When I met you Part 2 (Alex Mattson)

969 32 6

Person: Aleksi Mattson

Warnings: Angst..

Image: You and the band celebrate that Aleksi is now also a part of the band in a club...

Pleas read part 1 before hahahha

Last story for today so have fun


I went to the parking lot in front of my apartment. Niko and Joel were already waiting for me in the car. "Well done, too," said Niko with a smile when I got in. "I'm a woman I need longer than you" I said and nudged Niko lightly.

 "You look good," said Joel who started the car. "Thanks, that's what I wanted to hear, not such stupid comments Niko," I said with a laugh. Then we drove off and got out at the bar. When we passed the bouncer with the black suit and the gold tooth we went into the full room.

 "Hey here we are" we suddenly heard a familiar voice scream. We looked in the direction of the voice and saw Joonas, Aleksi, Tommi and Olli already sitting at a table. We meandered through the crowd to the other boys. 

Niko and Joel slid on the right side to Tommi and I sat down next to Aleksi. When I wanted to sit down, Aleksi kindly slid a bit more. "I have enough space thanks" I said with a smile and he just smiled at me too. 

"Why did it take you so long?" Asked Joonas. "Because of Y / N she had to get ready" said Niko and smiled cheekily at me. But a little later the guys changed the topic of conversation again. "I think you look very good," said Aleksi to me with a smile. 

That damn beautiful smile. "Thank you," I said. "Hey, someone's going to get a drink." I'm going, "I said, getting up."Who comes with I can't pull all that alcohol," I said with a laugh. "I" said Aleksi and I looked at him satisfied.

 Together with Aleksi I meandered through the crowd in the direction of the bar. "6 beers and 1 bottle of vodka" I said to the bartender. I didn't really know what to say to Aleksi, and I just sat next to him at the bar. "Hey alone here "said a man next to me.

 I look at him and Aleksi too. "No, I am not" I said and turned away again and looked forward to the bartender. "The one with the black hair there is your friend sweet" said the man who was still standing next to me. 

Aleksi's look grew dark. "No, he's a friend," I said before Aleksi could say anything. Aleksi was still sitting on the bar stool next to me. It bothered him that the man was so pushy "I thought I mean it's pretty ugly. A beautiful woman like you deserves something hot like me," said the man while he was singing to me a little older than me and already pretty drunk. 

Aleksi was no longer so relaxed. "I would rather date a pig than you" I said to the man and scowled at him. "You fucking bitch" said the man and wanted to take my arm but Aleksi jumped up and pushed him away from me.

 The man was now lying on the floor and I looked around frightened because I didn't expect that."Don't ever call her bitch again" said Aleksi angrily. I had only expected such a reaction from the other guys who have known me for so long, but not from Aleksi, who I only known for 2 weeks. He was more the shy and reserved type. 

The man got up quickly and looked at me and Aleksi angrily. "So is that not your friend but your watchdog" he said with a laugh and hit Aleksi with full force in the face. I stepped back in shock and Aleksi also stumbled back a few steps. 

Aleksi was seething with anger. "You little bitch" said the man and pointed his finger at me. But he couldn't say more because Aleksi hit him back. "What's your fucking problem. Said Aleksi and hit him again.

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