"You wanna dance?" ~ Iruka Sensei

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Okay cuz no- how did y'all let me go this whole time & not request a story about Iruka Sensei? 😭

"Iruka!", I groaned rubbing my back,"You went a little to rough last night. My back still hurts!"

"I'm sor-"


A 12 year old Naruto appeared from behind the brown haired man, loud and boisterous as always with a haughty smile.

"IRUKA!", I yelled,"What are you telling this child!"

"W-What? I haven't."

"Ya know , (Y/n)", Naruto leaned on my shoulder, furthering my irritation as I pushed him off of me,"Ol Sensei here thinks you're swell. He told me that you're the most beautiful girl in Konoha."

A blush covers the sensei's face as he meets my gaze as it softens as memories of the night prior.

And get your mind out of the gutter. I didn't sleep with him.

The vibe was distinct as bodies moved from side to side, dancing to the music that played around us. The loud melodies filled my ears as I began to sway my hips. A pair of eyes met mine. I knew these eyes. They were Iruka Sensei's, a peer of mine. We spent many days working at the academy together or even sometimes risking our lives for each other on missions. His dark gaze seemed to completely fixate on me as I was clothed in a form fitting light blue dress that was slightly off the shoulder. Ignoring him, I continued to dance, feeling the beat radiate through my body. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Iruka gave me a sheepish smile as he rocked his feet a little, seeming nervous.

"Hi (y/n)!"

"Iruka!", I gave him a small smile, noticing his breath changing slightly.

"You look...",nervous energy overtook the brown haired man as he attempted to find the right words,".nice."

"Just Nice?", I teased.

"Oh! I didn't mean it in any bad way I-"

Laughing gently I poke his arm with a smile,"Iruka, I'm playing love."

"Oh.", a blush covers the man's face as he again begins to shuffle his feet,"But I like the dress. It's a nice change from your uniform- N-Not that you don't look good in it! "

"Thank you", I gave the ninja a small smile as I examined his fit. He was dressed in a white button down with the first few buttons opened fashionably, exposing a bit of his sculpted chest. A few rings sat on his fingers as the sleeves on his shirt sat beside his elbows, rolled up in a very sexy fashion. Feeling bold, I softly touch his arm, making his eyes meet with mine in surprise.

"You wanna dance?"

"I-", Iruka takes a breath,"I would but...."

"But?", I raise my brow at him in confusion."Dance with me, please..."

"The gesture would be rather intimate....", he stated, a tint of nervousness still lying in his voice,"I don't want nothing to come of it....considering....."


"I- I lik- We work together!"

"Irukaaa", I shake my head slightly before giving him a small pleading look,"It's just one dance."

Giving in, the ninja nods, locking eyes with me as a hint of something shines in his face. He places his hands on my shoulders but I move them down to my waist, my gaze never leaving his.

"Is th-this okay? I don't want to."

"Shhhh.....", I wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him closer to me, resting my head on his chest. His heart begins to beat quickly as I hear a lengthy breath escape his lips. We began to sway from side to side as Like I Want You by Giveon began to play through the speakers. His fingertips gently moved up and down on my back slightly, sending a single up my spine. He was always to nervous acting around me. It was honestly the cutest thing in the world to me. Part of me always found the brunette attractive. My heart usually quickened whenever he was near. Whether we were grading papers together or fighting rouge ninja, I always liked having Iruka around me. He was often usually very shy or timid when we spoke to each other but I knew of his sweet inner soul. Iruka's compassionate treatment of Naruto always spoke volume to me. It was so honorable how he took on such fatherly role to a child that was treated wrongly by so many. If his heart was so soft towards the blonde, I could only imagine how he would care for a woman that he deeply cared about.



"You know....I care for you right?", the ninja almost whispered, my head still lying on his shoulder.


"No..like (y/n) I- I really care for you...I just didn't want our professional relationship to-"

I grab his shirt, pressing my lips to his, feeling him grip my waist suddenly as he pulls me closer. Our bodies remain pressed together as his sweet lips seem to cloud my thoughts. The crowd around us seems to fade away. A certain energy flowing from his mouth like a spark of electricity. I want more. I need more.

He pulls away, making me immediately yearn for his taste again. A certain smirk comes across his lips,"You've felt the same way this whole time?"

I nod and attempt to close the space between us again, causing the ninja to rub my lips softly, stopping me suddenly.

"You kiss me like that again and we'll have to dip outta here."

My eyes slightly buck as I bite the inside of my mouth slightly.


"Noted.", I said, feeling his nervousness now transfer to my own bodice,"Let's get back to dancing."

We danced the night away till our toes were sore, feeling the beat as we basked in our newfound feelings. I was highly excited for whatever what to happen next. As long as Iruka was going to be by my side, I knew I would be ready.

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