xxvi • too perfect

Start from the beginning

He was fuckin right.


I LEANED BACK in my seat in the café, eyes closed against the neon lights, drowning the nonsensical chatters of my friends—since all they'd been discussing was how whipped I was. My brain went back to the last things that had been said, and it only resulted in my fists clenching, and fingers digging into my palms.

"How's she like in bed?" Austin had asked the question, and I had felt my blood boiled at that instant, because goddamnit, I wasn't planning to get her in bed with me.

"For fuck's sake Austin, I'm not sleeping with her!" I had growled.

"So you guys don't—"


"Good." I wasn't meant to hear it because he'd muttered under his breath, but because he sat close to me, I pretty much heard it—and I couldn't deny how much it had bothered my peace, and brought an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I ran a hand through my brown messy hair, the other bringing my cup of chocolate milkshake to my lips, drowning the last of it—all before the sound of Carla's laugh fell on my ears.

Fuck, that laugh.

It filled up the café, making my eyes to snap open, gaze falling immediately on the girl walking towards us. Her chocolate hair fell into her face and her shoulders shook with laughter at something Bella said. And as I watched her laugh, I noticed that she was a lot more beautiful than I'd thought—anyone would be blind to not have seen it.

My eyes landed on her face when she made her way towards me—the face I could conjure in my dream all in it's ethereal glory. The soft patting of her shoes resonated around the room, instantly catching a few attention.

"Okay, ignore us because your hot girl finally graced our presence," Walter's voice snapped me out of my daze, and I had to roll my eyes, swallowing the urge to snap at him.

Both Bella and Carla had chuckled, and I couldn't deny that just her little chuckle could make me insane. There had been instances where I had no fucking clue how to speak with her or act around her, and it constantly drove me through the roof—because she was all too overwhelming.

As she sat besides me, I took in her appearance; she wasn't wearing anything extraordinary—the white oversized hoodie swallowed her body and went in complementary to the ripped jeans.

"Hey," she gently bit on her lips, releasing it swiftly only to send me a smile—a smile I fell in love with ever since I got to know her. At first glance, I never knew she smiled but when she had given me one—I knew I was a goner.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" I inquired, letting my voice fall into a light mutter so that only she could get it.

"Much better," she sighed, and I had a feeling it wasn't the truth. "Thanks for yesterday."


We had diverted our attention back to the discussion at hand; where Bella had intertwined her fingers with Walter's. "Are you guys excited for Thanksgiving?"

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