I guess I was shivering, which is why Lily squeezed my hand, pulling me back to actuality.  Everyone in our group seemed down. It's either they're also having a bad day or they're trying to sympathize with me.

"Sugarplum.. you have to eat, please.." Logan trailed off as I turned to face him with weary eyes. He pulled me into him and I held him tightly. I wish I could stay in his arms forever That way I'll feel safe all the time. Safe,  that's a rare word in my vocabulary at the moment...

Yes, Mr. Cain was mean. Isn't everybody mean in their own way? He didn't deserve it and it's all my fault.

I wish this week ends quickly! Can this day end already?! I just want to sleep and block out all of this..

Never have I ever thought my last year in high school will take such a horrifying turn. I wish no one to go through this. All I want is a normal life, with my family and friends. No stalkers. No Unknown messages and calls. No murder. No fear. But the churning of my stomach indicates otherwise,  for now.

I forced myself to eat before the bell rang for the end of lunch break. As I hurried to my locker, trying hard to push through the bustling students, I saw Dectective Quinn exit a classroom, with our English teacher following behind him.

He was too engrossed in writing something in his notepad, that he failed to notice me.

"Dectective. What brings you here?" I forced a smile towards him. His head darted in my direction. His look of shock quickly turned to a look of recognition.

"Hello Yolanda. How are you coping so far?" He asked while putting away his notepad.

"To be honest, not good. I try pushing it away but it doesn't go away. It's ...." I trailed off as my voice cracked.

"Thinking about it more will worsen your mental stability. It's important you avoid those thoughts even though it may seem impossible. Trust me. You need your mind to be stable, if not...." he trailed off, but I knew exactly what he meant. My troubled state of mind can even play tricks on me, which can give my Unknown stalker an opportunity.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, ignoring the fact that students were staring. Mind your own business please!

"Questioning some of the teachers here who last saw him, or had any idea where his last location was. So he was visiting his sister up north, I have to get in contact with her.." he mumbled the last sentences, while noting something in his notepad again.

He grinned brightly at me. "Ok, then. I'll inform you if there's a breakthrough. Hopefully we'll find Mr. Cain..... and this parasite" Quinn said confidently.

Hopefully alive...

He turned on his heel and walked towards the Principal's office. I turned back, striding towards my locker when I heard someone call out to me.

"Yolanda!" Brian exclaimed almost breathlessly.

I gave him an annoyed and bored look until I noticed him panting.

"Hey, you ok?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. I just... I've been looking everywhere for you" he finally stated. He closed his eyes while inhaling strongly before peeping at me.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Um.. so... you won't get mad right?" He asked sheepishly, as I slowly shook my head.

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