At present, she's running an NGO after much pleading from her husband. However, she hasn't regretted running the NGO as it gives her bliss whenever she visited there. Seeing little children playing around happily makes her so happy and proud.

"I have to get going too. Um... can I use one of your cars uncle." Nadiya asked, suddenly feeling fremd as this is a first.

"Sure my dear. Here's the key." He gave it to her in no time, still making call when she asked him, she couldn't wait till he finishes making the call because she knows it'll take long.

"Thank you so much." She smiled broadly and left quickly.

She's actually happy that she has learned how to ride a car as it has always been her dream to. She told her aunt about wanting to learn how to drive a car but even though  she herself can drive but she didn't teach her, instead she took her to a driving school and that's where she learnt. That's how she rocked all the car in the house except Uncle's private car which she wouldn't dare come near. Not that she's not allowed, she's feeling scared by the mere sight of the car for some odd reason, but if given chance to ride it, she will not think twice before diving into the car.

She went out without knowing which car key he has given her. But when her eyes darted at the key given to her, she almost fainted. It's his private car! She's literally dancing right now. Not only is it his private car, but it's a freaking 2020 Lexus! Oh she can't wait to ride it down to the school. But what if he needs his car somewhen? Nadiya thought but shrugged it off because she knows he will find a solution to that. By the way, that's not his only car.

She got into the car and turned in the ignition. The vehicle roared to life after turning the ignition eliciting a wide grin from Nadiya.

She reached school just in time while entering the gate. All eyes turned on her which made her smile, exactly what she wants. There are some awing at her while some were curious to see what's going on in the school as they all gathered as if money is being distributed. Some are clearly envious of her. I mean why won't they? Seeing a flashy car entering into the school surely is a first. And they've never been close to such car talk more about riding it.

"OMG is that Nadiya in that expensive car!?" Zaliha said to a friend of hers, entering the school not long ago.

"It sure is." Precious, their course mate replied. Totally stunned.

"Hi girls." Nadiya approached Zaliha's place after getting out from the car.

"Nadiya did you realized that half of the school are gazing at you right now!?" Zaliha exclaimed.

"I know. They're bound to." Nadiya said while shaking the car keys in her hand. An indication to show what she meant.

"Look Nadi, did you see how she's staring at you." Zaliha said, eyes looking elsewhere.


"That Faridah girl. She's so jealous you know." Zaliha intoned, enjoying it.

"Yeah right. Shall we go to class now? Nadiya said, no more feeling the jazz of what she did earlier and also eager to get to class.

"Yeah sure." Zaliha replied and off they went to class.


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