"I don't like them" ~ (Rock Lee)

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My boyfriend Rock Lee and I laid on the couch of his apartment together, cuddling. Laying my head on his chest as I see him scrolling through selfies that he took earlier that day while at the town's gym.  "I like that one !", I peep before  Lee gives me a side eye, shakes his head, and deletes the picture. His normal, joyful vibe seemed to be gone..something was wrong.

I snap my head and look back at my boyfriend, "Why'd you do that."

"I don't like it", he huffs.

Something in his eyes looks odd...my baby's not okay. A glimmer of sadness dimly shines in his dark orbs. I turn my body to face his. Placing his phone down in my lap, I grab his hands. "Baby....what's wrong for real? You can talk to me about it."

He takes a breath and looks to the side, averting my gaze, before returning his eyes to me. "I don't like them."

"Like what?" He points to his face. I stare at the handsome face before me. Lee had always been quite attractive to me, even when most found him to be the opposite.

"I don't know what you're talking about"., I responded.

Of course I wasn't oblivious to the fact that by boyfriend had big eyes....I just saw what he saw as a disaster as an absolute masterpiece. Lee sighed in irritation, making my heart hurt for him. I hated seeing my baby like this.

".....don't do that. LOOK AT ME !", he shouted, tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he bit his lip.

He didn't like the way he looked...this isn't the first time he's said this. Rock Lee was often bullied as a child for his huge eyes and bushy eyebrows. It left a scar on his heart and left him with many insecurities, but he never showed it. Lee was always a beacon of energy and hope to those around him. That was truly something that I admired. I couldn't stand moments like this though..moments when his spirit was broken simply off of something he naturally couldn't control. He was always there for me when I needed him, now it was my turn to return the love and care he'd shown me. I place my hands on his cheeks. He flinches a little at first but eventually relaxes to my touch.

"I'm looking at you. Shoot I've been looking at you for a while. Gosh boy, you're so beautiful."

His eyes widened as I continued. He didn't see what I saw when I looked at him.

"I love this part of your face." , I kissed the areas above his eyes. Right in between his eyebrows.

"And these right here" , I kissed the tops of his eye lids softly as he closed his eyes, soaking in all my affection.

"And this beautiful nose", I press my nose to his before kissing it lightly.

"And one of my absolute favorite spots is here" , I lift up his bangs and gently plant a small kiss on his forehead before looking my wonderful boyfriend in the eyes, grabbing his face again. " and I love you Lee. I always will"

Tears in his eyes, the ninja grabs me tightly as he nuzzles his head in my neck.

"I love you too and gosh- I sure as heck don't deserve you."

As we loosen our embrace I grab his phone, "Now please post the picture."

He winks at me and smiles," Of course (y/n)."


(y/n) is usually always being comforted or loved on. I think it was time we hit the reverse button and gave one of the boys some love for a moment. Especially Rock Lee, I don't see enough love for him and he's sooo sweet. (At least he is where I currently am in the series lol.)

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