School doesn't rule

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A few hours later.

Dedede pressed a button on his throne. The usual screen popped down from the ceiling and Susie was on it. "Hello, King Dedede. What do you need?"
"I need me a monster roblox thingy."
Dedede shouted. Susie stared at him. "What for? Y'know these aren't toys." Susie scolded. Dedede shrugged. "But I wants me somethin' I can toy around with!" He shouted. Susie rolled her eyes, "Pick up the magazine. Have a look through. I'll be here for when you've picked one." The screen went dark. The King flicked through the magazine. He didn't know how to read so he picked the nicest looking one out. "This one is red and blue, I like this." He switched the screen on and say Susie doing some writing. "Ay, can I get this one. It's looks pretty."
Susie rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Can you even read, Dedede?" She quite embarrassedly asked him. He blinked twice. He denied it. "I can't actually read.."
"Well then, I'll have to see what I can do about it. Obviously this is useless to you if you hardly even know what we are on about. I'll send some builders over to build a school to teach you and the Cappies how to read and write. After a term, we'll see how far you've come. This is on the house. Sayonara~" Susie signed off. She felt humiliated.

Some robots were sent to start the construction of the new school. It wasn't that bad and didn't have evil teachers. Unlike NME, Haltmann sent robotic teachers. Some were stricter than others and some weren't going to tolerate bad students shit. News spread about the school and most Cappy kids enrolled. "That's sounds fun, me and Tuff should go!" Tiff recommended to her parents. Lady Like and Sir Ebrum liked the idea but Tuff wasn't too open to difference. "We don't have a uniform so we can wear what we like. And I've heard the food will be good." Tiff tried swaying Tuff. Eventually, she managed to win him over.

"Well, I can only assume you'll enroll as well in the new school." Meta Knight said to Kirby. "I'm not too sure how I can help supervise you, considering I myself can't enroll." He sighed. Becca heard. "I could enroll..?" She suggested. Meta Knight thought about it. "I suppose that would work."
Becca smiled. "Anything for a good friend." She proudly told him, putting up a thumbs up and beaming from ear to ear. Under his mask, Meta Knight smiled. Becca could see it and it made her smile wider. "I can tell you're smiling."
Kirby was completely oblivious to what was going on. Just like other Cappies, she could hear what he said and not just a load of poyos. "What's going on? He asked them. "I'm gonna come to school with you so I can keep an eye on you. I'll make sure nothing bad happens!" She promised him.

A few months later.

The school was finished and the first term was about to start. Of course, Dedede was enrolled in the school and so was Escargoon. Tiff, Tuff, Kirby and Becca along with the various other Cappy children were also taking classes. Everyone sat patiently at their desks, except Dedede. He had his feet on the table and was scrunching up balls of paper to throw at Kirby. Becca was aware of this. "Oh no you don't." she muttered under her breath. He turned around to throw a ball of paper at Kirby but Becca made it hit him in his face. The class burst into an uproar of laughter. The teacher finally came into the classroom. It looked like a Cappy but it was made of metal. "Welcome students. I will be teaching you how to write and read this term."

Days went by.
Then weeks.
Then a month.
Then two months.
Then three months.
Then the term was over.
Just like that.
Everyone who was there had learnt how to read and write efficiently. Of course, they didn't just do reading and writing. They did a bit of history and geography and mathematics.

Dedede was very proud of how far he had came. He wasn't top of the class but it was still quite an improvement. Tiff was top of the class without doubts. However, now Dedede could read, he could now order robots...

Uh oh...

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