Chapter 99- Georgie

Start from the beginning

I had gotten a copy of our baby photos in my pocket, a long with one of the tests I had recently taken the muggle way.
I wasn't going to bring it up right now, but I thought that if there was any way that George wouldn't be happy about the pregnancy, he can't be as arsey as he would be on an empty stomach.

"Gorgeous. As always Y/N." George complimented, taking his place to put in the dishwasher we had gotten installed. "Right. Early night I think. I'll leave you love birds to it." He winked.
Fred sent a pleading look my way as George began to leave the kitchen.
"Actually." I spoke up. "We were. Erm. We were wondering if we could speak to you for a minute."
George's smile disappeared off his face as he returned back to his seat at the table.
"You weren't... you weren't lying earlier when you said nothing was wrong, was you?" He panicked.
"No George. Everything fine." I reassured, my heart warming, noticing how much the boy cared for me, and treated me as his own sister.

"Then what's wrong? You aren't breaking up are you?" He panicked.
Fred laughed, "yeah like I'd let a girl like that go."
I smiled warmly at the brothers, "alright here goes nothing."
I pulled the test out of my pocket, handing it straight to George who looked at me in confusion. He raised an eyebrow, "what's This?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing for a fact that he wouldn't get it, whilst Fred slapped the back of his head.
I passed the photograph from my pocket towards Fred, who took a deep breath as he handed it over.

George didn't get it for a few minutes. I felt my heart pounding as I watched his blank face, the only trace of emotion being confusion.
But finally it hit him, and his eyes went wide in realisation, darting from me to Fred and back to me again.
"You?" He breathed, "you're, you're pregnant?"

We waited for a reaction, but after one minute of him sitting open mouthed, Fred was tackled into a hug, sending the twins on to the kitchen floor.
Fred laughed, feeling the same excitement as George as the two jumped up and down together. They looked like two teenage girls about to meet one direction.

I let them have their moment of excitement, a fond smile on my face as I felt the relief of George's support.
But then I was tackled into a hug of my own, my brother squeezed my tight, as he spoke aloud- "I'm gonna be an uncle!"
I laughed, "that you are George."

"Alright, alright. Watch how tight you're squeezing her. That's my child in there." Fred said, protectively coming over and removing George's arms from me, and replacing them with his own.
"Oh my god Fred! You're gonna be a dad!"
Fred laughed loudly, "I've only just found that out for myself mate."

"Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?" George's asked but answered his own question, "I think a little boy. Imagine that Freddie, a little one of you and me running around."
"It could be a chance of twins!" Fred said excitedly, "imagine that George! What if they're twin boys, just like me and you!"
I rolled me eyes as George cheered, "god help me. What have I gotten myself into."

"This is the best news I've ever heard!" George exclaimed, "who else knows?"
"Madam Pomfrey." I answered honestly, "I've known for a few weeks but I wanted you and Fred to be the first to know."
George pulled me into another hug, carefully this time as Fred shouted out in protest, "I can't wait." He whispered, "You're going to be the best mum Y/N. I'm proud of you.... my little sister."
"Thanks Georgie."

"Wait a minute. YOU PISSED ON THAT!"


One week later;

Since George had asked Lee to come over, I'd decided that during the movie night tonight, we would tell Lee the news.

It was either tell him now, or George will burst at keeping the secret for so long. So long being a week in George's opinion.

Lee arrived at the door, planting a kiss on George's cheek. I watched with a smile as a faint blush raised on the gingers cheeks, though he covered it by looking the other way.
"Lee Lee!" I yelled, jumping into his open arms as he laughed.
"Careful!" Fred shouted, though his face dropped as he realised what he had done. I shot Fred a look as Lee began to question him.

"Why does she have to be careful? She's alright now." He turned to me, "right?"
"I'm fine Lee. Great actually." He nodded but still had his brow raised as he walked up to the kitchen.
"Nice going buttkiss." I whispered to Fred, yet my scolding didn't work as a laugh escaped his mouth.
"Buttkiss?" He questioned, "what kind of insult is that?"
I only shook my head, following the other two boys up the stairs.

"So." Lee said as he relaxed into the armchair, he always had been one to make himself at home, but I wasn't complaining about that. I like our guests to feel comfortable, even if I can be a grumpy bastard who doesn't want to entertain at times.
Sorry- pregnancy hormones speaking there.

"So George." Lee asked, swinging his arm over his partners shoulders, "what is so important that you asked me here today?"
"Can't I just see my boyfriend?" George grinned, kissing the side of his face.
Lee folded his arms, "come on. There's something! I can tell by the grin on your face!"

"It's not my news to tell!" George defended, "as much as id like to tell you."
"Go ahead." Fred laughed, pulling me down to his on his lap in the arm chair.
"Yes!" George cheered, sitting up straighter in his seat. "You're going to be an uncle!"
"What?" Lee scoffed, "you got a cat!"

I laughed slightly at the boys confusion, gaining his attention back on me, "Lee."
Lee looked over and instantly his eyes flew to Freds hands resting on my stomach, rubbing small circles over my shirt.
Lee's eyes widened and mouth dropped, "you're not!"
I laughed. "Yeah. I'm afraid so."

He rushed over to me, falling on to his knees so that he was level with my stomach. He instantly shifted Fred's hands out of the way, resting his head on my stomach as if to hear the baby.
I shook my head, "Lee, you won't hear anything! And you won't feel anything yet. I'm only around 5 weeks along."
He pulled away a pout on his face, "when will it start kicking?"
"Not for a while yet Lee." I shook my head in amusement.
"Ok ok." Lee said his face still like a kids excitement on Christmas morning, "ok hear me out then. For a boy, Lee. And a girl. Erm. I know! LEETTA!"
George groaned, "no! George for a boy! Georgina for a girl!"
"Well I'll certainly put Freda on the table."

"Gosh I'm surrounded by idiots."

Hey my dudes!!!
-sorry always wanted to say that.

I hope you liked this chapter!
Sorry it's a little boring but I needed to include it.
It's cute tho.

Anyway. Enjoy!

Pregnant by a Weasley: FredxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now