Chapter 21

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Months passed and everything seemed to be going well.
Bucky and I worked as a couple, all or most of the people were happy for us, with the Avengers the situation was fantastic, there were also two new members, Wanda and Vision.
Every now and then Dad even let me go on a mission with all of them.
But there was only one problem.
Lately not only did they not let me be present at their meetings, plus when I entered a room on time everyone stopped talking, I didn't understand why and it bothered me a lot, but I tried to justify them.
"They're doing it for my sake. They're just keeping me safe." I repeated to myself.
One morning, as usual, I got out of bed and when I was arranging the blankets I noticed a scarlet stain.
"No, please. Not my period now." I thought, snorting loudly "Let's start very badly."
I went to the bathroom, changed quickly, changed the sheets, then went down to breakfast.
-Good...- dad said.
-It's not a good morning.- I interrupted him abruptly sitting down.
-What is it, doll?- Bucky asked, sitting down next to me.
-Nothing.- I hissed, eating two croissants.
After a few seconds I began to have very strong cramps, so strong they felt like contractions, and I found myself doubled over and panting.
-Do you have your period?- Nat asked as he approached, I just nodded -Rogers, Barnes. Take a hot water bottle, a blanket and some snacks. C'mon. Fast. It's not an exercise.- said the redhead.
-Yes, immediately.- the two disappeared without adding anything, returning a few seconds later with the necessary.
-Can you walk?- Bucky asked.
-Yes, don't worry.- I lied, but when I got up I felt another cramp and I was about to collapse to the floor when I felt two arms catch me.
-It's okay doll. I got you.- Bucky smiled at me and with his help we went to my room.
I lay down and placed the hot-water bottle on my belly.
-Is it better, little one?- asked dad, stroking my cheek.
-Yes, a little.- I smiled and Nat handed me a glass.
-Drink, you'll feel better, Bruce advised me.- she said and I drank it all in one gulp.
-It sucks.- I said making a face.
-I never said it would be good.- she smiled mockingly.
-Go to hell.- I said while drinking some water trying to get rid of that bad taste, the girl's phone rang.
-It's Fury.- she said -We have a mission, we leave in the afternoon. Me, Rogers, Barnes, Stark, Barton, Banner and Odin's son.-
-All of you in practice. Are you abandoning me like that?- I asked sadly.
-Sorry but work is calling.- dad said, stroking my head -How long will the mission last, Nat?-
-Minimum two, three days?- she read on the screen in shock -But is he crazy? It can't be serious. I'm going to call him.- she said going out.
-Three days?- I asked, passing my gaze from one to the other.
-We're sorry, little one. I'm going to talk to Tony, I'll be right back.- dad said, and then went out.
-Hey doll.- Bucky said sitting next to me -Three days will pass quickly.- he said putting his arm around my shoulders.
-But Bucky...- I said feeling my eyes shining -If something happens?- I asked.
-We'll be fine.- he smiled at me and wiped the tears with his thumb and then kissed me on the forehead.
-Do you promise me you'll pay attention?- I asked, crouching against his chest.
-Sure doll.- he said, stroking my hair.
A few minutes later the two returned.
-Nothing to do, we have to leave in the afternoon.- Nat said.
-I talked to Tony, Peter will come here to keep you company. Okay?- asked dad.
-Okay, yes.- I nodded.
-Steve, come with me. I have an idea.- Bucky said standing up.
-Buck, but what...?- dad said, being pulled away by his friend.
-I don't understand men.- Nat said laughing and I joined her.
A few hours later, before lunch, everyone was busy preparing various weapons and suits, Peter would arrive shortly before their departure.
I sat down on the sofa and continued reading the book of myths given to me by Thor.
Dad and Bucky came back from their exit, we all had lunch together, then Peter arrived.
-Here's the girl who needs company.- he said, hugging me.
-Watch out Peter, she has her period.- dad warned him.
-Do I still have time to refuse?- he asked, chuckling.
-Fuck you Parker.- I said.
-I'm sorry, I was kidding.- he said -Are you okay if MJ and Ned come after too?-
-Sure.- I said smiling.
-Time to go!- Fury yelled.
-See you in a few days.- dad said hugging me.
I said goodbye to everyone and left Bucky for last.
-Hey doll.- he said and I threw my arms around his neck -I got you this, I hope it can cheer you up a bit.- he said handing me an envelope.
-Thank you Buck, you didn't have to.- I said opening it.
Inside I found two bear plushies from Build a Bear dressed as Captain America and Bucky.
-They'll keep you company.- he said and I hugged them to my chest.
-They are beautiful...- I said, feeling my eyes shining.
-You will not be able to cuddle me, at least you will have my teddy bear. They also have our perfume.- he said hugging me.
-Thank you Buck, I love you. Thanks dad, I love you.- I smiled at him.
-We have to go now, bye.-
-See you.-
-We'll try to call you when we get the line, okay?- dad said.
-Okay, but now go or Fury will kill me.- I said smiling.
They got into the Quinjet and we watched them disappear into the sky.
-Come on, let's go back, MJ and Ned will be here shortly.- Peter said, nodded and we went back inside.
It came the evening, and after dinner when MJ and Ned were gone, Peter and I went to sleep.
After I went to bed I hugged the two stuffed plushies.
"I miss you so much..." I thought before falling asleep.
Two days passed in which I had no news from the group.
-What if...?- I asked after half an hour of hypothesis walking back and forth.
-They are okay. Don't worry.- Peter interrupted me.
-I know, I know. I'm just worried.- I said.
-There's someone at the door for you.- I heard Jarvis's voice.
-Who can it be?- I asked going to the door.
When I saw Bucky I jumped on him and he hugged me.
-You missed me, huh?- he asked laughing.
-Shut up and kiss me Barnes.- I said canceling the distance between us, a few seconds later he let me down.
-She didn't give up those plushies, did she?- dad asked.
-Of course not.- Peter said.
-Oh, shut up Parker.- I said hitting him on the arm.

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