On the way..!

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The Star Allies continued on their way to find the Jamba Heart. As they continued down the canyon, a bizarre creature appeared before them. Before they could realize what was going on, it attacked them viciously. Of course, the Knights were already a step ahead...literally. Drawing their weapons, they fended off the beast. Using an unhygienic claw, the untamed maniac swiped and hit Morpho Knight. Like a magnet, Dark Meta Knight rushed to the side of his fallen ally. Stroking his cheek, Dark Meta Knight started to aid his mound lovingly.
"I don't think he just wants to normalize kissing the homies. I think he wants one of the homies." Maddie smirked, she found it amusing. "I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just kinda funny how the Knight Bois went from being a group of close friends to two couples."
"I do get your point." Becca said, giving Maddie a look of understanding.
Using a sword spin, Meta Knight managed to defeat the fiend with the assistance of Galacta Knight.
(Y/n) bounded towards the heroic puffballs, carefully inspecting them for any wounds or damage that had been dealt. Nope, they looked fine and generally unbothered by the battle.
Slightly groaning, Dedede lifted his mallet onto his shoulder. "The sun's settin', we'd be best to set up a camp for the night. How many tents we bring?" He sighed, tiredly.
Everybody looked around, nobody was holding a bag with camping equipment..
"Eh, chill. I got this." Becca triumphantly smirked.
"Fantastic! Who's sleeping with who?" Maddie cheerfully asked.
Yes, Maddie for a lot of absurd looks.
"I meant in tents together! I did not mean in it like that." Maddie reassured, embarrassedly.
Becca constructed 7 tents from thin air.
Here's the arrangements;
•Dedede and Escargoon
•Meta Knight and Galacta Knight
•Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee
•Becca and Maddie
•(Y/n) and Rick
•Adeleine and Ribbon and Susie
•Dark Meta Knight and Morpho Knight

After everybody had settled into their tents for the night, Maddie and (Y/n) carefully covered out to observe the night sky. Someone had already beat them to it.

"What are you doing out so late, shouldn't you be asleep?" A voice considerately questioned.
(Y/n) turned to see an all-too-familiar puffball. For once, he had his mask off with his cape tucked around him warmly. "Oh, we're just looking at the stars. I actually still feel awake." (Y/n) nervously muttered, hardly audible.
Maddie just meekly, put her hands in her pockets. "And I was just checking on everyone cause it is my job." She lied.
He laughed at her pathetic excuse. "Maddie, you obviously aren't out to check on anyone."
"Ay, shut up. As if you can tell if I'm lying or not." She cheerfully laughed back.
"I can tell, Maddie. Besides, you've probably planned something to do while we are asleep. I know how you hardly sleep, because I've seen you around the castle at the crack of dawn."
It was true, she was known to roam the castle at ridiculous times. "Welp, I've been caught. Why don't we all talk then?" Maddie suggested.
(Y/n) shrugged, it was something they were willing to do. As Meta Knight started up a campfire, Maddie summoned marshmallows. "Why do we need them?" He asked, confused.
"I refuse to starve to death! Also, campfire tradition is to roast marshies on the open fire. Earth's campfire tradition." Maddie shrugged.
(Y/n) stared over at Meta Knight, how different he looked without his mask. Even though they were fairly close, he still masked his face. Then again, their kind did that to assert a more fearsome tone into their appearance. They then shivered, trying their best not to show that they were cold. The weather was quite frigid and it wasn't such a good idea to be outside so late. Now, the fire was lit and it warmed them up. "Mmm, it's nice and toasty." (Y/n) whispered, a small smile creeping across their face.
"Ay, we told you why we were out now you tell us why you are out your tent." Maddie only just realized.
"Considering I am haunted by the thoughts of war, I think that should explain itself." He muttered.
"And, your mask is off, why's that?" Maddie kept pushing him with questions.
"Am I not allowed to take it off?" He sarcastically snickered.
"Ahah, you have a point. Yeah, I shouldn't be so harsh. I'm sorry." She apologised, sincerely.
Nervously sweating, she diverted her vision and made it unintentionally more awkward. A silence had been formed, like a layer of skin. Nothing could bee seen but the shining of the stars and the flames of the fire, desperately scraping the air above it.
Shallow breaths were the only noise that could be heard until.
"This silence sucks. Anyway, let's talk." Maddie nervously offered.
"I'd love a conversation, but what about?" (Y/n) cheered.
"Well, you seen how close Dark Metty is with Morpho Knight? It's so cute, DMK tryna express himself. I find it so adorable because he tries his best to be so edgy but the way he acts around Morpho is just.." Maddie put a hand on her chest, where her heart would be. "It's just the cutest thing I've ever seen!" She ranted.

Both of the puffballs looked at her as if she were a complete stranger. "I got carried away, didn't I?" She meekly chuckled.
They didn't know what to say, to be honest. "I see what you mean, but you are a bit too hyperactive about everything going on." Meta Knight told her.
"I just want a relationship, but I'm scared of being broken again." Maddie grinned.

Okay, I feel completely burned out and I have no ideas of what to do. So, what will I do, you may ask? An ask me anything. For the next chapter, the characters will answer questions in the comments so make sure to put *Plenty* of questions and things in the comments. You can ask them anything or dare them to do things, anything you want. If there are tons then it may be hard to fit them all in but they'll try answer them all along their journey. Go ahead and comment a few things to your fave character ;)

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