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Gracie's summer had become an endless cycle of boredom days. Same thing; everyday. The only new thing around her home was that Mary MacDonald was staying over this summer. It made it easier with Mary here, it had given Gracie less time to spend with her older sister. Not that she had minded her sister, Gracie had been feeling off with her whole situation with Regulus. Well, the fact that there wasn't a situation but that the two weren't a thing anymore. Not even friends.

Luckily, she has one person who she is willing to talk to, and this time it wasn't her older brother, but her best friend Emmaline. It was great going over her feeling with Emmaline, it was better than going over to Marlene for a rant. Emmaline would be the kind of person who would just be there and listen to you willingly, not giving you her piece of advice but she had still found a way to say the right things to poor Gracie. Sadly, Emmaline was not staying over the McKinnon's home. With the big family living in a small home, it was hard to have people over, even for at least for some dinner. Only one outsider is allowed over the summer/breaks, and this summer, it was Marlene's turn.

"BREAKFAST" Gracie's mother yelled out from the downstairs. Immediately, you could hear the sound of people racing down the stairs into the kitchen.

Gracie quickly sealed her letter and passed it on to the family's owl.

"Hey Snow, mind taking this over to Emmaline Ruthless?" The brown feathered owl gave a small hoot before taking off.

"What took you so long?" Her mother asked as soon as Gracie reached the last few steps.

"I was mailing a letter over to Emmaline." Gracie tried to spoke happily.

Marlene gave a smirk over to Grace.

"Are you sure it was to Em? Or was it mailed over to a handsome black hair curled boy?" Marlene spoke in a smart tone, Mary had also given Gracie an uplifted smile.

"If you're talking about Regulus, no it wasn't to him it was sent to Emmaline like I had said." Gracie snapped as we added bread onto her plate.

Both Mary and Marlene had given Gracie a confused look. Only Andrew was the one who asked "What happened between you two?"

Gracie shrugged, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.

"Nothing, we just had a fallout."

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie, I knew you really liked the boy." Her mother said with a pout. Gracie knew that her mother was being sincere, but those words and that face had only made Gracie angry. Luckily, Gracie was well at hiding her anger around people.

"Wh-" Marlene started, wanting to ask more questions about Regulus, but was cut off by Andrew's fake irrupted cough.

Gracie mouthed Andrew a simple 'Thank You' shortly after that.


"I don't know why Lily just doesn't admit that she's jealous that James is in a very serious relationship." Mary goes off as she paints Gracie's nails.

"Hmm yeah or maybe she's just sad that she doesn't have James's main attention anymore." Marlene talks from the other side of the room.

"You think she's like that?"

Take Me to Church// R.A.BWhere stories live. Discover now