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As the two puffballs hugged one another on the beach, Kirby had been gathering up all of their friends to go against Dedede. They all adored how cute the couple were together and weren't allowing Dedede to take that away from them. And, considering how they'd spent their lives deprived of relationships, it was incredibly cruel of him to do so.

Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, Dark Meta Knight, Morpho Knight, Maddie and Becca had all tried to concoct a plan to end the situation as a whole. They were all sick of the King's selfish antics and wanted it to be over. There was the choice to object at the wedding, refusing to allow it to go further.

But there was no guarantee that their plan would work.

"My my my oh my, another group of one's lost for words at the scene. An awful crime indeed, your swordsman friend has been taken by a monarch incredibly mean. However, is there a possible chance for him to redeem?" Saffron's voice chanted, her mask making it so her voice sounded different to its usual soft tone.

She spoke in poetry, and her words were hard to decipher. What did she mean by all that?

"Hmph, you know of what's going on but refuse to stop it, don'cha? If I were you, I'd stop sitting here and listen to her! Who? The stranger in front of you who is telling you to do something." She scolded.

"But we don't know what to do, so how are we supposed to get him back?" Kirby whined in his defence.

"Tsk, go to the wedding and tell him what's what. You think a sweet, innocent girl became the leader of a gang by sitting still and looking pretty? Suffering in silence won't help anything, so get your candy ass up and give him a piece of your mind." Saffron told him, a more demanding tone in her voice.

"But, who even are you?" (Y/n) asked her.

From her appearance, she looked to be the same species as Becca and Maddie: a form of concoction consisting of human, dark matter and light matter. Her pointy ears also were an indication to the suggestion.

Adjusting her mask slightly, she huffed,"We don't have time for intros. When we're finished here, I'll tell you what's what."


The King had decided that the wedding should be on the beach, by the waters that glistened in the moon's light. He was the only one with a say in every arrangement made, meaning he was solely designing the place by himself.

Many Waddle Dees were working hard on the structures Dedede had sketched for the wedding, as a final draft.

Once it was finished, he stood back and admired the final product of their labour. If the wedding wasn't against a certain someone's will, then it could've been described as enchanting. It's appearance alone was striking and bold. There was a pathway of silk down the centre of two crowds of chairs. In total, there were six rows of twelve chairs on each side, each chair was a white, metal fold up chair with a bow on the back of each one and a silken blanket over them. The carpet down the centre of them was a bleached white colour with a golden trim down each side. In the corners of the carpet were small golden bows made from the additional ends of the thread. The arch stood tall, with faux flowers winding around each side and a large crowd of pink roses at the top, accompanied by two doves for the occasion. The podium stood behind the arch and was on a slight platform with the décor. It took three steps to get up on the platform, and the arch reached from one side of the platform to the other.

Guests filtered in, rather hyper for the occasion. Yes, it had been a while since something as big as a wedding had happened and, hey, maybe the King would be happy for once and leave them alone? All of that for the cost of Meta Knight's freedom.

Dedede was in his room, fixing his black bow tie and admiring himself in the mirror. One could assume he'd reverted back to his old ways, meaning he was egotystical and had no integrity, as well as no dignity and no pride. Well, he took pride in his appearance at least.

With a swift, confident wink, Dedede made it clear he was ready to go out and hastily threw his baby blue tuxedo over his broad shoulders. He wondered what his groom would look like, maybe he would get all dressed up for the event he hoped never would take place.

Since Dedede made the choices, he decided that Meta would walk down the isle for whatever reason. So, he stood patiently under the arch in hopes that nobody would ruin his special day.

That couldn't have been less inaccurate.

(Y/n) had been forming a plan with the others to foil Dedede's plans. They were going to crash the wedding, a cliché thing I know, and show Dedede who really ruled Dreamland. Saffron, however, had..different plans. Let's just say that she had a different approach she wanted to use, despite telling them to use their words and not their weapons.

The miserable, magenta swordsman tried to place his hope in his friends, but it was difficult when the King of Dreamland was the one who posed a threat.

When they arrived at the wedding, the fiances were already under the arch as Dedede made his vows.

"I, Dedede, vow to always be by his side. In sickness and health, for richer or poorer and whatever other babble there is to go along. I do." Dedede chattered.

A Waddle Dee's eyes watered,"Oh, this is the worst wedding ever.." It said as it wiped it's eyes with a handkerchief.

Though reluctant to, (Y/n) lead their friends down the isle,"I have an objection to make, your majestwat!" (Y/n) yelled, raising a hand in the air as they paced towards him.

A glint came from Saffron's eyes as they began to argue. Under the cover of darkness, she would be able to do what it was she wanted to do.

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