Only yours(Alex Mattson)

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Person: Alex Mattson / Blind Channel (Request)

Warnings: Talk , jealous...

Image:  Y/n is not a part of the band but she sometimes helps them with beats and some other things. But her boyfriend Alex gets slowly angry because she is hanging out with the other members of the band to.

Its it is a late Friday evening and Y/n is on the couch that is standing in the left corner of the Studio from Blind Channel. Y/n knowing the band since 2 years and she often helps them with some beats or some parts with the guitar cause she plays guitar since she is 12 years old. After she meets Alex in a bar and comes together with him 3 months later she is a little part of the band now. 

"Hey, you want something to drink too," Alex said to me with a smile on his face. He was waiting hopefully for an answer from me. I said yes and thanked you. He smiled at me again and then left. My focus was now on the piece of paper in front of me that Joel gave me a few minutes ago. The lyrics of their new song. I was supposed to have a look at him while he went to rehearse with the others in the next room. I found the text pretty good but wanted to improve the 2 part a bit. So I took a piece of paper and rewrote it a little.

 When it got quiet in the next room I knew they were done. For a few moments all 5 stood in front of me and looked curiously at me. Joel, Nico and Joonas sat next to me on the couch and the other two went back into the studio and cleaned up there.

 I explained to Joel and the others what I would change and why. "I think that's better than your text Joel" said Joonas with a grin on his face. We laughed and then looked at Joel. At first he didn't say anything but then said "guys, I thought we would stick together". We just laughed more and we didn't notice that Alex was just coming back in to the door with drinks.

 Joel took a pillow and threw it at Joonas who reacted quickly and wanted to throw it back at him but met Nico instead. Of course Nico joined in and then it turned into a wild pillow fight between the four of us. Joel started to tickle me. 

But then he stopped and said, astonished, "Hey Alex, you're back with the drinks because we thought we'd have to send a search group". Everyone laughed and Nico took the drinks from Alex and put them on the table in front of the couch. But Alex still looked very serious and found it less funny.

 When the others concentrated on their work I was going to Alex, who was now sitting on a chair across from the Couch, and smiled expectantly. But he didn't show much interest and just looked at me briefly. I thought he was just tired after all, it was late and we had been in the studio all day so I decided to go to the others who were his recording area.

I stood in the corner of the recording room and watched the others practice. Alex also watched me through the pane that separated the room I was in before with the other from the one I was now. I looked at him again because I thought it was strange that he was all alone in the next room, but Alex only looked into his smartphone. He was probably just tired.

A voice tore me from my thoughts "Boo" said Joel behind me while he grabbed my tail and tickled me. I looked around at him, shocked. He smiled because his attempt to scare me had worked. I laughed but punched in vengeance gently on his upper body.

 However, we were interrupted by a loud slam of a door and looked through the pane in which Alex was sitting before, but he was no longer sitting there but must have gone fully through the door outside. 

"You know what he's got before everything was okay," Joel said to me with a questioning look. I stared at him and shook my head as a sign of no. "I'll go and see him, you will continue with the song here," I said worriedly. Joel nodded and went back to the others while I headed towards the door to check on Alex.

 When I went out I saw Alex sitting on a bench with a cigarette in his hand. I walked up to him slowly and said "Hey Alex is everything okay?". He turned to me in astonishment and watched me briefly and then said, somewhat bored, "yes, I just need a break", then turned back and looked into the distance. 

But I decided not to give up and sat down with him. "Did I do something Alex?" I asked confused. He drew from his cigarette once and then said with a little louder voice "Y / n it's all right, just go back in to the others and play a pillow fight". 

I looked at him in amazement that now I knew what he had he was jealous. "Alex are you jealous?" He was now looking me straight in the eye. "

 "You ask me if I'm jealous when other men touch you and you enjoy it?" At first I was a bit shocked because I didn't think that would bother him because the band was like a family, they weren't strange men. "Alex," I said in a low voice, "I didn't know that this bothers you, we just made a sudden sensation, you know that I love you". He looked at me again and I saw the grip on the bottle that he now had in his hand tightened. 

"Y / n it bothers me when you give other men more attention than me and it bothers me when they look at you like men do and it bothers me when they touch you because I love you so damn y / n! " he said and a tear rolled down his cheek.

 I looked at him startled and wanted to hug him. "Alex I love you and only you" I said while I moved closer to him and stroked his cheek. "You're the only one for me and you don't need to care how others look at me because you're the one who has me next to you at the end of the day. You are the one I want." I give him a soft kiss on his soft lips and he smiles at me. 

"Hey guys is everything okay" said a voice from the door. i looked back and it was Nico. " Yeah everything is okay we will come back in" Alex said while looking at me. Nico was going back in while me and Alex stand up. " I love you so much this is why I'm so fucking jealous  I'm sorry babe". I smiled at Alex and kissed him again. " I know you idiot" i said while laughing. He laughs too and then we both were going in.


Let me know if you liked the story 

And you want a part 2 of this story ? With some smut in it ?

Request are open!!!!!!!!!

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