✨KHS SERIES✨: "Resist"~ {Jiraiya}✨

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KONOHA HIGH SCHOOL SERIES ~ {Story 7 }✨ - last one for tonight loves <3

A/N: Reader is middle aged but still fine and sexy lol - y'all I didn't realize Jiraiya was so oldddd 😭😭

Request By:  Lala_Land20

"Ms.(last/name)!", Naruto Uzumaki stands in my classroom's doorway.


"This is from Mr.Jiraiya."

"Thank you.", The student places the note on my desk and exits the classroom.

I allow the note to sit at the edege of my desk as I continued to grade papers. Did I really want to read this now? The known "Icha Icha Paradise" author had been sending me poems and letters for weeks now, all surprisingly not pervy. The gestures were very much so sweet but knowing that the nigga wrote erotica caused me to heavily question his motives. Was his true intention to have sex with me or was the white haired man really interested in me? Only Lord knows.

The lunch bell rings as students begin to flood the hallway.

"I see you haven't opened it yet", Jiraiya stands in the doorway previously occupied by his student.

"No I haven't."

"See that's the thing the question applied to this very moment in time, my sweet."

Rolling my eyes playfully, I take a look at the letter.


"Lunch on me? Your students say you love a nice Steak Yakisoba with Teriyaki Sauce"


I gotta stop making kids go get me food- they telling my business.

"What a nice gesture....however, I have a few more papers to grade. I actually thought about skipping lunch today.", I pick up a pen and write a D on Ino's paper. Gosh that girl can't write an essay. The gray haired man makes his way to my desk after closing the door behind him. "I'll help.", he smiles, "I am a writer after all."

I hand Jiraiya a stack of papers, causing my hand to touch his slightly. Our eyes connect for a minute before we return back to working. The classroom is quiet as the tension in the room grows thick. A nervous feeling comes over me suddenly, observing how close the white haired man is to me. Grabbing another paper, he brushes up against me slightly, causing butterflies to fill my stomach as I take a swallow.

Get it together girl- CRAP!

I clumsily drop a pen on the floor. Simultaneously, both of us reach for it, taking a pause as we come face to face. My heart begins to beat hardly against my chest as I take a stare at his lips. They curl into a smile as Jiraiya shakes his head slightly, "If you feel it too then why are you resisting me?"

"Huh?", I stand up from my low position and walk to the side of my desk.

"You feel it too.."

"Feel what?"

He makes his way to me and gestures towards my hands ,"May I?"

I nod and he grabs both of them, thumb massaging my palm softly. His touch causes a slight shiver to run up my spine. His body stands behind mine, I can feel his breath on my neck. Part of me wants him to come closer, to wrap his arms around my waist and hold me. You know what...

"oof-", I pull Jiraiya closer to me so that the back of my head almost lies on his shoulder. He slowly massages my waist as he pulls his arms around me. I sink into his body, glad my classroom door automatically locks and has a covered window. The white haired man chuckles sexily as he strokes my neck with the back of his hand before lowering his face down so that his sweet lips almost touch my skin. I almost whimper in anticipation.

"May I kiss you here?", the breath of his mouth tickles my skin softly as I nod.


Gentle lips peck at my brown skin with a soft nature. I close my eyes taking in every feeling of his euphoric gesture.

Was his true intention to have sex with me or was the white haired man really interested in me?

"Jiraiya-", seriousness overtakes my voice as the kisses come to a cease."I'm gonna be honest with you."

I turn to face him, his face riddled with confusion.

"If you're here to use me- leave. If you want to have a meaningful relationship please prove it to me.", I take a look away from him,"I don't want to just be inspiration for your next erotic best seller.....I''m too grown for stuff like that. I deserve-"

"To be a wife.", Jiraiya nods as he gives me a small smile, "I figured that was the problem...."

He takes a breath,"I'm not here to jump in your panties. You're right. We are too grown to play around. "

The man gets down on one knee, causing me to buck my eyes.

"I'm not asking you to marry me (y/n), but I will say this.", he takes my hands,"My full intention is to have the children in your classroom one day call you Mrs.Jiraiya. I don't want you for your body...no matter how much I may be attracted to it.", he takes a small laugh, "You can ask my kids. They know I like you. Shoot, I'm pretty sure I'd receive hell from them if I hurt you. You're surely a student favorite. "

I roll my eyes in amusement.

"But anyway", he continues and stands. Still holding my hand in his,"I just want to get to know what makes you smile so I won't ever see it go away.....can I do that, please?"

I bit my lip before smirking a bit, "We'll see."

He raises a brow a me before I plant a small kiss on his cheek making him smile as he blushes deeply."We still on for lunch?", I playfully ask.

"Why of course!", he takes my hand and kisses it softly before leading me out of the classroom.

Don't make me regret this Jiraiya....please

Part two ? 👀

Black Girls x Naruto OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora