Mean ~ (Sasuke)

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"Hold your head up!"

"Fix your stance!"

"COME ON (Y/N)!"


I wipe the sweat off of my forehead as Sasuke yells at me from the side of the training hall. I was highly irriated, not just because of the ninja's constant yelling, but I knew for a fact that I was sweating my silk press out. Part of me really wanted to make a shadow clone take my place and endure the rest of Sasuke's torture. I had agreed to let him train me...but gosh was I really starting to regret it. My body was beginning to ache and feel sluggish. My head was pounding harshly, causing my vision to blur slightly.



He is really starting to work my last....


"(Y/NNNNN)!!!!!!" I on the floor?

"Y/n Get up!!!!"

The world around me soon fades to black.


"She's waking up!"

My blurry vision begins to clear and Sakura appears before my eyes.

"Sakura? Where-"

"The hospital. Sasuke brought you here after you fell out. He went out to get snacks for when you woke up."

"I'm surprised."

"What do you mean?", the pink haired ninja grabs a notepad and begins to write something down.

"Sakura he literally just worked me like a wild animal while we were training. He didn't care if I was tired or anything-"

"He sees your potential."

I suck my teeth before rolling my eyes.

"I mean it. You know how he is, he has that "cool boy" demeaner when it comes to most things. If he's showing passion in the slightest that's a sign of something.", She takes a warm rag and presses it against my head. I'm grateful for the aid but my irrtaion increases as I feel water slide down my face and neck.

Welp, there goes my hair.

Sakura must've noticed the slight unrulyness, because she nicely handed me a hair tie.

"He was really worried about you though (Y/n)."

I scoff and give my eyes another roll as I begin to put my hair into a low ponytail ,"Whatever you say Sakur-"

"You're awake.", I look over to see the door beginning to open with Sasuke's head peeking out of it.

I glare at the dark haired boy, causing Sakura to clear her throat, "I'll come check on you later okay?"

She quickly exits, leaving me and Sasuke alone. He stands at the wall closest to the door, chips and yogurt lying in his hands.

"You know this is all your fault right? I asked you to train me because I wanted to get better. I didn't ask you to work me like a dog. You literally pushed passes my limit and look where we are now! I should've asked Naruto to help me out or something....he wouldn't be so mean about things."


"Sasuke are you hard of hearing? That's what I said. There's a difference between being stern and being called me weak.."

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