Y/n's stomach dropped to her feet, she felt an internal panic, she hadn't thought about her stalker in over a year, she hadn't heard or seen anything that shows her stalker was still drooling over her. Y/n looked at Nile with a worried face "why do you ask Nye? Did you see someone? Was there someone out there?''

Nile could tell that she was clearly startled, and that he messed up by asking that question, he gulped as he was conflicted on what to do. He sighed softly as he decided that it would be best not to tell y/n that he saw two men standing across the street looking up at his apartment.

"Can we change the subject.. please..." Nile nodded and gestured for a hug, Y/n pulled herself into his arms, and grabbed on to him tightly, running her hand to the back of his hair and running her hands through his soft locks, hoping that would calm her down a little bit. Nile hugged her softly and sat her down on the window seat, watching out over the streets.

Y/n calmed down a little bit, letting go of Nile to signal that she was okay. Nile let go of her and sat back against the couch, knowing that he had to help her get her mind off of her stalker. "So what happened last night huh? Nothing bad happen with this new mafia boss?''

She shook her head as she took a sip of her coffee, looking out the window along with him. "No not really.. not much happened besides the fact that he...''
"The fact that he turned you on and you haven't felt that in so long so it automatically scares you.'' Y/n kicked Nile off the couch, satisfied that he was gasping for air after he fell on to the floor. He slowly stood up as he got back on the couch very cautiously.

"I mean hey, so far nothing bad has happened, besides the fact that he turned you on.'' Y/n choked on her burrito as she was brought back to the memory of Harts hands on her skin, the coldness of his rings, the roughness of his large yet slim calloused hands. The way his fingers trailed up her thigh and sent shivers down her spine. The way he looked at her, it was like a predator hunting down it's prey.

Y/n shook her head as she looked over at Nile, who sat there with a smirk on his face as he knew that he was right. "do you not remember what you said to me yesterday? You said don't go falling for some gangster that I find attractive, well guess what, the gangster finds me attractive.''

Nile cocked his head to the side, scanning y/n's face waiting to say his next words before he is sucker punched off the window seat. "Well, do you find him attractive?"Y/n tried to come across as the badass she normally is, but the redness on her cheeks said otherwise.

"No! Why would I ever like a Mafia boss? Why would I ever be with someone that could put my life in danger?That's just insane? If I ever say that I want to be with this boss please punch me because I have officially lost my mind'' Nile nodded and turned his head, he saw the redness on her face and knew that even though she didn't wanna admit it, that she was falling for someone heavily dangerous, and that her life could be on the line here.

Nile thought that it could be a good idea to have him around though, maybe if this boss was around that would officially scare her stalker away, but being with a mafia boss was probably one of the worst ideas that she could ever make.

Y/n and Nile were looking down at the streets below, watching people scurry and get to work and get home from school as their day had come to an end, or just starting. They watched teens run into the corner store across the street, getting liquor and vapes as they knew the old man didn't card anyone.

"Hey Nye, remember when we were 17 and 18, those were some crazy days right? I miss being young and not having a care in the world. And now we are 22 years old and we have jobs and we are in charge of making a living huh. Fuckin sucks if you ask me.''

Nile laughed and sat down next to her. "Yea I miss when we used to sneak out of the house, and go to the movies and watch the R rated movies that could count as pornos.'' Nile laughed as he watched the kids across the street tear open the packs of their vapes, inhaling as they felt the familiar nicotine rush rapidly through their veins."And sneaking out to buy our favorite strawberry watermelon vapes and drinking alcohol from the small corner store that never Identified us.''

A dangerous gambleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ