I'll be right back.- Peter said as he went out.
-Forgive me...- Bucky whispered, looking down.
-What should I forgive you for?- I asked confused.
-I promised to protect you and I failed.- he said.
-It's okay, Buck. You couldn't know what was going to happen. Nobody could know.- I said to place my free hand on him.
He looked up, making our eyes meet, and smiled.
At that moment dad moved and knew he was about to wake up.
I slowly removed my hand, but not wanting to end that contact.
Dad sat up and rubbed his eyes.
When he focused on our figures and saw that I was awake, he hugged me.
-Everything good? Is something hurting you?- he asked, looking at me.
-I'm fine.- I smiled to reassure him -Peter went to call Bruce.-
-I'm so sorry, I should have come and picked you up. If you had come, nothing would have happened to you.- he said.
-It's okay, don't worry. You can't predict the future, you didn't know it would happen.- I said shaking his hand -Anyway you catched him?- I asked.
-Sadly no...- said dad looking down -All S.H.I.E.L.D. mobilized to look for him. We failed, sorry.-
-Be calm. The important thing is that we are all together and we are fine, right?- I asked, looking at him.
The door suddenly opened and Bruce entered followed by Peter.
-Well, you woke up.- Bruce smiled at me.
-Of course. You will not get rid of me easily.- I said laughing.
-Luckily.- Peter said, making us laugh -We have to finish seeing Harry Potter.-
-If you go out, I'll do some checks.- Bruce said looking at the three who, after some small protest, went out.
-Do your wrists hurt? The ankles?- Bruce asked me, while he looked at the results of the tests.
-A bit. But it's bearable.- I said while looking at the bandages on my legs -Are the wounds serious?- I asked pointing to them.
-No, don't worry. It's just to prevent them from becoming infected.- he said taking them off -You are a super soldier, your system makes sure that your wounds heal pretty quickly. See?- he asked and I noticed that the burns were still there, albeit a little.
-Can I go to the others?- I asked him after half an hour of various exams.
-Yes, come on, I'm sure they want to see you.- he said helping me to get up.
We went into the room and as soon as I entered Nat came up to me and hugged me.
-You scared us.- she said.
-I know, sorry.- I said, returning her hug.
-Hey little girl don't ever do it again, ok?- Tony said smiling.
-Okay.- I said returning the smile.
-You are awake, Mini Cap.- said Thor coming towards me and hugging me.
-Yes, God of thunder, I'm awake.- I said returning the hug.
-Ehm, um.- dad coughed to get attention -Put her down Thor, she's still not in perfect condition.-
-Daddy is jealous here.- Clint said, polishing an arrow.
-Hey, that's not true.- he said.
-Yes, but it is completely normal. I don't want my children to grow up either, but that's life.- he said as he put the arrow back in the quiver.
I walked over to dad and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
-No one can ever replace you, ok?- I asked with a smile.
-Yes, okay. But if you like someone you will have to tell me immediately, okay?-
-Yes, yes. The important thing is that you hope for it, Steve.- Nat said laughing.
-I'll go to take a shower. My hair is full of gasoline.- I said trying to change the subject -Later- I said making to go out.
-Kid?- I heard someone calling him.
-Yes?- I asked turning around.
-Cheeseburger for dinner?- asked Tony.
-And do you need to ask? Obvious.- I said smiling, while dad snorted.
I left the room and around the corner I could still hear their voices.
-Mini Cap?- I heard dad's voice -Thor, seriously?-
-It's cute as a nickname. Mini Cap. It suits her.- Bucky said.
-The Asgardian and the Sergeant are right.- Tony said -Well I'm going to order the cheeseburgers.-
I decided not to listen to them anymore and went to my room.
After I had a shower, I left the bathroom and went to the closet, opened the drawers, took the underwear and put it on.
Then I stopped in front of the mirror to observe my figure.
As I watched every inch of my skin, I heard the door snap open.
-Hey, we're going to...- Dad and Bucky walked into the room -My god, sorry.- he said noticing how I was dressed.
-You could have knocked.- I said and felt my cheeks flush.
The two men, embarrassed, went out, closing the door, continuing to murmur an apology.
-As soon as you've done it tell us, we'll be out here.-
"What a fool." I thought, covering my face with my hands.
I went to the closet and quickly put on a pair of slightly baggy black sweatpants and a white tank top, fitted just right.
I went to the door and went out.
-I'm here, tell me.- I said seeing them.
-First of all, we wanted to apologize again.- Bucky said.
-Second, we were going to get dinner, do you want to come?- asked dad.
-Yes why not. Just a moment.- I said going back to the room and taking the phone -We can go.- I said smiling at him.
-And let's go.- said dad.
We left the tower and got into the car.
-I play some music, ok?- I asked.
-Yes.- said the two.
I turned on the radio and Queen's Good Old‐Fashioned Lover Boy was playing.
-Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy
What're you doin 'tonight, hey, boy?
Set my alarm, turn on my charm
That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy.- I sang.
-How do you know this?- Bucky asked, humming the music.
-Peter made me listen.- I said simply as I went back to singing.
Needless to say, every time I heard that song I thought about Bucky, as he reminded me of a "good old-fashioned lover boy".

The Captain's daughter (Bucky x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя