The skies were streaked with dashes of clouds. A silenced atmosphere had formed as the two lovers gazed across the rippling waves, staring directly at the horizon that laid beyond.

Their relationship had been a sort of on and off one, with them hardly able to make time for one another despite having all the time in the world.

It was apparent that they still valued their independency and didn't want to become too reliant on the other. They weren't sure what exactly was going on, and what direction their relationship was taking, but they were there for the ride and to see how it panned out.

Sitting on the beach, neither of them wanted to speak. They had gone from rivals to friends to lovers in a few mere steps. It amused many of their friends and annoyed a fair handful too.

For a moment, they took in all the beach had to offer; the vague salty scent, the soft carpet of sand and the collection of shells lining the beach.

Slowly but surely, Galacta Knight snaked his hand over Meta Knight and clutched it tightly. His gauntlet gave a slight clink at the motion, but remained otherwise silent.

He felt Galacta Knight's hand on his own and he held it tenderly. Though they hardly expressed it, there had been a strong bond formed between the two of them whether it showed through or not. If one of the were harmed, the perpetrator would be murdered, nonetheless.

Leaning up against Meta Knight, Galacta Knight snuggled with him gave an affectionate smile, which he returned.

Dedede watched in the distance as his crush fell further and further out of his grasp. What had he done in his lifetime to deserve such a heart wretching punishment? To watch as someone he held dear and treasured found interest in someone else and ignored his efforts and affection?

He never had any luck with love, and he assumed that would change when he fell for him, for Meta Knight. But it didn't, it only worsened. With the Knight serving at the castle, he would only be reminded of how his actions had affected him for the rest of his life. If only he had shoot his shot and tried.

His gloved hands clenched into a fist as he watched the two swordsmen cuddle together on the beach. A trail of tears streamed down his flustered face as he could only stand still in horror.

Soon enough, he felt a hand in his own. Saffron gave him a reassuring smile as she tenderly rubbed his hand with her thumb and held it. The envy he had leaked out of him like a form of acid, making it certainly obvious when he was jealous of someone.

"Dedede, you don't have to feel this way. It's alright if you feel that way towards him, but you have to keep in mind that he's a person too and is entitled to an opinion of his own." She told him, pitifully losing herself in his eyes.

The usual, optimistic glisten that his eyes always had to offer had faded away into the deep pool of hatred that lurked within him. His envy couldn't be contained and had been bottled up for long enough, or so he though.

Throwing her aside, he stomped on over to the lovers as they linked hands and smiled at one another.

With the brute force Dedede had provided, Saffron ended up hitting her arm on the ground and got a bruise. Her opinion in him had shifted but she was determined to help him see change. If only he compromised his awful attitude to a more likeable one..

A darkening expression grew in his face and he balled his fists hatefully. From what could be interpreted, he was clearly going to give the two a piece of his mind.

The sunset in the background made for a perfectly romantic setting. Unaware of the scene going on with Dedede and Saffron, Galacta got down on one knee.


Dedede came over the hill and saw the shine from the ring in the ring box that Galacta held. He froze in shock before running towards the two of them.

"Meta, you mean the world to me. All of the power, the title, the all means nothing if I don't have you to share it with. You'd make me the happiest Knight in the world if you accept my proposal.."

The navy swordsman was still in his position, he was wordless and tears of joy streamed down his mask face.

"Y-Yes!" He cried as he threw his arms around his lover,"I accept!"

Dedede snarled at it all, he felt so betrayed that he didn't know what to do. "Hey, Galacta. You need my permission to get marriage, y'know? I'm the King so yous need my approval!" He yelled, his hands cupped around his beak to boost the volume of his voice.

The magenta Knight began to shake,"B-But Dedede, you know that we love eachother and you can't do this to us!"

A smirk crossed his face,"Wait, if I'm the one who decides how this marriage thing works then I declare that Meta will marry me!"

Both knights stared at him as he thought he had made a very ingenious plan. Neither of them wanted to let him in in the fact that marriage didn't work like that, in case he made it all worse.

Saffron came exhaustedly running from behind and and caught her breath before speaking. In a worn out voice, she gasped,"De..Dedede, you don't have the power do that.."

Rolling his eyes at her statement, he shrugged and insisted that, as ruler of Dreamland, he had whatever power he considered worthy for a king.

"No, that unfair. You can't do this, I refuse to allow it." Saffron snapped.

"You were meant to be my friend. Oh well, everyone backstabs big bad Dedede. I don't need friends anyway, I'll have Meta Knight and we'll be happy as we are." Dedede snickered in a love sick sounding tone.

Saffron crossed her arms and threatened in a low voice,"Do you know who I am, Dedede? I'm the sister of Becca and Maddie and possess powers far more powerful than you could picture in your wildest dreams."

Away in Dreamland (Kirby fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon