Stella's flashback

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Stella slumped down wearily in the pilot's seat. What made her do all that? Try and kill one of the only few star warriors that remained; how could she be so..uptight? How could she be so immature and hesitant on accepting the fact that it wasn't his fault? Maybe, he was right. Maybe, she was the one who was wrong. Sighing, she sipped her coffee in deep thought. Damn, she had really screwed everything up now, hadn't she?

Getting up, she decided to check the ship for damages. Surprisingly, there were none. It looked like the only damage done was the damage she endured in the battle. That reminded her, why didn't she use her elemental skills in the duel? She had been studying black magic for years, and she really got the hang of it. That's what corrupted her, the magic. The power had gotten to her head and she decided it would be a great idea to use it to crush her opposition and anyone who had betrayed her.
With yet another sigh, she thought to herself about the war. How scarring it was and what pain she experienced.


The beast had me on the ground. Blood poured out of almost every pore in my body, as I gasped for air. I couldn't break free of their grasp, and I found myself screaming for help. Nobody was around me, I was only surrounded by the corpses of the fallen star warriors; it was horrifying. Yet, in the distance, I swear I saw an old acquaintance. Gagging and gasping, I screamed his name in desperation but he never helped. In horror and disbelief, I watched him leave in his silver starship. "No! Get off of me!" I found myself trying to escape their grasp but they were too strong in comparison to my weak state. In a desperate, final attempt, I recited an old spell my ancestors used as a last resort. All of the beasts pinning me down were flung backwards. I had time to escape! Running meekly, I searched for an escape vehicle; I couldn't find one! Frustrated, I continued running, scavenging for any evacuated star ships or anything, anything at all! Nothing. Surely, that meant I would did here. But, I don't want to die here! There's so many star warriors destined to be trained. Destiny, maybe destiny was written to kill me off. Perhaps, I was supposed to die here, maybe this was my death bed. No, if destiny wanted me to die, she'd have to try harder. And, if I wanted to escape, I'd have to try harder. Pounding a hole in the ground in frustration, I tried to calm down. A crowd of monsters and demon beasts had caught up with me, shit! They had really pissed me off, now. Reciting another spell, I managed to wield fire in my bare hands. Setting them alight, I laughed maniacally. They made us suffer for so long, now it was their turn! Summoning my spellbook, I found a spell that would teleport me to safety...or somewhere away from there at least. Taking my chances, I chanted the words written on the ancient papers.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself on a completely alien planet, one I hadn't heard of. I knew which solar system I was in..I think? It was that solar system with Earth, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and all them. Was I on Earth? I stole a glance around, to see the familiar species that I recognised, humans. As much as I enjoyed relaxing here every now and then, humans could be such assholes. I honestly didn't want to be here but there was no way I could find my way back to where ever I was. Then again, there are probably monsters and demon beasts heading towards Earth as we speak. I would have to hurry and find shelter. Long ago, I lived on Earth as an inhabitant. Now, I hardly ever even saw Earth's familiar appearance. "Huh, it really had changed one hell of a ton." I gently said to myself. Hey, I wasn't wrong though. The last time I was here, women were restricted to long dresses with itchy sleeves and tight corsets. Now, they looked so casual and their clothing looked more comfortable, good for them! Apparently, there was a war that had happened while I was gone but I'm sure it's over now. Besides, why would they want to fight each other?
Opening a portal, I stepped through it to find myself on a planet bursting with supplies! It would be wise to make a ship of some sort, to avoid what happened today and prevent it from reoccurring. As I wondered what the appearance of my ship should look like, I thought of the Star Warrior who left me behind. I knew most of my Star Warrior piers, and quite a bit about each of them. Since I was a loner, I found entertainment by learning about my comrades. Whether it be confidential info or just something they're a bit secretive about; I would find out. I'm pretty sure the person who left me behind was a he, his name being Meta Knight. Close friend of Jecra, whom had to be slain due to possession. I couldn't get over the fact that he had left me behind to die, what a maniac! If there was something else I knew about him, it was that he's polite and respectful. Definitely polite to leave me behind to die! One thing I knew about him, that he didn't want anyone to know, was his appearance. I'd seen him take his mask off before, and I've known what he looks like ever since. Possibly, on my tier list it goes as one of the most confidential secret I know. Well, I'm not supposed to know but I do. Whilst I got lost in my thoughts, I had still been drawing and my ideas on the paper weren't that bad. Eventually, I had to stop thinking about the past, I have to think about the future. And

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