Easter Special 2 🎉

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Still no eggs had been found yet..Or at least nobody had came to the throne room to collect their prize. Such a shame, maybe her idea was a flop? Perhaps she should see what was going on. Going invisible, she told her clone to keep watch. "Yes, ma'am." They saluted.

With (Y/n), Kirby and the Knight Bois.

"Hey, what's that in the bush?" (Y/n) pointed out, going to inspect the gleaming object. Producing it from the bush, they found out it was a shiny golden egg! "Wow, is this a special one?" Kirby asked, in awe.

"We'll have to see, won't we?" Meta Knight told them.
None of them knew what the golden pigment of the egg meant.
"Why don't we take it to the castle? I mean, we could ask Becca." Galacta Knight suggestively stated. No need to go to the castle when Becca was right there. Turning visible again, she congratulated them. "Congrats! You found one of three golden eggs, meaning you get a prize even grander than a normal Easter Egg." She giggled.
"I'll show you what you deserve."
Taking (Y/n) by the hand, she lead them onwards to the exchange room. Gently, Becca put the golden egg into a basket and wrote (Y/n)'s name on a list on the wall. Her clone sorted through a pile of boxes and found it. " Which one again?" She questioned.
"The more decorated one with the pendant in it." She confirmed.
"Alright, I was thinking that." Clone Becca said, lifting a box. All of the others observed the scene as it unveiled.
"There we go, enjoy your prize!" Becca cheered. "You can help your friends find eggs too and they'll get a prize. "

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind!" (Y/n) smiled as they walked out the door.
Maybe that was some useful information...

Meanwhile, with Tiff, Tuff, Fololo and Falala...

"I've found some!" Tuff shouted, pulling out some eggs from the carton in the kitchen.
"I don't think they're Easter eggs, Tuff.." Falala whispered.
"They definitely are." Tuff barked.
"They're normal eggs, Tuff. I thought you would know that." Tiff scowled.
"I found something!" Fololo said, pulling a small nest of plastic eggs from behind a knife block. "These are what we're looking for, Tuff." Tiff said, sassily glaring at Tuff.
"As if I would know.." Tuff muttered to himself.
"Well, let's go and get the prize now!" Falala celebrated.

"Okay, there's four of you and there are five eggs." Becca analysed. "So you will need to put one egg back where you found it."
"Do we not get the rewards then?" Tiff asked.
"Oh yes, you get the rewards but if you don't put that egg back then someone won't be able to win." Becca frowned.
"Ok, well we will do that next then." Tiff smiled.
"Clone, I'll need four average Easter Eggs for the peeps." She commanded.
"Yes, at once." She saluted, bringing over four average Easter eggs. Tiff did notice that she'd said average. "What do you mean by average?" Tiff questioned.
"There are gold, silver and bronze eggs as well as these. So, if you find a gold, silver or bronze then you get better prizes. There are 5 bronze, 1 silver and 2 gold." She informed.
"That makes no sense, gold is more expensive than silver." Fololo stated.
"Master's orders. He said that silver is better in her opinion." Becca told.
"You were inconsistent with their pronouns, are they a she or a he?" Tiff pointed out.
"They go by any pronouns." Becca laid back on the throne. "Now, go do whatever you gotta do. And take back that egg while your at it. Also, I'll need your names." Becca snarled.
"Oh, mine's Tiff, this is my brother Tuff and these are my friends, Fololo and Falala." She introduced.
"I know about you two but I didn't know your friends." She smirked, taking four eggs out of their basket and putting them with (Y/n)'s egg. "Put down the names, Clone." Becca commanded.
"At once."
Now the list had four names on it.

With (Y/n), Kirby and the Knight Bois.

"I've not seen any eggs yet other than my one." (Y/n) sighed.
"Maybe this was a prank? Maybe there aren't any for the rest of us.." Kirby almost cried.

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