I want what I can't have Part 5 (Alex Mattson)

801 38 12

Person: Alex Mattson

Warnings: Angst...

Image: After the barbecue and the fight with Niko you drove home and things get not better.

Info Guys: Tomorrow I will post the Niko story and a Joonas story. ( Mabey more because I don't have longs school )


When I got home I was just more exhausted and angry. I threw my keys on the table and put my jacket down somewhere. How could Niko think of me like that. I've always been very close friends with all of the boys and why did that bother him so much now. 

I took my headphones and lay in my bed and briefly forgot everything around me. I just focused on the music in my ears. The whole time I waited for the doorbell to ring and Niko to stand there or for my cell phone to ring and that it was Niko. But neither happened.

 I got up and put my headphones down and went to the kitchen for something to eat. But then I heard the sound I wanted. The doorbell rang. I walked quickly to the door and opened it, but it wasn't Niko who was standing there, it was Aleksi. 

"Hey Y / N so I just wanted to see if everything is okay with you?" he said while he smiled at me. At first I was a little confused and then replied "Yes, everything is fine, I and Niko just fought so I wanted to go home".

 He looked at me uncertainly and said "Y / N I'm sorry that I feel this way about you, I know that's wrong because you're with him. But I can't turn my feelings off for you. I don't want everything to be more complicated do as it is but I love you Y / N ".

 I looked at Aleksi who was still standing at the door frame. I saw how broken he looked and I knew that he had no one to talk to about his feelings because I was with Niko. I wanted to say something but then decided to just hug him. 

"I'm sorry Aleksi" I mumbled into his sweater while hugging him tightly. I pulled away from him again and looked into his blue eyes.

A tear rolled down his cheek. I took his face in my hands. "Y / N I don't know what to do next". I could quickly hear the pain in his voice. Our faces were still so close I could feel his breath. "I want to forget you but I can't" said Aleksi while he swallowed and another tear rolled down his cheek. 

"I don't just want to see you every day, I want to laugh with you. I want to cry with you. I want to watch stupid films with you in the evening. I want to eat with you.

 I want to feel you touch you". I still held Aleksis face in my hands and my breath caught at his words. I didn't know what made me do it but I put my lips on his and we kissed. Aleksi took my face in his hand and returned the kiss immediately, a sound behind us terrifying us. 

I look out into the corridor and see Niko standing behind Aleksi. Aleksi also turns around. Niko just looked at us and said nothing. "Niko .." I tried to say something but before that he turned around and walked away quickly. Aleksi wanted to run after him but he was already gone.


Hope you liked it !

I try to post tomorrow 3 stories ! Today i was with my school in a amusement park ( It was so funny) and we came home so late so I'm sorry today is not coming more.

Love ya thank you for 13 k readers :D

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