Bonus Chapter #2 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 1

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Through the years since that initial meeting, anytime there was a family celebration event for the members I claimed I was simply too busy with my career. 'The boutique just opened. I can't leave it unintended.' 'I just started a project, and I just can't set it aside until it's finished.' I was a coward not wanting to face the truth, because in some ways the age difference really did make me exceptionally nervous. Normally I wasn't the type of person to care about how others might view me, but for some reason this possibility in particular just didn't sit right with me. The only time I did spend with my brother and the members were moments I would more or less just show up at their dorm unannounced.

It was when my younger brother found his soulmate, Daisy, who he shared with the other members, when my thoughts turned a corner and my mind really began to change. I saw and heard how in love he was with her already just through his words, voice, and the way he looked at her. I saw how in love she was with him, even in those first few moments we talked with each other via a video call. I realized if I let myself that I could have all of that unconditional love too.

Yet, it still took some time for me to really get the nerves to face them once again. I remember the moment I finally settled on the idea of seeing them after so many years had passed. My new sister had essentially just been the victim of an attack at a club, and I was worried about her. So while I was trying to polish up on a project via my fashion software program I called her up.

[Jiwoo's side of their conversation in Chapter 81]

"Hello." I can hear her smile from the other side of the phone, and I can't help but smile immediately in return.

"Hello sister, mine." I greet her automatically. I haven't just been saying this to show her I accept her. I legitimately grew to think of her as my sister almost from the first time we saw each other. "I haven't talked with you since the club really and wanted to catch up with you."

It's silent for a few moments, and I frown as I realize the can of worms I had unintentionally opened. 'She's probably reliving those moments now herself. Good going.' I mentally berate myself. She takes a moment to ask me for my version of what happened, and even though I am unpleased with myself for opening up this line of discussion I quickly share it with her. I know she is simply trying to ascertain the whole picture for herself by gathering as many perspectives of the moment as possible.

In an attempt to get the conversation out of this well of melancholy I verbally coax the conversation another direction. "Okay, moving past all that shit. What else has been going on with you?"

She pauses for a brief moment before answering. "Jk informed me that I will be meeting the maknae line's families this weekend." Suddenly, I'm all thumbs. I knock my drink over and have to rush to keep it from spilling toward my keyboard. Daisy is alerted to the sound and asks. "What was that? Is everything okay?"

I mentally sigh. I clear my throat as I grab some napkins I happened to have nearby and sop up the small puddle on the desk. "Um. Yeah, I just knocked something over. What day will you be meeting them?"

"I will be meeting them this Sunday. The two Sundays following that I will be meeting the others' parents. I just don't know what order it will be going in."

Immediately after she shares that with me I pull up my digital calendar on my computer. Before I can second guess my actions and question my motives I rearrange my schedule so I can be with her for all three meetings that her soulmates had planned. I frown as I first share my unawareness of the schedule. "Hoseokie hasn't told me about it yet, but not to worry. I am making sure that I am free the next three Sundays. I'll be there for every meeting with them."

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