First Day as an Ultra-Student

Start from the beginning

As I enter the student council room, I saw Rinko doing some paperwork. "Good Morning, Rinko-san." I said. "Oh Good Morning as well, Sayo-san." Rinko replied. I walked over to the table and put my guitar down near it for safekeeping. After, I sat down near Rinko and started a conversation.
Sayo: What are you doing Rinko-san?

Rinko: Ah, just finishing up some paperwork that's all.

Sayo: Is there other stuff that I can help with?

Rinko: None of I can think off.

Sayo: I see.

Rinko: Sayo-san did you hear what happened yesterday?

Sayo: What happened yesterday?
"I know where is this going." I said it on my mind.
Rinko: About a Giant appeared in Tokyo and fought the monster.
Yep, just as I taught. I need to act calm about this and hide my identity as Ultraman Trigger from Rinko.
Sayo: Aw yeah, I heard about that. Why did you ask about it Rinko-san?

Rinko: Nothing.

Sayo: I see. Well, I'm going now to do my usual routine check.

Rinko: Okay.
It seems Rinko has no interest at the moment in my other identity. As I was about to leave the student council room for my usual routine check. Rinko asks something that I fear the most.
Rinko: Sayo-san, what is that hanging from your waist?

Sayo: uhmmm.....ahhhhhh......

Rinko: Sayo-san?

Sayo: Ahhh! A friend gave it to me as a gift for self-protection!

Rinko: Okay.

Sayo: Any other question before I leave, Rinko-san?

Rinko: Nothing to add, Sayo-san.

Sayo: Okay then, see you later.
I exited the student council room and head towards the main gates of the school for my usual routine check.
(Rinko POV)

That's odd, Sayo is acting strange today, I wonder why. I need to ask Ako later.
(Hina POV)

Just a few minutes pass by after me and sis split, I see Lisa and Yukina walking together. I greeted them and started a conversation.
Hina: Yo! Lisa-chan, Yukina-san, good morning!

Lisa: Oh! Hina-chan, good morning!

Yukina: Good morning, Hina-san.

Lisa: Well, Well, it seems you are energetic today, Hina. Any reason for that?

Hina: Well you know, I got verified on Twitter while having a fantastic sister date with sis yesterday!

Lisa: Aw yeah, I totally forgot about that! Congratulations, Hina!

Hina: Hehehe, Thank you, Lisa-chan.

Yukina: It seems that both of you are safe after that bizarre event that happened yesterday.

Lisa: Aw yeah! We saw the news yesterday at Yukina's place during lunchtime.
(Flashback Yesterday at Minato Residents)

News: A mysterious giant and a monster appeared in Central Tokyo this Morning.

Yukina: This is bizarre!

Lisa: You said it right Yukina, it's bizarre!

Mr. Minato: It's been ages since a monster was seen here in Tokyo. They usually appear in rural areas like Numazu.

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