Normal girl ~ (Kiba)

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*Inspired by the song by SZA*

{a/n: request are still open guys & if you're here from my tik tok comment: WHAT'S UP! & thank you for the support <3 }

My chest feels heavy as I feel tears fall down my face.

You did least you didn't let them see you cry.


Ino and I had always been....cordial- that's it. There was a certain...arrogance about her that just didn't sit right with me. She was cool with my Sakura, my best friend, so I didn't mind her being around sometimes. But today....sis could've gotten these hands. It all started when Sakura and I decided to take a nice little walk in the town square and we ran into the blonde haired heffa.

"SAKURA -CHAAN!", she yelled from a nearby food stand, her blonde ponytail swinging behind her.

"Ino!", my pink haired best chimed with glee before running to hug her.

"What are you up to today?"

"Oh, just hanging around with (y/n)!", Sakura stated with a smile before gesturing to me.

Ino's eyes became filled with less cheer as she onced me over. I was wearing a cute, white off the shoulder shirt with a flowy black skirt and hoops. I felt pretty pretty today if I did say so myself. My braidout came out just perfect this morning, causing me absolute joy. The blonde obviously thought otherwise.

"Oh.", Ino replied, taking a long stare at my hair before clearing her throat."Soooo did you mean to do that?"

"Do what?", I quickly responded.

"To your hair. It's....different."

I closed my eyes and gave a small chuckle,"It's a cultural thing,pig."

This wasn't the first time Ino made a comment on my hair. I once got faux locs and she literally asked me if I had ropes in my hair.....sis be trippin.

Sakura laughed at my comeback,"Her hair's beautiful pig. What's your problem? ,Sakura gives Ino a small look before returning her gaze to me. "Anyway, well' catch you later-"

"I always thought Kiba would've perferred a more...kept girl."

The sound of my boyfriend's name makes me scrunch my brows together. Kiba and I had just started dating a few weeks ago...We hadn't told that many people- sooo how did Ino know?

"Ino what are you-"

"Kiba used to alwaaaays compliment Hinata on her beautiful, straight hair. He liked how shiny and neat it was...I'm just surprised-"

"Stop it, Ino.", Sakura interrupts. Her teal eyes narrowing as her face grew serious.

"I was just saying......", Ino smiled as her eyes again landed on me,"Let's just face it. Have you ever met his parents? Does he really even care about you? Or are you just some little chocolate plaything while Hinata gets all the action?"

"Why do you keep bringing Hinata into this?", I peep,feeling my blood begin to boil.

Ino simply shrugs her shoulders and begins disappear into a crowd, swaying her hips harshly. Sakura turns to me and tries offer me a friendly smile.

"Ignore her, okay?"

I nod,"Hey...I think Ima head home, okay?"

Knowingly, Sakura gives me a hug and we part ways.


I heard a knock the door of my apartment.

Dang it...Ion want him to see me like this...

"RUFF!", Akamaru barks loudly from the other side of the door, making me jump. I quickly run to the bathroom and go grab a tissue to wipe my face off but as soon as the soft paper touches my skin smoke fills the room.

"Babe, you took to lo-", Kiba twirls me around, noticing my wet cheeks and red eyes. "You've been crying?"

I give a defeated nod as Kiba pulls me into his loving arms, embracing me in his warmth.

"I'm sorry-", I say, feeling embarrassed.

"Shhh.....", He replies as he takes the tissue from my fingers and begins wiping my wet eyes and cheeks.

"RUFF!", Akamaru barks, running to my side.

"See even he thinks you don't have to be sorry."

Kiba walks me to my room and lovingly places my bonnet on my head before wrapping a blanket around us.

"You okay to talk about it?"

I take a breath and nod, "Is there anything going on between you and ....Hinata?"

Kiba raises a confused brow at me," What? No! Why?"


"That girl!", he huffs, "She's been in my face about leaving you for Hinata for the past few weeks. I've been ignoring her though."

"And you didn't tell me?"

Kiba reaches for my face and cups my cheek, causing me to internally swoon.

"(Y/n)....I have no intention of leaving you, nor will I ever."

The brown haired boy kisses my other cheek making a smile spread across my face.

"I chose you. I want you."

He presses a kiss to my nose before rubbing it against mine, causing me to giggle. I open my mouth to respond but Akamaru jumps on my bed and licks my face. Kiba finds the scene to be hilarious while I'm silently annoyed at the huge dog on my bed.

"See he wants you too.", Kiba laughs.

"Aht-aht! I love you Akah-boo but no jumping on my bed.", I say to the dog as he whimpers and makes his way back onto my wooden floor.

"Hey buddy!", Kiba shouts, go to the living room for me". He ushers the huge animal out of my room before locking the door and turning to me.

"Now come here and give daddy a kiss."


"That's what I said", Kiba pulls me by the waist and strokes my cheek, causing me to slightly shiver.

"Kiba you're ridiculous.", I laugh before bringing my lips a little closer to his,"but I guess I can spare a little sugar."

We kiss sweetly while embracing each other and all feels right with the world again.

"Baby...",he smiles at me nervously.


"I want you to meet my family."

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