Only you (Niko Vilhelm)

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Person: Niko Vilhelm

Warnings: Light Smut.

Image: You and Niko get married after 3 years relationship

This is a request so normally i don't read things like that but the person was so nice so here is your story.


It was 10 o'clock when I opened my eyes and the rays of the sun hit my face and looked tired at the window. "Tomorrow" said a voice next to me. I turned to the right and saw Niko who was still lying next to me with the covers up to his head. He pulled me to him and kissed me. "Tomorrow" I said with a smile. We stayed a little longer and got up because we had rehearsal for the band.

 I got ready and then we drove to the studio. We rehearsed for a while and somehow the relationship between the boys and me was weird today. They always talked and when I asked then they always said it was nothing like hiding something from me. After the rehearsal, I drove to my apartment because, to be honest, I didn't feel like it anymore.

 I was lying on the couch for a while and was watching my favorite TV show when the doorbell rang. Probably my neighbor who asked again where his cat is because I know that. No I do not know. Annoyed, I went to the door and opened it. In front of me was not my neighbor but the boys and everyone was wearing a suit. I looked at her confused and thought we had some appointment that I had forgotten. 

Joonas, Alex, Olli and Joel had their guitars around their necks which surprised me even more. When they started playing my favorite Nirvana song, I looked even more confused. "Eh folks ..." I didn't get any further because Niko came up to me with a bouquet of flowers. I didn't know what was happening at all and looked at everyone in confusion. 

While the guys played the song softly, Niko started to say something "Y / n I know I'm not always perfect and I know that we are all not always easy but we all love you. And above all I love you you are my dream woman, the only woman I want. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to be on stage with you and I never want to leave you. "

I was shocked because I didn't know what was happening. Niko was getting more and more hectic, he was wanting to be pretty excited. A few seconds later, Niko knelt in front of me. "Y / n you want to be my wife" said Niko while the others looked excitedly at us. I almost started crying for joy. Niko was holding a box with a silver ring in his hand. 

At first I didn't say anything and when I realized what was happening. I nodded hastily "YESSSS" I said and everyone started to cheer. I pulled Niko to me and kissed him with full devotion. Everyone started screaming. "I have beer" said Alex while he lifted a case of beer in the air. Everyone stormed into my apartment and we spent the rest of the evening partying and dancing.


Short I know but I'm tired and this is also my second story for today but hope you enjoyed it :D

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