Chapter 1

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y/n's pov
I rolled over and over on the floor, but nothing.
I couldn't sleep anymore.
I sat up and leaned my back against the cold wall.
I looked at the "room" that had housed me for as long as I could remember.
"If I was born here, I will also die", was what I often repeated to myself, so often that I no longer even hoped that someone would come to save us, when I realized that nobody would come I had decided to train to become strong and then I would try to escape.
I looked up at the bars of the cell and noticed a guard staring at me.
-Goodmorning Princess. Did you sleep well?- he asked with a wink and I just glared at him without denying him an answer.
In those years I had learned that it was better to stay quiet or else we wouldn't get away with it.
Especially me, being the only girl in there.
-Come on Carl, leave her alone.- said a voice I knew too well.
Baron Helmut Zemo.
-Excuse me, Baron.- the guard said, composing himself.
-How are you, Soldier Girl?- asked the man approaching the bars.
-Decently, Baron Zemo.- I said getting up.
-I am pleased to. The trainings?-
-They proceed as usual.- I replied.
-Perfect.- he smiled at me -In a few days I was thinking of sending you on a mission with the Winter Soldier. What do you say? I want to see you in action.-
-Okay, Baron Zemo. I will not disappoint you.-
-I know you won't, Soldier Girl.- he said smiling -Carl, open the cell. The girl needs to feed. You do not see?-
The man quickly took the keys and opened my cell.
-Thank you, Baron Zemo.-
-Now go.-
Without making me repeat it, I left the cell and walked down the corridor.
I had a strange relationship with Zemo.
He was always quite understanding towards me, obviously he wanted to keep me good so that he could use me as a puppet, anyone would understand that.
The problems were there when he was away for days, and it was in those moments when the guards and the other soldiers attacked, making jokes, whistles, inappropriate appreciations and sometimes they even beat me.
Just for fun.
I went into the "dining room", which was a room with battered tables and broken, wobbly chairs.
I looked for a free place away from everyone, but I didn't find one.
"I'll eat in the cell."  I thought as I approached the table.
There wasn't much left.
A slice of bread.
"I'll have to wake up earlier tomorrow, these assholes have already taken everything." I thought as I walked back to my cell and sat on the cold floor.
I ate quickly then went back to bed, trying not to notice my stomach demanding more food.
"I'm going to train to distract myself." I said getting up and going to the "gym".
It was all very cheap, old punching bags, a few gone dummies, and a few years old gear.
I noticed there was only one man training.
Regardless of who he was, I started hitting the mannequins and imagined the faces of most of those disgusting soldiers to motivate myself.
I started hitting them a little too hard and, without my noticing, moans began to come out of my mouth.
-Mh...umph..uh...- I panted, pulling the last kick, dropping the dummy.
I sat on the floor and looked at my knuckles, which were bleeding.
I watched a drop of blood fall to the ground.
You hear footsteps approaching and the man bent down.
-Give me your hand.- he said and held out his hand while he bandaged my knuckles.
Then I looked up.
He was a very handsome man, his brown hair came up behind him, with a little beard and very light eyes, a few seconds later I noticed he had a metal arm.
-You are...Winter Soldier.- I said.
-Yeah. And you are Soldier Girl, right?- he asked standing up.
-Yes, it's me.- I said -Thank you...for the hand.-
-Did Baron Zemo tell you about the mission?-
-He just mentioned it to me. Who is the victim?- I asked.
-Steve Rogers. Captain America.- Zemo said entering the gym -Well, I see you met. Are you okay with your hand?- He asked noticing the bandage.
-Yes, my knuckles were just bleeding, but Winter Soldier helped me with them.- I said.
-That is fine. Have you already eaten?- asked the Baron.
-Actually no. I did not find anything.- said the Winter Soldier.
-You, Soldier Girl?- he asked.
-Just a slice of bread, Baron.- I said.
-And to think that I told those decerebrated to leave you aside some food, excuse me. Go to your cell, Soldier Girl, I'll come with some food.- he said disappearing.
I nodded to the man and we walked to my cell.
-Where are you going?- Carl asked, whistling and glancing at me, which made me look down.
I hated when they whistled at me.
Winter Soldier approached slowly and put his metal hand around the guard's neck.
-Whistle again, I dare you.- he said and I saw Carl squint his eyes.
-I...I won't…I won't...anymore…- he panted.
-Winter Soldier. Enough. Put him down.- we heard Zemo's voice and saw him arrive with two trays a little damaged.
The soldier released his grip, knocking Carl to the ground.
Without further ado we entered my cell.
-Baron wasn't what it seemed.- said the soldier.
-So what happened?- he asked placing the trays on the floor.
-Carl was bothering me, he does it often and he was just defending me.- I said sitting on the cold floor.
-Winter Soldier, is it true?- asked the Baron.
-Yes, Baron Zemo.- said the man, sitting down on the ground.
-That is okay. I have to go now. Winter Soldier I entrust you with the custody of Soldier Girl. Keep an eye on her and protect her. Is that okay with you?- he asked, turning to me.
-If you think it's a good idea, that's fine with me.- I said.
-Well, then he'll sleep here. I'll notify the guards, okay?- the man said and I nodded -I'll see you in a few days for your mission.- Zemo got out of the cell and the soldier and I ate.
It was always a fairly small portion but better than nothing.

The Captain's daughter (Bucky x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt