"I can't stop staring you are just so beautiful and you don't even try," Shawn said.

Shawn is one of those few people who are blessed to be perfect. He compliments you, makes you feel wanted, sings, has such a sexy face, and the perfect body.

Right away I blushed and looked down at my feet. He intertwined his hand with mine making my face as red a cherry.

We followed the hostess to a table for two. I sat across from Shawn.

"What would you like to drink?" She asked Shawn while giggling.

Her face has so much makeup on it I can repaint the Mona Lisa. While her boobs are popping out of her shirt! Do people know you can't buy bras two sizes to small? Gosh I am already annoyed of her.

"I will have a orange juice please," he replied smiling at me.

She turned towards me while she stopped giggling and started glaring. "And for you?" She scoffed looking me up and down.

Wow I can really go for punching someone in the face, but I don't think they have that on the menu. Because she is flirting with someone I am on a date with. Wait. Am I on a date? I mean he didn't really ask to go on a 'date' he just said he is taking me to get food. I don't know this is confusing. But all I know is I am getting jealous of the stupid cake face. To help how about I make her jealous. I put my hand on the table, and Shawn rested his hand on top of it.
"I will have just a plain water," I said looking at Shawn smiling.
I saw her walk away rolling her eyes at me. The worst about her walking away though was she was swinging her hips as if she was Shakira.

And no she is no where near as good as Shakira.

"Thanks for taking me out for breakfast," I told Shawn.

It was sweet of him to offer to take me out to breakfast.

"No problem, I needed a break from people snoring around me," He said chuckling a little.

"Me too. I woke up and right next to me was a snoring Anna. Of course being her best friend I had to post it on snap chat," I said acting all innocent.

"Lets take a picture and post it on Snap chat, Instagram, and Twitter!" I said pulling out my phone. I walked over to Shawn and squated down just enough for us to be the same height. I smiled at the camera and Shawn kissed my cheek with a smile still on his face.
"That is a keeper, I am going to caption it, my breakfast date" I said walking back to my seat.I posted it on all my social media websites and even made it my profile picture on Instagram.

Right away on twitter people were commenting asking if we were dating. Of course. That's the thing that sucks, if you are a girl and you just talk to a boy then apparently you are dating.

If I just hug a boy fan, and someone takes a picture of it, then, we are dating.

"Here is your water and here is your orange juice'' the waitress said setting down our drinks.

"What would you like to eat?" She asked rudely. I think she got the point that we were on a 'date' or whatever you want to call it because now she is being mean to both of us.

"I will take a stack of pancakes with bacon and eggs," Shawn said handing our menus to her.
Before I could order I was cut off by Shawn. "She will have a stack of pancakes with whip cream and strawberries, I know you well enough to order for you," he said winking at me.

I felt little butterflies in my stomach, but I tried ignore them, but they kept fighting their way back into my tummy. After we finished eating we went back to my place bringing everyone back pancakes in to-go boxes. Right when I walked through the door Anna attacked me.

"Don't ever leave me home alone with them again. They are crazy!" She said pointing to three boys jumping on couches.

"Alright we brought you back food!" I yelled through out the house.

I set the pancakes on the counter and walked upstairs. I grabbed a towel, and went into the bathroom. I took a 15 minute shower and dried off. I wrapped the towel around me, and walked into my room. I put on high waisted jean shorts, black crop top that said MAGCON, and my white converse. I took my hair out of the towel and brushed it out. I let my hair air dry because it is naturally wavy. I pulled my bangs back and pinned them with a white bow. Next I put on my makeup. I did a winged eyeliner with a natural eye shadow and mascara. Last I put on red lipstick. Most people know me as red lip girl, because I love wearing red lipstick. I walked down stairs to see everyone sitting.

"What are we doing today?" I asked looking at everyone.

"Well the fair is in town for the weekend we can go there?" Matt said questioning it.

"YES! Anna is it okay with your Mom if you come?" I asked her.

"Yeah but we have to be back in time for the party remember?" She asked.

"Yes I remember, do you guys want to come?" I asked them.

They all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Go get ready you lazies!" I yelled. Anna and I were the only ones. We just sat on our phones scrolling though twitter.

Jack Johnson @JackJackJohnson: Everyone misses our wittle Espinosa :( Shawn, Nash, and Cameron are lucky.. COME VISIT US Maddie!

Madisyn Espinosa @MaddieEspinosa: Awwww(: I miss you guys too! Hopefully I will see you guys soon! <3 @JackJackJohnson

I call Jack Johnson Johnson so I don't confuse the Jacks. After twenty minutes of waiting the boys all jogged down the stairs.

"You guys ready finally!?" I asked.
They all nodded and we walked for our Mom's Cadillac. I sat in the way way back with Anna. Cash sat in the middle row, and Matt and Shawn sat in the front. I was scrolling through twitter once again and I saw Shawn got into the twitter convo Johnson and I were having.

Shawn Mendes @ShawnMendes: We are very lucky to see Maddie, hopefully the good news comes soon! @JackJackJohnson.

I looked up at Shawn to see him just scrolling through twitter still. Just looking at him makes me get butterflies. I guess I am starting to like him?

Magcon Princess *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now