✨KHS SERIES✨: "You Can't Relate" {Rock Lee}✨

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"Hey Rock-"

The dark haired boy passes me, irritation covering his face. The normally cheerful student never looked like this. I was used to his eyes shining bright as the sun as his positive attitude reigning supreme. Something must've really been wrong.

Rock Lee began making his way towards the entrance of the school, attempting to exit the school. I watch him sling the front doors open with a loud slam before running after him through a crowd of students, carefully making sure no school faculty members witnessed the scene.
Lee and I weren't exactly friends but we chatted often during our Gym Class. Temari tripped me up one day in PE during a game of baseball and caused me to hurt my ankle. Lee was the one that picked me up and stayed by my side as I cried and yelled from the pain....he really is a sweetheart. He was there for me in that moment, so I'll be there for him now.

I followed the dark haired boy to the student parking lot where he sat in the front seat of his car, face buried in his hands.

Is he....crying?

"Lee....", I knock on the window of his small car. Lee's usual big eyes appeared red and tired , making them smaller than ever before. He gave me a defeated look before rolling the window down.


"You need someone to talk to?"

The boy wipes a tear from his face and looks off to the side before nodding slowly. He gets out of the car with a gloomy mood as he opens the back seat, gesturing for me to get in.

Before I can even take a step forward he jumps in embarrassment,"I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking. I'm not trying to do anything with you in the backseat. I just-"

"Lee.", I place a hand on his shoulder."It's fine."

We settle in the back of the car together as Rock Lee closes the door behind him.

"So what's wrong?"

"I auditioned to be a model for the photography class... and overheard someone saying I didn't make the cut because I wasn't attractive enough."


"People always treat me this way! I get it!", he slams his hands into the seat that sits in front of him."My eyes are big- my eyebrows are bushy-"

"Lee listen-"
The dark haired boy begins wiping his tears away roughly as he cuts me off.
"I'm sorry, you probably can't relate to any of this..... I'm sitting here crying my eyes out like a fool-"

"Rock Lee", he pauses as I grab his hands,"I'm black... I'm literally the only black girl in Konoha...I'm adopted remember."

His cheeks turn red,"Oh yeah...but still, you're so beautiful."

"I'm glad you think so...because for years I didn't. I used to get called names..slurs..people would even make fun of the texture of my hair....", I take a hand and lift his chin softly,"You can't let hateful and jealous people define you. You are YOU for a reason. Glow with the light that is within you and move on."

"You're right (y/n)..."Rock Lee thinks for a minute then shakes his head before looking up at me,"Do you think I'm handsome?"

I feel a flurry of butterflies run through my stomach. We may have not been close but I've always found Rock Lee attractive.

"Yeah...I do.."

He gives me an expression of surprise, his tired eyes growing wide before he gives me a smile.

"That's all that matters.."

I feel myself growing nervous as Rock Lee grabs one of my hands, planting a small kiss on the back of it.

"Thank you (y/n). "

Black Girls x Naruto OneShotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें