Chapter Nine: Blind Date

Start from the beginning

She came out completely. It was Natasha! Omo! She looked amazing. She let her straight brown hair down for the first time. She wore a black fitted gown. It looked perfect on her. She had the most amazing figure.

I was so lost, I barely noticed the cab leaving. She kept her head down. But when she raised her head up, her pink lips highlighted, her brown eyes even glowed in the dark. How was that possible.

"What? You?" she exclaimed as she set her eyes on me

"You set this up?" I reacted harshly

"What? Not even if I was God. Son Jin said to come here" she continued the argument

"Ah! makes more sense. Son jin." I responded

"Okay! Bye!"

"Your cab already left" I said as I tried to stop her from leaving

"I will walk all the way if I have to" she continued walking.

I didn't want her to go. I didn't want her to stay mad at me. I wanted her to laugh with me like probably did with Dong Sun. I wanted her around me. She was the first person aside a family member that I cared for. I walked fast and grabbed her wrist.

"Yah! You can't let this go to waste. You're so dumb" I yelled. Why did I do that?

"Well, you can enjoy it alone, smart one." she broke free from my grip and continued walking. She was definitely going to hurt her feet.

"I'm sorry!" I said and she stopped

Natasha's POV

I kind of figured out in the cab who my blind date was. I went anyway, hoping to get my apology. He still acted rude. I made up mind to leave if he didn't apologize.

"I'm sorry" he said

I couldn't believe he said it. My leg froze. I turned back, still acting tough although my heart was melting.

"What?" I asked

"I'm sorry Natasha. For everything" he replied

"Took you long enough! I....I forgive you! Oh, call me Na Tah Shay or Tah Shay for short"

Bon-hwa's POV

Natasha acting tough was an insane torture. I was glad she forgave me. I decided to be nice to her. I wanted her, even though she tortured my heart a lot.

"Okay! Tah Shay, will you go on this date with me?" I asked

She walked up to me. Oh my, she wasn't smiling. I felt she wanted to slap me. She stretched, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down to her level. She was not tall, I found that charming.

"If you even show one atom of foolishness, I'll leave" she whispered into my ear.

Damn she was strong. I totally dug that. I looked closely. She wasn't wearing a lip stick. Her lips were naturally pink.

A waiter interrupted us. He came to take us to our table. It was located close to the live performance. They played only romantic songs.

Have you ever had a ground dinner? Well its the kind of dinner you eat on the floor, no tables. Tah Shay requested that the table and chair be taken away. We sat on the floor in the middle of the church candles and had dinner. What kind of girl does that? I found it extremely different, but in a way, felt right.

We drank and talked a lot after our meal. She told me how the stars made her problems seem less. How she never wants to be reminded of her life as it is and how she wanted to work hard for her dead patents. Basically everything.

I opened up to Natasha about my own problems and how I had no idea how to solve them. She promised to help me if I promise to be nice to her. We sealed the deal with a pinkie shake

After we stopped talking, the music became louder. I stood and asked her to dance with me. She accepted and I helped her up. I held her tight. Her head rested on my chest. She had a firm grip and we danced until the sprinklers came on.

We played with the water. She started it and I had to get my revenge. Therefore, I chased her around and we just had fun. It was the best water fight When it stopped, we were soaking wet. I noticed she was cold, hence, I grabbed my jacket that had been in the car and covered her with it

"Gangsamnida!" she said with a perfect smile "in the future, if we ever fall apart and I don't have you to run to, I'll come back in time, to this place. Literally coming back here and probably end my life" she said

Why did she say that? It only made me want her more. I wanted to protect her. Even if it meant my life.

"Pfft! I won't let that happen. You'll never come back here on your own. Everyday, I'll be with you"

"Haha!I pray so friend. We should go, Dong Sun would be worried" she replied

Friend? My heart broke into a thousand pieces. Then the whole idea of Dong Sun being worried? Why would he be? Why did she think of him while she was with me?

"You stay with Dong Sun?" I asked

"Yes! Who's jealous?"

"Haha! Not me! C'mon I'll drop you off" I turned around to leave

"Bon-hwa!" she called out "gangsamnida!" She continued and stretched her hand out for me to hold on to it.

I grabbed it and pulled her. She ended up in my arms. I held her tight and held her hair. I didn't know when my mouth opened.

"Don't thank me. I will protect you. Tah Shay"

{Lee Min Ho} Love AphasiaWhere stories live. Discover now