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   'Crap, I just kissed Regulus Black last night'

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   'Crap, I just kissed Regulus Black last night' . Those were the first words that came into Gracies mind first thing in the morning. She had finally kissed Regulus Black. The young McKinnon girl would be proud about this, and to face it in reality she truly was. This is what made her feel so guilty. She had kissed Regulus as she was being courted by someone else, and that someone else is Sonnian Wood. And let's face it, Gracie liked the kiss that was shared off with Regulus than all the other kisses that went out with others. Now she must truly break up with Wood.

   She walks over to her first morning class which was potions shared with the Slytherin house. Meaning, that she would have to face Regulus. And oh boy how many emotions this young girl was going through this day. It was mixed with happy, sad, guilt, and anger. Gracie couldn't believe that she actually cheated on someone. On Sonnian Wood for Merlin sakes!

   She sat herself down in a seat next to Tatum. She hated having to have arranged seats in class, but was happy when she found out that she gets to a friend. Gracie sighed desperately as she banged her head onto the table.

"Woah, someone had a rough night." Tatum said with a chuckle.

"What." Gracie said quickly.

Tatum stared at her for awhile before saying "N-nothing, are you alright?" Gracie sighed once more.

"Yeah it's just that- ugh I can't even say it!" Gracie banged her head onto the table once again.

"Is it because of the kiss?" Tatum questioned.

"What?" Gracie shot her head up quickly, staring at the boy with wide eyes.

Tatum sneered, "I said was it about the kiss?" He responded cheekily. Gracie cringed as she banged her head repeatedly amount of times onto the table.

"What I thought that you would went to bed that night happy as ever. I thought you like Regulus! What could be the matter?" Tatum asked so cluelessly. Gracie stoped her head banging and looked at the boy with her messy hair with a nasty glare.

"DID YOU FORGET THAT IM IN A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP WITH THE SONNIAN WOOD!"  Gracie whispered yell. Tatum back away before realizing the most important detail about this situation.

"Oh, OH!" Tatum realized out loud. "Oh that boy, I forgot about him." Tatum shook his head in disbelief.

"How could you forget about him? How could you forget that I was in a perfectly fine relationship?" Gracie asked hopelessly, as Tatum only scoffed.

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