The simulation on the viewer changed to include the transporter beam using the engine of the ship. "Yes," said Dam, with elation. "Computer, call Beauf. I want to talk to him in my study." 

A few moments later Beauf came into the study. "You wanted to talk to me?" 

"Sit. I've solved our problems with Amy," said Dam and pointed to the chair across the desk from him.  

An inquisitive look crossed Beauf's face. With his ears perking forward, he took the seat. 

"Computer, show me how far the Valdiar Star would travel from now until say a one man Trans-drive Shuttle would run out of fuel. The shuttle having been fully fueled. Place the calculations on the wall viewer," ordered Dam. As the computer plotted the Valdiar Star's route on the viewer, he turned toward Beauf to see if he was following along so far. 

"So," said Beauf. "The ship will be a few swing jumps closer. I don't get it." 

"Computer, now plot the one man Trans-drive Shuttle on an interception course," said Dam. The computer plotted the course until the shuttle ran out of power. 

"OK, but that is still too far away to do us any good," Beauf said and opened his mouth to continue. 

Dam held up his hand. "Computer, now show the transporter beam's reach, if the ship's engine was used to intercept the shuttle." 

The simulation showed the beam well surpassing the shuttle. "Would this be theoretical possible, Computer?" asked Dam. 

"No," said Beauf. He shook his head and pinned his ears as his face showed his shock.  

"Yes, it would be possible," said the computer. 

"I don't believe it. You would send one of our own on a possibility that the Valdiar Star's engine could be put on line to do a transport. What if it couldn't be done and the person was left in a powerless shuttle, an experimental one at that? They wouldn't have any way to get home and would die," said Beauf in disbelief and added, "Your mating fever must be running very high." 

"It could be done. You have to remember Cat is on the Valdiar Star. She could do all of the modifications needed and monitor the engine," said Dam. He settled in to watch Beauf run this ideal over in his mind. He knew his friend meant well and wasn't upset by his attitude. 

The room fell silent with a strained tension. Dam sat still and let his friend think. 

As Beauf thought about Dam's plan, his ears slowly unpinned from the top of his head. Sitting back in his chair, he said, "Here's what I say we do. We contact Jac and Cat to see if it is really possible and not just a theory." 

"Computer, send a transmission to the Valdiar Star. I want to speak with Jac and Cat. Place Jac on the wall viewer," said Dam with a faint smile on his face. 

"Jac, here." His face appeared on the viewer. 

"Cat, here," she said over the audio system in the study. 

"Good, now we're all here. I want your opinions on something. Cat, I want you to tell me if you can do what I would be needing of you," said Dam. He sent the simulation to Jac and Cat. 

Jac said a word that would have made a space dock worker blush. "This is a wild scheme if I ever saw one." All of the color had faded from his face and he ran a hand through his hair. 

"This could be done. It would not be hard to accomplish at all. Especially, since I have full access to all of Valdiar Star's systems," said Cat. 

"You could really accomplish this?" asked Beauf. His body relaxed as if a giant weight had been lifted off his chest. 

"Wait a minute," said Jac, sitting up straighter. He growled. "How do you have full access to my ship?"  

"You really did not think I would stay on that limited system after Amy was put in danger, did you Jac?" Came Cat's smug reply.  

Dam gave a small chuckle and Beauf soon joined in when a look of horror crossing Jac's face with the knowledge Cat was running loose on his ship. He figured that Cat hadn't been contained on the limited system since Amy had been picked up, if not before then. 

"Now, Dam," started Cat. "When do you want to leave? I will need you to call me when your shuttle's power is just about gone. I will need a few moments to transfer the engine's power to the transporter. You will also need to wear and activate a personal tracer and a space suite." 

Protest broke out from both Jac and Beauf. 

"Did you really think Dam would send anyone else? He is a master in one of the fields of study Santi listed for Amy. He is also her mate, what a better choice?" asked Cat. 

They both fell silent and looked at Dam. Nodding, he gave them a small smile. He knew he could count on Cat to help him through this. 

Cat continued, "Well, when are you leaving and are you going to prepare Amy for your arrival?" 

"I'll be leaving when a shuttle is fully prepared. I'll call Amy at midday to prepare her for my arrival. Could you give her some information about my discipline? I'd like to give her a little warning," said Dam. 

"I will tell her about your exercise program, and that we are getting a master sent to start her training," said Cat. 

"Good," said Dam. "Beauf, I'll leave it up to you to get me a shuttle ready." 

Beauf rubbed the back of his neck and tried another tactic. "Are you ready to spend almost two whole days in a one man shuttle? You've not ridden in any type of shuttle since the accident. Entering one seems to be even more than you can stand." 

Dam leaned back and gave a faint smile. He knew what his concerned friend was trying to do. "If my mate is not worth getting over such a faint phobia then, I don't know what is. You've tried, now go and prepare my shuttle." 

"I'm going to make sure this one is one hundred percent, myself," said Beau, leaving the room. 

"Cat, hopefully I'll be making my midday call from the shuttle. Please track my progress, because I'll be pushing the shuttle as hard as I can. Jac, since Cargo Bay Three has a hole in it, we can pick up the shuttle on our way back." With that, Dam cut off all transmission with the Valdiar Star. I need to get ready for my trip, he thought and left the study to go and meditate in his quarters in hopes to calm down. Beauf was right. This trip was going to take a lot out of him.

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