Chapter 53: Encircled

Start from the beginning

He looked at me then at Jess. I smiled at them, kissed Jess goodbye, and made my way out of the mansion. She attempted to follow me but predicted her moves. So I called in Theo, unfortunately, he'd have to bear her bad temper the moment I exit the territory.

I heard her shout already. But the lock was heard too. He managed to block her, at least she won't make a scene before I go.

I went to the packhouse for one last time. I took a long breath. I once thought it would become my new home, somewhere I could bring my mom in, somewhere I could build my family.

I let that breath go with all my useless hopes.

I stepped inside and the air thickened, none uttered a word, scared I would blow their mind. With no consequences at end. They didn't realize how much I was losing.

I crossed paths with the luna and she led me to her office.

Her somber face was not to be dismissed. But she didn't say much either. She took out a file and started explaining.

"This is to be given to the pack Alpha and call in Max while reviewing the file."


I was about to leave the familiar office when she interrupted me.

"Serah dear, What are you not saying?"

She had my whole focus but I had nothing to add. But she did.

"I know Dina and she's a two-faced Gemini, I know she can be cunning when she wants."

I laughed bitterly.

"At least you know that."

I was to go but she had made it difficult for me till the end.

"You need to have the seal on the file. Go to the alpha, he'll do that for you."

She was a wicked queen. I couldn't refuse her last commendation. I made my way to his office and I knocked.

To my surprise, a female voice permitted me to enter. I reluctantly made my way inside and no one was seated at the desk. Though, two silhouettes extremely close to each other on the sofa could be seen. Dina and Jay.

That vixen feigned a terrified shock and jumped closer than she already was on the man next to her. His hands wrapped around her frail shoulder trying to calm down her acting skills.

That for sure, I had to applaud her skills.

For no one to question my acts and assume directly that only a monster could lay a hand on the angel-like pack doctor. She was so good and I was proclaimed the devil itself.

I made my way to his desk not wanting to see the man that was days ago in my arms in someone else's embrace.

He stood up not letting the stranger get any closer to his desk

"I need your pack seal on these documents."

He conturned me and did what he had to do in a hurry, without a word. I took my paper in the sand envelope and rushed outside to interrupt no more their catching up. Or should I?

I wanted to irk her till my last moments here.

"Jay, I actually have something to tell you?"

He looked at me surprised. But listened nevertheless but he didn't seem to have understood.


Then someone actively showed their interest in our talk. She put on her most pitiable eyes. Jay looked more annoyed than anything at my antics.

"Let's go out?"

"Why shouldn't your office permit us more privacy than the crowded rooms of the packhouse?"

Dina looked outraged and Jay didn't know what to do.

"No, she's hurt as you must know. She needs rest."

"If she was in bad shape, why did she leave the hospital?"

Her face screamed red with embarrassment. B*tch, I'm being soft on you. The alpha as the righteous person he was, protected his people.

"Serah if you need anything let's-"

I was tired of trying. I had nothing to tell him and she wasn't about to budge.

"Oh my, how inconsiderate of me, I wasn't reading the mood."

I was about to go but he took my hand eying our dear pack doctor.

"Dina, please, give us some privacy."

With hesitation and every time searching for confirmation she made her way out. The door left a sour sound behind where no one tried to break the unbearable silence.

"I left all the stuff you gave me in the room I stayed in. And here, the keys to your room."

He battled inside trying to choose carefully his last words.

"Did you make her leave for futile details?"

He was pissed. There was nothing left of us. His expression was hard to decipher I stopped trying.

"Wouldn't it be rude of me to showcase our past relationship to your new conquest? Oops, should I say your on and off, girlfriend?"

He growled not a fan of all these tiny spades I was throwing at him, I made my way out so I wouldn't wound his ego any further. I turned around to see his sky eyes. One last time I had to make a few things clear.

"Jayson keep that in mind. When you'll realise once again what you've done, don't you ever come to me ever again, don't you think you have something over me. We're done for good. If I were to see you again it would be because I'm genuinely close with Jess and Briah, nothing more nothing less."

"You no longer mean anything to me."

"I know, now, remember your words, dear mate."


Out, only Kam was waiting for me.


I looked back one more time. And I followed him to his house. While he shifted in privacy, I bid my farewells to the warm family. The kids thought I would come back with their dad, it was heartbreaking to have to explain grown-up actions and consequences.

I simply smiled, I'll eventually come back for them and Jess.

Even if it was untold that I was exiled, the official reason was my stay in Ice Moon.

Kamil came back in wolf form, the kids played with him a bit and Briah gave me his spare clothes to hold.

I waved them goodbye and I was soon swayed by the peaceful wind of the speed. Hours went by like this. It was more comfortable than traveling on Jess but I still had to be careful.

My thoughts predicted my maladroitness. I was flying over the dirt and the dead leaves of the autumn evening.

I looked over Kam sorry to slow us down but I was met with his back. His focus was on the five rogues encircling us.

How did it happen?


Guys!! Serah is out of Red Crescent what do you think will happen? Did you expect her to move out this fast?

Will she go back to her mate or will she continue her route? 

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