Connection with the Light

Start from the beginning

After doing my household chores, I head towards the living room and watch some documentaries on the television. "It seems that there is one documentary that has my interest," I said. It is all about Ancient Ruins that were recently discovered under Tokyo last month by the Ohara Foundation. It seems that the documentary talks about an ancient civilization way back millions of years ago that was saved by a race called Ultras. I said after reading the synopsis: "I have only known that humans and animals are the only ones living on earth, but never knew that there was a race called Ultra."

I was about to hit the play button on the remote to play the documentary but then, I saw Sis leaving her room with a guitar bag hanging from her back. "Hey Sis, heading out somewhere?" I asked.

"Yes Hina, I'm heading out to CiRCLE for band practice. But don't worry I promise to you that I will be back before 4:30 pm this afternoon," she said after hearing my question. "Okay, Sis! Have fun out there and keep safe!"
(Sayo POV)
I'm truly grateful to have a sister especially a twin-sister like Hina. "You too Hina, keep safe and Smile, Smile, Smile Hina!" after saying it to her, she smiled and said in a teasing way: "Hehe Sis, got the Kokoro Smile Virus!" When I heard that from Hina, I instantly reply: "It's not a Kokoro Smile Virus rather, it's because of you Hina." after saying that I open the door of our home apartment and head to CiRCLE for practice.

"Oh my, it sure is beautiful sunny weather today!" I said after leaving the apartment complex where Hina and I live for many years. As I walk to the station, I tried to forget the dark nightmares that I have been experiencing for the past two weeks, but it was no use. I always remember it every time if I think about it. Anyways, my objective is to play my guitar and protect Hina's happiness and her smile.

As I arrive at the station that will lead me to CiRCLE, I see a familiar face, and funny enough it was Ako. She was a little drowsy possible that she is tired or got less sleep last night. Without hesitation, I asked: "Good morning, Ako-san." after I said in a welcoming voice, Ako turn towards my voice and said: Oh, Hello Sayo-san! Good morning!" Then after hearing her words, we started a short conversation while waiting for our ride.
Sayo: Ako-san, did you get enough sleep last night?

Ako: No, I arrived back home around 2 am this morning.

Sayo: I see, but why?

Ako: I thought it was just a meeting until it leads to a surprise birthday party for my boss since it was her birthday.

Sayo: Oh, but it seems it was fun since you return home late?

Ako: Yeah, it was fun but I can't drink since I'm still underage.

Sayo: That's sad.
(Sayo POV)
The train has arrived. We boarded it and surprisingly weren't busy even though it was rush hour. Then we continue our conversation until we reach the next station in which is near CiRCLE.
Sayo: Ako-san, I have a question.

Ako: Sayo-san, I'm listening.

Sayo: I heard about the discovery of an ancient civilization under Tokyo by the Ohara Foundation. What are those called "Ultras"?

Ako: Well, the only information we gather base on the scriptures that was written on the walls is that the ultras are the saviors of our ancestors from the darkness.

Sayo: What darkness?

Ako: Well, we still don't know until now. Besides, Yesterday, we recently discovered that these ancient ruins are shaped like an upside-down pyramid with three levels and we still at the first level, the top level. My exploration team will start their journey to the second level today. I hope we can get more information about the ultras and the darkness.

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