Chapter 100- WEASLEY!

Start from the beginning

Luckily the awkward tension that followed was saved by a fully recovered Arthur Weasley smiling as happily as ever.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, coming over and ruffling my hair in an affectionate manner.
"Hey Arthur. How're you?" I grinned, having missed the man dearly.
"Very well thank you." He smiled. "Fred George." He nodded.
"Anyway." Molly interrupted, "dinners ready so off you go, you lot to the table."

The group of 7 spread around the table, grins on each of our faces as we were told the latest gossip.
Currently, I was in the middle of a conversation surrounding Ginny with a very enthusiastic Molly who sat to the right of me.
"So yeah she mentioned some guy. Can't remember his name really, Dean I want to say. Can't remember. But image Y/N if she got with Harry, how cute would that be."
I only laughed. "I think they would Molly."

"Anyway." The woman paused as if debating whether to say anything, "what do you think about marriage?"
I'll be honest, I nearly spit the water I had previously sipped back out.
"Marriage?" I frowned, "I don't know really. I haven't thought about it that much. I mean, I wouldn't mind getting married but I don't think it has a value to it."
"That's alright dear." Molly comforted, "but you and Fred are in a good place?"

I looked up and made eye contact with Fred across the table. He was in the middle of a conversation with my dad and George, but shot me a bright smile that made butterflies known in my stomach.
"Yes Molly. Everything's great."


I'd decided that I wanted Molly an Arthur to know before my dad and Remus.
Why? Because my dad will scream it and then there's no point in telling the other pair. This way sounds much easier, but then the gifts I had made would go to waste.

So me and Fred we're currently sat in the living room with Molly and Arthur, whilst George kept the other two entertained in the kitchen. I sat on the sofa, the small parcel on my knee as Fred rested at the side of me. Molly and Arthur we're across from us looking at us in question.
"Is everything alright son?" Arthur asked, his question directed at Fred when he realised that he wouldn't get anything out of me based on the look on my face.

"Everything's alright? Isn't it?" Molly added, looking between us both.
"We're fine. We just wanted to tell you both something but before that, you have to promise us that you won't go around screaming it as we need to tell Sirius and Remus after." Fred cut in.
"You ready?" He then whispered to me, pulling me closer by the hip in an obvious hope to mask his nerves.
I took a deep breath as I handed them the parcel, "as I'll ever be."

At first nothing happened.
The pair sat in confusion as the box was unwrapped and a small brown bear fell into Molly's hands.
"I love you?" Molly questioned, reading the shirt on the bear out loud as if trying to figure out if this was another one of our pranks.
"Press the hand." I encouraged, laughing under my breath when Molly raised her brow at me.
God if I ever did prank that woman I think I'd have to be able to run fast.

Molly was hesitant, whilst Arthur reaches forward and pressed the arm of the stuffed bear, too confused to do anything but listen.
The room dropped to a silence as the bear spoke.

"Hi Mum and dad." It was Fred's voice, "we just wanted to let you know." Then the voice changed to both mine and Freds in unison, "you're going to be grandparents!"
As soon as the word 'grandparents' was mentioned, the bear was dropped to the floor, making me wince.
Both sets of eyes immediately shot to my stomach where my hand was resting out of habit.
"You? You're? Y/N you're pregnant." Molly stuttered, her chair now abandoned as she made her way over to me.
I let a tear fall from my eye- damn hormones, "I'm sorry Molly. I really am. I know this isn't what we planned especially with the war.."

But I was cut off by the biggest hug I had ever received, "I'm going to be a grandma!"
I laughed into the woman's embrace, as I listened to the conversation next to me.
"I'm going to teach it all about muggles."
Freds laughed echoed the room as his dad patted him on the back in congratulation.

"Oh Fred, come here." Molly scolded, brining her son into a hug even tighter than mine, "we're so proud of you." I heard her whisper to him.
"Y/N." Arthur caught my attention, "I hope you know what this kid is going to be spoilt rotten."
"They really are, aren't they?" I laughed, thinking about the huge family that would support him. This baby was going to be the luckiest baby in the world.

"Come on then!" Molly said rather loudly, rushing back over to me and bringing Fred with her. "Spill the details, how far along are you?"


It was now time for the thing that I had been dreading most. And based on the look of fear that had washed over Fred's, it seems that he shared the same opinion as me.
"We'll be alright." I whispered, taking his hand in mine and giving it a tight squeeze, which he nervously returned. Molly and Arthur were still beaming at the kitchen table, something that Remus hadnt seemed to have missed. But dad? He's too oblivious to everything around him.

But then the time had come to tell the other adults in the room. So me and Fred announced that we needed to talk to dad and uncle Remus, leaving three very excited pairs of eyes following us through the door.

Dad was grumbling under his breath, "I swear to Merlin if he's hurt her."
Whilst Moony tried his best to shut him up. My uncle always had been very observant when it came to guessing things about people.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Dad asked as he twirled his thumbs, looking between me and Fred.
I'd didn't allow time for anymore questions, the bag was given to dad, who happily shared it with Remus, excited about receiving a present. But whilst Uncle Moony's face lit up, my dads turned into one of confusion as he studied the white thing in his hand.
A tiny red shirt.

"I love my grandpa's?" Dad questioned, until his face turned into one of amusement, "Y/N sorry to break it to you but it's a little small for me and I didn't really get on with my grandparents."
But as he spoke the words, his face twisted to every set of emotion possible, until he was left staring at the shirt in front of him, with a face that I couldn't quite recognise.

"You're pregnant?" He said aloud, looking between me and Fred.
"Do I run?" I heard Fred whisper in my ear.
"Not sure yet." I replied honestly.
"I'm.... I'm going to be a grandpa?"

"MOONY IM GOING TO BE A GRANDPA!" And he was up on his feet, waltzing around the room as he let her news sink in. "I'm going to be the best grandpa." He whispered to himself.

He turned around with a shit-eating grin on his face, throwing himself into my arms as Uncle Moony shook Fred's hand.
"I love you." He whispered to me, "I'm so proud of you Y/N! For everything you've ever done. And my one regret is not being around to witness it all. But I promise, I'll be there for my grandchild. I'll watch them grow up."
"I love you to dad." I whispered back as he pulled away, shooting me a small smile.


Hey Everyone!
Hope you liked this chapter!
100 chapters! Can you believe that? Cos I can't!!

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know, that over the last couple of weeks I've been editing this book right from the start, which is why I've not been updating as often.

I'm not going to take down the whole story and start all over again, because I know that some of you would prefer to just finish the book now we've got to the actual good part. But just so you all know, they'll be changes throughout the book.

Just didn't want to confuse anyone.

Hope you're all alright!

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now