Chapter 19

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Step by step we arrived in the hall.
-Did you miss me?- I asked smiling.
When they saw me, everyone came to meet me and I noticed Sam was there too.
-Are you okay, Mini Cap?- asked Sam -They told me what happened.-
-Yes, enough.- I said smiling at him.
I sat on the sofa, flanked by Bucky who, to mark his "territory", put his arm around me.
At that gesture everyone looked from Bucky and me to dad, and vice versa, expecting some reaction from the latter.
I tried to be serious, but in the end I burst out laughing.
-What is there to laugh about, little one?- asked dad.
-Well...their expressions.- I said looking at everyone.
-But Steve...she...and he...- Clint mumbled pointing at us.
-We are together.- I said smiling.
-And you didn't tell me anything? Since when?- Nat asked, smiling at me.
-From...exactly ten minutes.- Bucky replied looking at his watch.
-Steve? Don't you have anything to say?- asked Tony.
-If she's happy, that's fine with me.- he answered simply -I also know Bucky well and I trust him blindly.-
-James Bucky Barnes. I warn you. Hurt her and you're a dead man.- Nat said, narrowing her eyes.
-I will not do that. You can be sure.- he smiled at her and printed a kiss on my forehead.
-Anyway I was thinking. We took Zemo, we're all fine, more or less, and we have a new couple. Why not celebrate?- Tony suggested.
-Yes, good idea.- they all accepted.
-Okay, so tonight for 6 pm. That is fine?-
-Perfect.- Nat said getting up -You with me now. Let's get ready.- she said to me.
-And let's go. See you later.- I said getting up, with the help of Natasha.
-Be careful how you move.- dad and Bruce yelled at me.
-Yes, don't worry, don't worry.- I said and then disappeared with Nat.
We went to my room.
-So you got Sergeant Barnes? Nice choice.- she said with a wink, while she looked in my closet.
-Oh yes.- I said smiling.
-Since when do you like him?- she asked, looking at a dress.
-I think from the first day I saw him, but I understood it after a few months. I did not immediately understand it was love.- I said turning the dog tags in my fingers.
-Do you know that he often came to me to ask me for advice? Or even to ask me if you told me about him.-
-Yes, he told me.- I admitted.
-You should wear this.- she said, handing me a black sheath dress that came above the knee.
-Don't you think it's a bit too much?- I asked, looking at her.
-Nah. Wait for me here.- she said leaving the room, and then come back with a fiery red dress, similar to my only much more low-cut -I'll wear this.- she said smiling.
-You go down heavy. Bruce will not resist you.- I said looking at her.
-What? No. Absolutely not.- she said blushing -I don't do it for him.-
-Of course, you don't.-
-Stop talking, let's get ready.- she said, pushing me into the bathroom.
I took a quick shower.
We got dressed then moved on to makeup, nothing too excessive.
When we finished getting ready we heard a shouting and left my room.
There were a lot of people.
-Wow...there are a lot of people.- I said, looking around.
-Well yes. Stark parties are often like that.- she said.
Dad and Tony met us.
-Wow, you are beautiful.- said dad.
-Bruce and Bucky will go crazy.- Tony said as Natasha and I blushed.
-I knew there would be a lot of people, I didn't think so many.- I said.
-You have to get used to it. Tony hosts parties quite often.- dad said.
-Look there, Bruce is there.- I said pushing Nat in his direction.
-But what...oh hey Bruce.- She said, glaring at me.
-Hey are beautiful...- he said looking at her.
-Thank you. Shall we go for a drink?- she asked, he nodded and they walked away.
-Cap, Mini Cap, Tony, hey.- Clint greeted us coming to meet us -There are journalists for you. She would like to ask you some things.- he said to me and dad.
-Ok, then I'm going. As soon as you see Bucky tell him I was looking for him.-
The two nodded and Dad and I went to the reporters.
-We have Steve and y/n Rogers. Can we ask you some questions?- asked the girl.
-Yes, of course.- I said smiling.
-How is y/n as a daughter? Are you proud of how she grew up?-
-She is a fantastic, kind daughter and girl, willing to help others at the cost of hurting herself. Saying that I am proud of her is nothing, I can't express such words.- he smiled at me.
-You're too good.- I said, returning the smile.
-It's just the truth.- he said.
-What's it like to have Captain America as a father?- she asked me.
-He is the best father I could have. Since I have been here at the tower he has never made me miss anything and he is trying to make me have a relatively normal life, even if it is a bit difficult under the circumstances. He is very present, as much as possible, patient...he is fantastic. He is my hero.- I said smiling.
-I'm glad to hear you say it.- then I felt a hand on my shoulder.
-What do you tell me about the other Avengers?- she asked me.
-They are a great family, really. They welcomed me very well. Each of them is an important part of both the team and the family. They made me understand the meaning of family. I owe a lot to all of them to Natasha, to Clint, to Bruce, to Thor, to Tony, to Bucky and also to dad of course.- I said.
-We often see you in the company of Peter Parker, Tony Stark's assistant. Is there something between you?- she asked.
-Oh, no, no. Peter and I are just friends.- I answered smiling.
-Then is there someone else in your heart? 
Are you dating someone?- I mumbled looking for an answer.
I didn't know what to say in my relationship with Bucky as we had been together for too little and we hadn't spoken in public announcing our relationship.
-Yes, she's dating me.- I heard a voice from behind and I turned around.
-Is it true?- asked the surprised girl.
-Oh yes.- I replied blushing, while he took me by the hand, and then left me a kiss on the cheek.
-Captain Rogers, were you aware of it?-
-Of course.- he said proudly -And I'm very happy for both of them.-
-Well, we pretended. Thanks to the availability.-
-Nothing.- we replied, then disappeared into the crowd.
-We'll be in all the newspapers. Do you know it?- I asked.
-I do not care. I want them to know that you are only mine.- he said putting an arm around my shoulders -Anyway you are beautiful.- he whispered to me.

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