✨KHS SERIES : "Partners" ~ {Gaara}✨

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✨ - KONOHA HIGH SCHOOL SERIES - ✨: { Story #1 }

"(Y/n), Gaara", Mr.Jiraya stood at the front of the classroom, clipboard in hand."You two are partners for the love scene."

My mouth immediately dropped open. Mr.Jiraya must have been smoking booty cheeks and snot if he thought I was gonna do a love scene with my EX! The gray haired man was our theatre teacher, known specifically for his plays featuring epic romances. We had been given a simple assignment: Act out a scene from his newest play "Icha Icha: Forever mine!". I would've been fine with any other partner- but whyyy him ?!

The light blue eyed boy's gaze met mine before he looked back over to a nearby window. We broke up a month ago because he changed out of nowhere. Gaara was always quiet and distant towards others...but to me he was different. He smiled around me. He laughed around me..but soon my once warm boyfriend became cold as ice. I felt as if I wasn't wanted, so I left....I refuse to stay somewhere where I'm not wanted or happy.

Once class ended, I walked over to his desk. I opened my mouth to speak and was immediately cut off by a "Just meet me at my house tonight so we can practice and get this over with."

What did I do to make him be like this with me?

I clutch my notebook in my arms and make my way out of the classroom. My mind wanders to one of the nearest memories I had before our break up. We sat in his bedroom. He held me in his arms as I snuggled into his chest.



"Honestly.....I think I'm falling in love with you.."

He definitely didn't say it back.

Is that what did it ? Did my confession concerning my feelings really scare him off? Maybe I just shouldn't have said anything to begin with.....

"My....you look beautiful on this night.", Gaara stated dryly. His mouth frowning.

I ignore him as I say my next line with full passion ,"Why thank you...the stare of your eyes almost causes me to shiver."

"....", Gaara places the script down and picks up his phone.


"Gaara, this scene is due tomorrow."

"I'm aware.", his icy stare meets mine for a split second before he goes back to texting. Feeling fed up, I snatch the electronic out of his grasp.
"What's the deal Gaara ?! "

"What...?", he speaks dryly again.

"WHYYYY ARE YOU TREATING ME LIKE THIS ? What happened to us...."

"If I recall", he huffs,"You broke up with me..."

"Only after you iced me out!"

"Only after you ignored me and said nothing after I told you that I loved you!", tears begin to well in his eyes," I was so scared....so nervous....and you said nothing."

"What? You never told me that before...."

"I did!", the redhead takes a swallow,"You were washing dishes and I wrapped my arms around you and whispered it to you....there was no response (y/n)..."

"Wait.."Realization floods my mind as I let a laugh escape my lips."Gaara....I had my Air Pods in. My hair was a little big that day....you probably didn't see them."

The handsome boy's face softens as I walk over to him and gesture towards his face. He sinks into my hands, allowing me to me wipe his tears away.

"Gaara..I love you. Everything from your hair to those beautiful blue eyes. I love -"

Soft lips cut me off as I wrap my arms around his neck. Pure joy feels my heart as I am engulfed in his embrace. His soft hands rub my cheeks as he snakes his tongue into my mouth before he moves his hands down to my waist. Gaara gives me a small peck before pulling away.

"I love you too (y/n).", he gives an embarrassed laugh."and I'm sorry for the confusion....I didn't mean to ice you out...I just-"

"All is forgiven, love.", I press a small kiss to his forehead as I run a hand through his soft, red hair."All is forgiven."

Black Girls x Naruto OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora